OK, this will be my first time weighing in on these shootings done to cause the maximum amount of outrage. Obviously there are far better educated folks then I who have better ideas. My sense is that in most of these situations the perpetrator has an overwhelming and toxic sense of being a victim. Their response is to victimize the greatest number of people they can. I’m thinking that we need to look beyond the usual arguments of gun control, self-protection and mental health. My feeling is that we have been lulled into acceptance of a new type of what I call hate speech (for lack of a better descriptive term)
Hate speech is defined as speech targeting a specific group. But I’d suggest there is a new form of hate speech that is dividing and alienating our Nation. It is the rhetoric of political, government and societal condemnation. This alienates, disfranchises, and isolates us in ways that we aren’t even conscious of. Like water flowing on rock, it wears away on us. We routinely accepted political hatred toward Obama, Romney, Republicans and Democrats. Daily I get emails blaming our leaders for everything from crimes against us and or causing ingrown toenails. Between the internet and media we promote hatred toward the group or flavor of the month. And the worst of it is that we influence our children to hold these same destructive beliefs.
It’s no wonder that the ultra pro-gun folks seem to border on almost paranoia about their right to be heavily armed with the most destructive types of weapons. We/they are living in a world that fosters mongering. No wonder they are out in hordes buying assault rifles since the recent shootings. It isn’t hunting or sport shooting rights that are being jeopardized; it’s the ability to feel safety – that is being jeopardized. What chance or power does an individual in our society have when it comes to dealing with the economy, lay-offs or wars? One of our only defenses is to seek some sort of security; security in numbers, in self protection, security in the familiar. The more society changes, the more insecure we feel. So, we flock to Politician’s, religious ideologies and buying more guns; all to save ourselves from this pervasive feeling that we need to protect ourselves against this growing feeling of powerlessness.