YES! I feel the pain but I have more than 1 anger!

  • farmboy1
    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Can someone please tell me what a assault rifle is? I cannot seem to find any information about them from my local gun dealer.

    Maybe it is just a sensationalized word made up by the medial to make us fear an inanimate object

    I work in a job where I see mental illness very often. IMHO this has much more to do with these situations than guns do. We need to help these people BEFORE it becomes an issue, but many of them are simply sent to the streets because there is nothing to do with them. I honestly feel bad for the police and hospital personal who cannot do anything to help.

    Posts: 4033


    Ok, I get where we all feel safer carrying a firearm. But struggle to explain why our deaths by firearm by per capita are so much higher than countries with very restrictive gun control laws.

    Firearm deaths by population

    Compare us at 9 per 100,000 with the UK 0.25, Ireland 1.03 Germany 1.1 or even Canada at 4.78.

    Because it has nothing to do with gun control but everything to do with sociology. In those societies it is taboo to own a gun or even shoot one. The general public is scared of guns and they grew up that way. Take england for example, they have super strict gun laws.. even the police are restricted to when they can carry weapons. The citizens hate guns and do not want anything to do with them. For this reason they do not have the rage killings with guns, the carjackings with guns, the home invasions with guns, robberies with guns.. etc. That stuff makes up most of the gun crimes. What they do have is the big shootings like we do, where the perp USED A GUN THEY BOUGHT ILLEGALLY.

    If you want gun crime to go down, you can’t just outlaw guns. You have to change the way the public views guns and make us more like england. You have to scare us away from guns… just what the media is trying to do.

    In the USA we have guns in our blood. Without guns we would still be a british colony, would have never survived against the natives when settling, would have never moved west, would have never had the civil war (still have slave labor) and would likely have been taken over by another country early on. Any of this sound like a good thing? I think guns were a big part in making us who we are today. Why take that away because someone with a mental disability wants to shoot up some kids?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22604


    Ok, I get where we all feel safer carrying a firearm. But struggle to explain why our deaths by firearm by per capita are so much higher than countries with very restrictive gun control laws.

    Firearm deaths by population

    Compare us at 9 per 100,000 with the UK 0.25, Ireland 1.03 Germany 1.1 or even Canada at 4.78.

    I am betting we have more automobile accidents also per capita ?? Wonder why ?? More people with cars = more accidents… just like more guns/hunters = more deaths which includes accidental…

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501



    My response to her Ejacker was…

    I thought you were anti gun.

    Not at all, more anti murder, and anti lunatic with a weapon of any kind!

    lunatic is a word abolished by congress in an important vote last week with only one no vote. The no vote was in contest to the vote mentioning this bill is a waist of time. Yep, congress will solve this lickady split with a spit in the eye.

    No this is not a joke the vote did happen as said

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1824

    OK, this will be my first time weighing in on these shootings done to cause the maximum amount of outrage. Obviously there are far better educated folks then I who have better ideas. My sense is that in most of these situations the perpetrator has an overwhelming and toxic sense of being a victim. Their response is to victimize the greatest number of people they can. I’m thinking that we need to look beyond the usual arguments of gun control, self-protection and mental health. My feeling is that we have been lulled into acceptance of a new type of what I call hate speech (for lack of a better descriptive term)

    Hate speech is defined as speech targeting a specific group. But I’d suggest there is a new form of hate speech that is dividing and alienating our Nation. It is the rhetoric of political, government and societal condemnation. This alienates, disfranchises, and isolates us in ways that we aren’t even conscious of. Like water flowing on rock, it wears away on us. We routinely accepted political hatred toward Obama, Romney, Republicans and Democrats. Daily I get emails blaming our leaders for everything from crimes against us and or causing ingrown toenails. Between the internet and media we promote hatred toward the group or flavor of the month. And the worst of it is that we influence our children to hold these same destructive beliefs.

    It’s no wonder that the ultra pro-gun folks seem to border on almost paranoia about their right to be heavily armed with the most destructive types of weapons. We/they are living in a world that fosters mongering. No wonder they are out in hordes buying assault rifles since the recent shootings. It isn’t hunting or sport shooting rights that are being jeopardized; it’s the ability to feel safety – that is being jeopardized. What chance or power does an individual in our society have when it comes to dealing with the economy, lay-offs or wars? One of our only defenses is to seek some sort of security; security in numbers, in self protection, security in the familiar. The more society changes, the more insecure we feel. So, we flock to Politician’s, religious ideologies and buying more guns; all to save ourselves from this pervasive feeling that we need to protect ourselves against this growing feeling of powerlessness.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I was aware of that which is why i chose it over imbecile!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Chicago has anti gun legislation on the books which proves how ineffective it truly is, as the Windy City has one of the higher murder rates year in and year out, of all US cities!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4511

    Largest school killing (1920s) was by dynamite. Perp was mad that he didnt get elected to town council.

