Peterson – MVP or Rushing Record?

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Will AP win league MVP or break the single season rushing record?


    I sure hope he wins the MVP, although it will probably go to Peyton Manning as the as the NFL glorifies the QB position.

    Week in and week out AP works his tail off on the field and has single handedly kept this team in the playoff hunt. If that’s not the definition of an MVP, I don’t know what is.

    The only thing that can stop AP is his QB!

    Posts: 125


    I sure hope he wins the MVP, although it will probably go to Peyton Manning as the as the NFL glorifies the QB position.

    Week in and week out AP works his tail off on the field and has single handedly kept this team in the playoff hunt. If that’s not the definition of an MVP, I don’t know what is.

    The only thing that can stop AP is his QB!


    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    I think it will be either AP or Brady.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Problem is… most MVPs are on teams that make the playoffs. Although it is a “personal” award… many make it a “team award”. Considering we have NO passing game.. to keep opposing defenses honest.. it truly says something to be knocking on the door for the record. That isn’t even including the knee-injury comback and the fact that they used him VERY lightly during the first few games.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My neighbor bet me $50.00 Doug Martin would outrush Peterson this year. Easiest money ever!

    Posts: 347

    If AP doesn’t get MVP the voting is rigged…Last year Denver made it to the playoffs so obviously they don’t ABSOLUTELY need Manning…Without AP we would be lucky to win 3 games this year…A lot of people don’t realize he is doing this with 8 and 9 guys in the box…Best RB ever if he stays healthy…I’m hoping he breaks Emmits records, smith is overrated

    Posts: 168

    A P is a cross between Sanders and Payton! Enjoy viking fans!

    Posts: 593


    A lot of people don’t realize he is doing this with 8 and 9 guys in the box…Best RB ever if he stays healthy

    Ive been saying this sicne the season started!!

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    He deserves the MVP, and hope he breaks the record.i Look at A.P. the same way i did Walter Payton , cant help but like a player that plays hard every down. Even as a Packer fan since the 2nd grade, Gotta tip my hat to em

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    AP is a beast, I hope he breaks the rushing record. The next two weeks will be tough against two great teams. I agree he should win the MVP because without him we would be holding solid in dead last place. Unfortunately I agree with everyone else that he won’t win the MVP and will probably go to Manning or Brady; and possibly Rodgers or Matty Ice as the Falcons are having one heck of a season and if he can get them past the first round he will be in the mix.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’d like to think he could get both, but like Justin Schneider said, the NFL is enamored with P Manning. The rushing record is something that Adrian himself controls and I think he has this in his sight. Personally I think if Manning got covered with as many defenders as Peterson does in a game he’d be looking up a grass roots. AP is just plain something else and I wish him all he can garner. He deserves it.

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    When I look at the MVP award, I like to envision what the team would be like without that individual playing. In the case of the Vikings, they would be lucky to have 6 wins without Peterson. His value on the team is huge.

    The Broncos were not only a playoff team last year, but won in the playoffs with Tebow. Would the Broncos be a playoff team this year without Manning? Possibly. Whether you like him or not, its hard to argue his value on a team. When he is your teams QB, chances are good that you are going to the playoffs.

    Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady are also having great seasons and are key to the success of their teams. Where would either of these teams be without these players?

    I think this will be one of those years where there will be several players splitting up the vote. May even be a shared MVP season. At this point, I’d give my vote to Peterson. He has taken this team on his shoulders and made them a playoff contender. Even though he’s a Viking, he will always be a Sooner to me…Go AP…Boomer!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Looking back at League MVP’s……..

    OJ won the MVP in 1973 with his new single season rushing mark.
    Dan Marino won in 1984 setting a new league record for passing yards. This was the year Eric Dickerson set the new rushing record with 2105 yards.

    2006 was the last time a RB won, LT had 28 rushing TD’s, 3 receiving and 2 passing that year. 1800+ yards rushing and 500+ receiving yards.

    2005 Shaun Alexander won the award. Marshall Faulk in 2000. All other MVP’s have been QB’s in the 21st century.

    No WR’s have ever won the award. The only non-RB/QB’s to win are Alan Page, Mark Mosely, and Lawrence Taylor.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    AP will win the MVP. Manning will get comeback player of the year. A QB should need to throw 40 tds in this era to win the MVP

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Rushing record yes I think he’ll break it.

    MVP, no, had the queens had a passing game and won enough to be a serious contender, then yes I think he had a chance, way.


    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    AP is an over rated DIVA. And he drives too fast. I hope the Packers prevent him from the record and also keep the queens out of the playoffs.

    In all seriousness, he is scary good.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    There is 1 of 2 ways this is going down and it all comes down to witch ploy the pack takes the bait.

    The pack either focuses on stopping AP from getting the record witch opens up the scenario this great coaching staff orchestrated from the start of the season and releases the awesome power and accuracy of the soon to be revered great one called Ponder catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Or the pack realizes the potential of the Ponder thus relinquishing the power of the mighty one thus known by all just as AP,catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Any way you look at it The Pack are screwed.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    There is 1 of 2 ways this is going down and it all comes down to witch ploy the pack takes the bait.

    The pack either focuses on stopping AP from getting the record witch opens up the scenario this great coaching staff orchestrated from the start of the season and releases the awesome power and accuracy of the soon to be revered great one called Ponder catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Or the pack realizes the potential of the Ponder thus relinquishing the power of the mighty one thus known by all just as AP,catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Any way you look at it The Pack are screwed.

