I think we’re all spoiled a bit. There’s plenty of room in a 16 foot boat for two people. We fished 4 out of my uncles 16 console at Kab lindy rigging just fine. I have a 1775 Mr. Pike myself and consider myself blessed. Meaning I would still be happy with a 16.
I grew up fishing Lk Minnetonka in a 12′ boat and caught plenty of Bass and panfish out of it; it even fished well with 2 of us as kids; although a few times we did take in water from a Tuna boat or two…I can even remember when my dad let us use grampas old 5 1/2 johnson on it instead of oaring.
I can then remember my first 14′ Lund how happy I was and how roomy and steardy it felt. Sure caught alot of fish out of it too.
I now have upsized to a 16′ Lund Al. boat and it really feels more roomy and I can even walk around it. I am a pretty big guy and often fish with 3 people and it fishes fine for me; also tows nice, lightweight, and stores easily in my garage.
I geuss everything is relative and we have to adjust to the new normal which is bigger than 16′ for most folks.