    80 died in Waco, TX by assault rifles and fire. Perp was US Govt.

    200+ died in Oklahoma City, weapon was fertilizer.

    Ninja can do some serious damage with one weapon, no bullets.

    This [censored] had a mom who blamed the school for not helping her son more. Maybe we should be responsbible for ourselves and our childred and not look to schools or govt to raise our kids or provide our needs.

    Hundreds dies in China by knives and Arab nations by bombs. You cant legislate stupid.

    Posts: 3835

    I am saddened by many responses here. Hug your kids close when you get home. The next massacre may happen to your kids. We need to have a conversation about how to better handle folks with mental illnesses from obtaining dangerous weapons. Until we do that the killings will continue. Sometimes we need to move past the bumper stickers and BS from the gun lobby and the antis. I am a hunter and own weapons. Arming the teachers is fn crazy. Maybe more funds for school security would be of help to protecting our young. There are no easy answers but nothing worth doing is ever easy.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Theres going to be certain people who will do horrible things to others no matter what the way is they use. Limiting ones ability to do these things is a must. Taking away someones firearm isn’t going to solve anything but limiting what they do puts better odds in our favor, if were going to leave these weapons available to everybody.

    I just heard on the radio that this incident has shaken more politicians more seriously this time around, influanced them more so then at any time in the past. I had to listen quickly but eigther the governor of Virgina or West Virginia, making this speech agrees something has to be done to control the firepower of these weapons. He used the idea that he doesn’t know any hunters that use a 16 round clip to hunt, hes also noted by the NRA as taking a staunch stand against the anti gun laws and also says something has to be done and soon. He said this last incident has changed his mind and I heard him say that in his short speech just 15 minutes ago on the radio, I don’t know when the speech was recorded, I assumed yesterday or today.

    If someones going to go to the gun range to shoot whats wrong with useing 5 shots clips instead of a bannana clip with a couple dozen rounds in them. If thier going to do something, why give them all that firepower to do it.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842


    I am saddened by many responses here. Hug your kids close when you get home. The next massacre may happen to your kids. We need to have a conversation about how to better handle folks with mental illnesses from obtaining dangerous weapons. Until we do that the killings will continue. Sometimes we need to move past the bumper stickers and BS from the gun lobby and the antis. I am a hunter and own weapons. Arming the teachers is fn crazy. Maybe more funds for school security would be of help to protecting our young. There are no easy answers but nothing worth doing is ever easy.

    Well said. I of a very similar opinion as you. Arm the teachers…really? The teacher population is huge and not all the teachers I had growing up were altogether either …just creating another problem.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22604

    I don’t see anyone saying to arm little miss beetle…. but I had plenty of teachers that I am sure would have been able to handle a firearm when I went to school. What would be wrong with a Principal or PE teacher or any teacher capable, to try to even the score when things like this happen ? Would not the threat of not knowing if a school has armed personnel in it or not, deter anyone even alittle ? Again, you can think of it as a sanctuary… but that does not make it one. This is far from knee jerk in my mind, I have thought this since Columbine and again after Rocori.

    Posts: 4033

    That will open a whole new can of worms. The second you say “We are limiting assault rifles to X amount of bullets because 15 round clips are not used in hunting” you might as well ban all shotguns holding more than 5 rounds, all handguns with a barrel shorter than 4.5″, and every tactical accessory for any gun. None of those are used in hunting either. None of which are going to solve the problem of the unstable attacking schools.

    How about instead of regulating guns, you regulate the mentally handicapped that are causing these problems. If they are unstable then they need treatment. Don’t just say they are “special” and let them go on their way. If they cant think rationally then they shouldn’t be allowed in with the general public. That’s my take, I’m sorry if I offend any of you. Not all mentally handicapped should be locked up, but a lot should.

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    what’s worse ban everything or ban nothing ? mental health issues are very real and very expensive..there is a reason they closed state hospitals years ago…who pays ? can we afford to do nothing and hope this will all go away ?

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