YES! I feel the pain but I have more than 1 anger!

  • stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254


    You can’t force people to arm themselves and I suspect most teachers would be ideologically opposed to carrying a gun.


    only in Mpls, Madison and on the two coasts.
    No ideological opposition in Texas…

    No question that armed environments shift the activity to another location, but the point is that when people are REQUIRED to be in a location (school), they should be protected. We failed those children.

    Disarming will only turn us into Norway…

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    As a counter point, a gunman was shooting in Alabama at a hospital this morning. He wounded three.

    BUT, a police officer was on scene and popped him, stopping the ‘rampage’. Done deal. No name published…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    Mike, I wouldn’t suggest people arm themselves if they don’t want to. Not everyone would or should be armed.

    Stop with the teachers being against carrying. If for some reason all teachers were afraid of guns, there are still administration, janitors and perhaps one bus driver/walleye guy.

    At least they would have the option…and in this case in Conn they would have a chance to reduce the count. Maybe it wouldn’t have changed a thing. BUT requiring all schools to be gun free zones will make them gun free…except for the criminally deranged.

    There’s our next slaughter.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501



    We watch it and apparently they think we thrive on the macabre.

    Were training them!

    Off the the wall? Maybe?

    Its not about arming our selves to defend our selves it is about understanding our culture and its failings!!!!!!!!

    Ok I have my popcorn, we are training them? Please explained.

    Hope you ate the popcorn before it went stale. My rant was said an argument is futile as this is an emotional issue that must be plaid out. Calmer heads will prevail in the long run over the mass hysteria that is going on now. I have no answers just thoughts and I’m emotionally spent.
    And again may this town find a way to heal, it will not be anytime soon before they can even start as the side show continues.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002


    FYI I’m on my 4th batch of popcorn.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    maybe you should post the recipe for the popcorn. I swear this one is good for 3 pages…

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Last night I heard there was only one funeral home in town. Can you imagine 28 funerals with 20 being kids. Lots of people are being effected here.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    America was effected. Some more than others.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    these are children.
    the sense of failure is palpable…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Stop with the teachers being against carrying. If for some reason all teachers were afraid of guns, there are still administration, janitors and perhaps one bus driver/walleye guy.

    At least they would have the option…and in this case in Conn they would have a chance to reduce the count. Maybe it wouldn’t have changed a thing. BUT requiring all schools to be gun free zones will make them gun free…except for the criminally deranged.

    There’s our next slaughter.

    I didn’t say that they shouldn’t have the option, that wasn’t my point.

    I should clarify this “Hopefully it is just reality”. I didn’t finish my thought and got ahead of myself. I think I meant “This is just a reality check”.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Don’t worry Pug, we don’t expect IT guys to be able to craft a clear sentence…(literally or figuratively)

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Charlotte, 6

    Daniel, 7

    Rachel Davino, 29

    Olivia, 6

    Josephine, 7

    Ana, 6

    Dylan, 6

    Dawn Hocksprung, 47

    Madeleine, 6

    Catherine, 6

    Chase, 7

    Jesse, 6

    James, 6

    Grace, 7

    Anne Marie Murphy, 52

    Emilie, 6

    Jack, 6

    Noah, 6

    Caroline, 6

    Jessica, 6

    Avielle, 6

    Lauren Russeau, 30

    Mary Sherlach, 56

    Victoria Soto, 27

    Benjamin, 6

    Allison, 6

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I must be getting very cynical. I can’t watch or read anyone talking about this tragedy which out being cynical. I can’t help but think people are just exploiting the situation. I can’t help but think their preface of talking about the the children, teachers, staff and families is nothing more than cover for trying fortify opinion.

    There are a lot of people out there who seem to think their are real simple answers to the why it happened and how we prevent it in the future. I submit that there is not an easy answer and no simple solution that would have prevented this. In fact, if I encounter someone in person that will be my first question. Exactly what do you propose that would have actually prevented this?

    I don’t know one simple and easy solution to how could we have protected people from this person who had severe mental health issues.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22604

    I agree…. this has been happening since the beginning of man, on some scale or another. I blame the media and the way bad things spread like wild fire…almost being consumed by it and glorifying it in a way. This just makes the next nutjob, try to take it one step further, to get his chance in the spotlight. I know plenty of “school” people who conceal, carry and know how to use them. Who today, would be against an armed security guard or at least a principal armed & trained how to use a weapon at their childs school tomorrow ? It is time people realize, just because you call it a sanctuary…does not make it…

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956


    I agree with BK on this one.

    Neither sign will stop the mentally deranged. But a trained person with a weapon may ( isn’t that why we have law men). Same concept street or school.

    I know there those of you that have assault riffles and love to shoot them but in most of these mass shooting what seems to be the weapon most used? I am not for a band on guns but in my opinion the bigger the clip the more things that can be hit in a very short amount of time. So maybe we don’t need a ban on assault riffles but a limited size clip. If this 20 year old idiot had to take the time to swap out clips and could have only got 5 rounds off maybe someone could have stepped in to stop the second clip from going in. Some of the children had more than 10 rounds shot into them. The shooter had 3 weapons. Do you believe that if each weapon would have only been able to have a maximum of 5 round clips there would have been as many dead?