    I love the optimism with this prophecy and totally agree, then the chances are the Vikings will play the Pack in the first round of the playoffs back at Lambeau and avenge the loss they suffered earlier in the season thus eliminating the Pack from the playoffs. Then no matter how many super bowls the Packers win from here on to the end of time; we can always look back and say remember in 2012 when we beat the Pack in back to back games when AP one the MVP and single season rushing record to go on and win the Super Bowl.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Rushing title or MVP, the most amazing thing is he had major knee surgery. I just shake my head every time he makes a move or runs somebody over. See him watching himself on the scoreboard on the first long TD run? Nobody was going to catch him. To all FOOTBALL fans what we are seeing in this guy is something we haven’t seen in many, many years. If he stays healthy (big if with his running style) we maybe watching the best best running back in football since they went to the 16 game schedule.

    Back in the day 1,000 yards was the standard that running backs were measured. They played a 12 game schedule then, so it averaged 83.3 yards per game. If Peterson reached 2,000 yards in a 16 game schedule he will have averaged 125.0 yards per game.

    Run AP run!

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294



    There is 1 of 2 ways this is going down and it all comes down to witch ploy the pack takes the bait.

    The pack either focuses on stopping AP from getting the record witch opens up the scenario this great coaching staff orchestrated from the start of the season and releases the awesome power and accuracy of the soon to be revered great one called Ponder catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Or the pack realizes the potential of the Ponder thus relinquishing the power of the mighty one thus known by all just as AP,catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Any way you look at it The Pack are screwed.

    I love the optimism with this prophecy and totally agree, then the chances are the Vikings will play the Pack in the first round of the playoffs back at Lambeau and avenge the loss they suffered earlier in the season thus eliminating the Pack from the playoffs. Then no matter how many super bowls the Packers win from here on to the end of time; we can always look back and say remember in 2012 when we beat the Pack in back to back games when AP one the MVP and single season rushing record to go on and win the Super Bowl.

    You two just keep on smoking that stuff…….

    Posts: 347

    Just think if he started the season healthy he would be demolishing that record…If he gets 150+ next week he will get the record for sure…The packers will not be able to stop him with 13 guys on D…

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510


    The packers will not be able to stop him with 13 guys on D…

    I think the Packers are 8-3 against the Peterson led queens since they drafted him. Not sure they really need to stop him and still be able to beat them. He is the best running back in football this year (hands down). Is he the league MVP? I know I wouldn’t want to trade Aaraon Rogers for him.

    Dan Berger
    NE Iowa
    Posts: 29

    The Packers will let him run and in the end they will kick field goals and lose. Why you ask? Because Ponder is your QB.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    The Packers will let him run and in the end they will kick field goals and lose. Why you ask? Because Ponder is your QB.

    I am a die hard Vikings fan and I can’t even argue with that logic.

    Posts: 4941

    Maybe they will trade him after the season is over.

    Hey Mr. Jones! Have I got a deal for you.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    The Packers will let him run and in the end they will kick field goals and lose.

    At least the Vikings have something the Packers don’t……a good FG kicker!!

    Good luck with Crosby!!


    Posts: 347

    I never said we’d beat you guys I’m just saying AP will rack up 200 again against you guys haha…everyone knows even if AP runs for 200 we can still lose.. if we had just a game manager QB (ahem alex smith ahem) we would be a serious bowl contender…As far as being 8-3 two of them losses came when who was our QB??hint:Im a huge Favre fan

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404



    There is 1 of 2 ways this is going down and it all comes down to witch ploy the pack takes the bait.

    The pack either focuses on stopping AP from getting the record witch opens up the scenario this great coaching staff orchestrated from the start of the season and releases the awesome power and accuracy of the soon to be revered great one called Ponder catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Or the pack realizes the potential of the Ponder thus relinquishing the power of the mighty one thus known by all just as AP,catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Any way you look at it The Pack are screwed.

    I love the optimism with this prophecy and totally agree, then the chances are the Vikings will play the Pack in the first round of the playoffs back at Lambeau and avenge the loss they suffered earlier in the season thus eliminating the Pack from the playoffs. Then no matter how many super bowls the Packers win from here on to the end of time; we can always look back and say remember in 2012 when we beat the Pack in back to back games when AP one the MVP and single season rushing record to go on and win the Super Bowl.

    That must be some expensive stuff you guys are trippin on.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510




    There is 1 of 2 ways this is going down and it all comes down to witch ploy the pack takes the bait.

    The pack either focuses on stopping AP from getting the record witch opens up the scenario this great coaching staff orchestrated from the start of the season and releases the awesome power and accuracy of the soon to be revered great one called Ponder catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Or the pack realizes the potential of the Ponder thus relinquishing the power of the mighty one thus known by all just as AP,catching the Pack off guard catapulting the vikes into the playoffs thus going onto winning the superbowl.

    Any way you look at it The Pack are screwed.


    I love the optimism with this prophecy and totally agree, then the chances are the Vikings will play the Pack in the first round of the playoffs back at Lambeau and avenge the loss they suffered earlier in the season thus eliminating the Pack from the playoffs. Then no matter how many super bowls the Packers win from here on to the end of time; we can always look back and say remember in 2012 when we beat the Pack in back to back games when AP one the MVP and single season rushing record to go on and win the Super Bowl.


    That must be some expensive stuff you guys are trippin on.

    No, I think it is lack of ice and getting hit in the head with a hockey stick. Sorry Mike.

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