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    I’m struggling with this one. Been having discussions with friends and making comments on Facebook posts. The knee jerk reaction to a tragedy is what drives me crazy. The uninformed people and fear of weapons drives them to make stupid comments. I keep asking the same question of what is defined as an assault weapon. Most can’t answer. What is bad about it. Most can’t answer. The only common theme seems to be magazine capacity. And with that I agree. Yes popping off a 30 round clip is fun. But I could live with restrictions on this portion of gun control.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    I have only 3 questions.

    If only 5 (or whatever) shot mags are legal, who’s going to have the 10, 20 or 30 round mags?

    And why would these people that have the 10, 20 or 30 round mags be bringing them into a gun free zone? Don’t they know it’s illegal?

    No simple answers…and Lord I do wish I had the answer.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Limiting clip size is a step in the right direction to me. These people get a charge out of this type of gun and the firepower they produce and thats why they use them. I’m very much not anti gun and have hunted and fished most of my life but look at what happened and by what type of weapon.

    This isn’t the only incident in the past 6 years thats involved the assult type rifles. Ya thier fun the shoot at the range or where ever but look at what happens in the wrong hands where they have access to them and can’t control thier emotions for whatever reason. These type of guns can and will do alot of damage, thier designed to do so and thats why the military uses them.

    Because they can kill so many people at one time is why thier fire power must be limited,,,just like grenades, flame throwers and 50 caliber machine guns, it may sound like an exageration but its not. Its legal to own a 50 caliber machine gun but its not easy getting the permit to own one and the last I heard there was a $1,500 fee involved too, which eliminates alot of people and makes them harder to obtain.

    I’ll put it his way,,,where would we be today if assult rifles weren’t allowed to be sold except under the strict rules that are involved with wanting to own a 50 caliber machine gun. I’m not against owning one at all but I do think thier sale ought to be very controlled making it harder to own one because there would be alot less of them available to those who choose to use them to harm someone. With all the fire power they produce something has to be done and the sooner the better. These weapons are designed to take out alot of people in a very short time, do they really need to be this available and easily obtainable. If a person wants to own one then it should take more time to buy one because of the fire power they produce, not impossible but harder. Something has to be done because another incident is just around the corner and were lucky if it doesn’t.

    I think immediately every school in America should ask for 2 or 3 volunteers to step forward and asked if they would be willing to take a firearms course right away. They would be taught how to shoot and givin a minimum of 300 rounds so thier accuracy can be achieved, then givin a pistol to protect thier schools. Do I think this is extreem, heck no because when is the next time.

    You have to ask yourself what would the people who absolutely do not want any gun control in America do if one of thier children or grandchildren were shot, how would they feel then. To me its not any gun thats doing this harm its the fire power that the assult rifles have, the size of thier clip at a minimum. I know that strength grows in numbers.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Lets step away from guns for a minute and look at another problem with this society today. Young people today are bombarded with destructive mind play. The movies being produced….so many are nothing but unrealistic slaughter pics. Video gaming is all killing. Everything in their minds is for the here and now. All too often these crazies don’t care about the future and what their actions might create.

    How about some legislation to clean up all this garbage technology along with setting some new standards for dealing with those who have mental challenges along with those who care for them. Then set out to reform what the media can do and say.

    I’d be willing to bet that in every instance of mass killings like what we have seen rise up in the last few years, those who are committing these atrocities have the games at home in their rooms or a fixation on violent movies. This murder stuff starts at home, not in school.
    Heaving the entire blame for these shootings on guns will not clean up a problem of this nature. Look at the slum skum who are busted every day with a gun in the belt band….the existing laws can’t keep guns out of their hands and tightening those laws won’t either.

    Society is breeding up these crazies and society is going to have to congure up some way to control them. Looking at the ages of most of these fools tells me its not the boomers anymore, its the children of the boomers who are producing the lion’s share of problematic head cases.

    I don’t see this as a gun control problem so much as I see it a need for 1st Amendment over-haul and to start they should clean up all this violent video and movie garbage in spite of the right to free speech. Saying what’s on one’s mind is one thing but expression thru violence after being brainwashed by videos and movies is quite another.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Well I am not for arming teachers. But I am for building panic rooms out of closets in class rooms. I am also for controlled entry points with entry approved via video camera or a security system. This way no one gets in without screening. Its a start and much cheaper and less bloodshed than trying to disarm America!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Our Government can’t keep the Government running with-in budget. I have very little hope that these people can protect our children.

    Say a prayer that the insanity slows.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    My sister said it best (she’s anti gun).

    “People with guns are more dangerous then people with out.”

    My response to this quote is, A man driving a car is more dangerous than a man afoot, or for that matter, a man with a gun!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    My response to her Ejacker was…

    I thought you were anti gun.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Well, i AM for arming teachers. The kids need to be protected whether it’s a nut in Conn with a gun or a crazy in China with a samurai sword (saturday).

    Crazy is crazy. Longtime before we solve mass mental health…

    Michigan has a law sitting on the governors desk today arming teachers. I hope he signs it.

    This problem could have been solved at the front office of this school.

    That’s what would have happened in Texas…

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    My response to her Ejacker was…

    I thought you were anti gun.

    Not at all, more anti murder, and anti lunatic with a weapon of any kind!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I totally agree with both of you guys, completely. Heres my question,,, what do we do now with the availabilty of this firepower now. Short term is asking for teachers help, them being trained because thier already in the school, long befor the police can arrive. Thats when all the damage happens. Police will tell you theres nothing they can do if they can’t get there quick enough. An Immediate solution is giving someone the power they need to resist anyone who wanted to do something like whats happened.

    Maybe every city should alot enough money for armed guards at the doors Like Chris says and no one gets in unless thier supposed to be there or pass the ok from the principle.

    For now puting guards at he doors is the fastest way of trying to prevent this from happening, it sounds like America has come to this and its necessary atleast for now and in the near future. Taking away the firepower that these assult rifles have is another first or second step. Its going to take time because theres already many of the large capacity clips out there.

    Limiting these basket cases to school entry is a step but what about the masses of people in malls etc., we have to consider everything. Do the quickest things first to protect our children, then the next step.

    And I also agree with Tom, look at the crap these kids are exposed too with all the firepower games and crap they see. This stuffs extreem and definately has influance on kids and some of these kids aren’t so stable and neigther are thier familys. It heart breaking but this dosen’t surprise me a bit and all in the name of free speech. Since when is it leagal to poison kids minds with the crap that does do this to them and makes thier thought system become extreem. I think these games ougth to be taken off the market immediately and whatever complications are involved, so what. Heres another time when 5 years from now were going to be looking back saying we should have done this or that, I don’t care. Whatevers influanceing our kids, it should go.

    Were supposed to be able to teach our children good things in life and how to think properly. We can’t do it when the corrupt world is brought into our homes and they practice these things through violent video games.

    The over exploitation of the news is another. Alot of news is fixed on the news flash to keep viewers turned into thier channel, they all try to provide the best news and ((telling it all and with emphasis)) is what they have chosen to do. All I know is we have to turn this crap around and in a hurry. Who really cares what it takes and how its done when all these influances are killing our kids. Taking all these things away from our kids is the first things we have to do, whats is it going to hurt to do so.

    I’ve got to go to work but lets keep talking about this subject, because we have to. All ideas are welcome…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22604


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I hear ya G, like letting those influances into our kids lives, its not thier responsibilities, we have to take action because its ours.

    Posts: 4033

    What makes you guys (and the media) think that if assault rifles or large clips were outlawed that this stuff wouldn’t have happened? These are children, they diddn’t even know what was going on! If he did not have the assault rifle, the death toll would have been just as high (or maybe higher? we dont know) as he would have used the two pistols he had. Its not like he NEEDED the assault rifle to kill them, he wasnt shooting fast moving targets at 200 yards. He was shooting classrooms and hallways full of children at 20-30 feet.

    Limiting the guns available, or clip sizes legal is NOT the answer. These types of incidents will always happen.. and they will always find a weapon to do it with. If you outlaw guns, they will use homemade explosives or knives/swords. If you outlaw guns you have to outlaw everything else that might be considered a weapon. Just look at china, they outlawed guns and now they have stabbings every day.. and some crazy guy went and stabbed 30 some children the other day. He didnt need an assault rifle.

    The ban on assault rifles or clip sizes serves no purpose but to give the general public a sigh of relief and a false sense of security.

    If his assault rifle would have been limited to 5 rounds, and someone tried to jump him as he changed clips he would have pulled a pistol and shot the guy long before they got to him. If you limit him to 5 rounds, they will start bringing shotguns with extended tubes that hold 9-12 rounds. That would be potentially more deadly than the rifles. Most people cannot survive a load of buck.

    I loved what I heard on the news yesterday. This is a direct quote “The shooter used a fully automatic military rifle. If these types of guns were made illegal these types of incidents would surely not happen”.

    That is just a classic example of someone not having a clue about guns and pushing for something they don’t even understand fully (gun control). This is what is going to end one of our rights as an American citizen, and will not stop any of these incidents from happening. Obama lived in chicago, one of the worst gun crime areas in the USA. He knows guns are bad and people use guns to kill others. He will be the first to sign an anti-gun bill.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Ok, I get where we all feel safer carrying a firearm. But struggle to explain why our deaths by firearm by per capita are so much higher than countries with very restrictive gun control laws.

    Firearm deaths by population

    Compare us at 9 per 100,000 with the UK 0.25, Ireland 1.03 Germany 1.1 or even Canada at 4.78.

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