• sean-lyons
    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674


    While I take exception to the gun contol platform that the issue presents, I don’t think that it in any way represents the way that Costas has presented the news, or sports in the last 15 years. Take issue with the issue, not the man reporting it.

    Posts: 4033

    Signed and sent to friends. I dont care what he thinks, but he should not use his job as an NFL announcer to push his own views on the nation. Totally unacceptable and he should pay for it.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    If you read a tad further, this is a commentary on someone else’s column. He didn’t write it. Just reflecting on it. I don’t agree with the viewpoint, and I’m not sure he does either, this is a product of social media. You wouldn’t be arguing with him without it………………

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470



    While I take exception to the gun contol platform that the issue presents, I don’t think that it in any way represents the way that Costas has presented the news, or sports in the last 15 years. Take issue with the issue, not the man reporting it.

    Costas chose to talk about 4 paragraphs of a column that consisted of 18 total paragraphs. The remaining 14 he never even touched. Those remaining 14 talked about the big problem the NFL has and that’s greed and all the thugs that play the sport. Yes there are many good outstanding players that are brought down by the thugs among them. The fact the NFL doesn’t address this issue is a shame. Where was his commentary on that? For this reason alone he should be fired.

    Alex Welter
    Bangor, WI
    Posts: 306

    Can’t fire a man for his opinion (even though it wasn’t even his). Because if you do that, then you assault the First Amendment.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Can’t fire a man for his opinion (even though it wasn’t even his). Because if you do that, then you assault the First Amendment.

    …..Tell that to “JIMMEY THE GREEK” about all the BS>!!!………rrr

    Posts: 4033


    Can’t fire a man for his opinion (even though it wasn’t even his). Because if you do that, then you assault the First Amendment.

    So what would happen if he would have said “One thing is clear, if his mom would have had an abortion this never would have happened”. Still free speech or should he apologize? That isn’t even an amendment, but he would have been fired on the spot.

    Its okay to have an opinion, it is NOT okay to use your job to push it upon others.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Can’t fire a man for his opinion (even though it wasn’t even his). Because if you do that, then you assault the First Amendment.

    Try yelling FIRE on a plane sometime.

    Posts: 698

    Take your TV back to Walmart, free your brain.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908



    Can’t fire a man for his opinion (even though it wasn’t even his). Because if you do that, then you assault the First Amendment.

    …..Tell that to “JIMMEY THE GREEK” about all the BS>!!!………rrr

    Or a better annalogy would be Hank Williams Jr.

    I have strong opinions about a lot of stuff. Keep them to myself while at work! Costas should too.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    1st amendment trumps the second amendment.

    Free speech does not apply to situations where your actions (speech)endanger others.

    In the grand scheme of thing, speaking of what Costas said, WHO GIVES A POOP! Some people are acting as if his words are actually going to take away their guns and grab your wife’s butt on the way out the door!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I signed the petition. Even if he would have taken the opposing view on gun control, I don’t think that halftime of a Sunday night football game is the appropriate time for a gun control debate. NBC will never fire him though. He will probably get awarded the next Nobel Peace Prize. Then maybe we could watch him and Obama do a belly bump during a half time show.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    NBC Article says that Bob has in his contract the right to editorialize on topics pertaining to football.

    Read the rest of what the guy has to say on the topic in the follow up interviews and moderate the reaction to the viral spread of <90 seconds of commentary on the internet.

    The reaction to news bytes can be as bad as the commentary itself.

    Posts: 1493

    I respect his right to free speech…that being said, I want him fired out of principle. If they fired Hank, then he needs to go as well.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009


    1st amendment trumps the second amendment.

    Free speech does not apply to situations where your actions (speech)endanger others.

    In the grand scheme of thing, speaking of what Costas said, WHO GIVES A POOP! Some people are acting as if his words are actually going to take away their guns and grab your wife’s butt on the way out the door!

    I worry because the majority of voters are not gun owners. When the scale tips it will tip fast. There may be some serious bun guntrol in the near future.

    Posts: 630

    NBC is a half step away from being state run television. I don’t take them too seriously. Go fishing, you will feel better.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    “Bun Guntrol” Drink the rest of your energy drink!

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    A petition to get him fired is worthless. There are only 3 reasons I can think of as to why NBC would fire him. The first would be if he said something that went against the beliefs of the company. In this case, his comments were right in line with those of his employer. The second reason would be if sponsors pulled out as a result of his comments. I doubt that will happen either. The third reason would be if TV ratings dropped significantly. I also doubt that will happen. Most regular NFL fans will continue to watch SNF games…Costas or no Costas. The few that do have the resolve to not watch will make no difference.

    So here is my question…How many people who are disgusted by Bob Costas’ commentary will chose not to watch SNF for as long as Costas is employed or until he recants his statements? Even if your favorite team is playing? How many will chose to not watch any NBC programming, which includes your favorite shows and local news, until the same conditions are met?

    If every person who claims to be a proponent of the 2nd amendment would stand together and turn off all NBC programming, something might get done. Unfortunately, I believe that for most people, watching a football game or our favorite tv show is more important than standing up for our right to bear arms. Simply signing a petition is too easy. It may make you feel like you are doing your duty, but unless you are ready to make a real stand…don’t bother.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    I hope all who don’t like there 2nd amendment rights attacked will sign.

    Thanks for the good laugh this morning. Funny stuff.

    Are you all sure PETA isn’t behind this? They tend to dive into ANYTHING that will get people talking gun control.

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373



    1st amendment trumps the second amendment.

    Free speech does not apply to situations where your actions (speech)endanger others.

    In the grand scheme of thing, speaking of what Costas said, WHO GIVES A POOP! Some people are acting as if his words are actually going to take away their guns and grab your wife’s butt on the way out the door!

    I worry because the majority of voters are not gun owners. When the scale tips it will tip fast. There may be some serious bun guntrol in the near future.

    The first amendent says:

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
    religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Unfortunately the first freedom that is spelled out is no longer viewed as relevent, so why would the govt think they should follow any of them, unless convenient at the time.

    Just my 2 cents.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    He’s as bad as that “panty waist” from the today show,,,what’shisname,,,,M Lauwer. They can send Buck down the road too. Nothing chaps my hide more than hearing the whiny, snotnosed dribble that comes out of the mouths of people who have never harvested their own meal or participated in the “grind” we watch every sunday, monday sometimes thursday. Which one of the three are vets? who at nbc is a vet? They are correct about one thing, i don’t “need” a firearm to protect my family, but they’r alot more “humane” than the alternative to the SOB i catch in my house.
    I don’t know why; at age of 43; that
    these tampon wearin makeup freak gets under my skin anymore, but they do. Bring back Madden; makeup and all GD.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I worry because the majority of voters are not gun owners. When the scale tips it will tip fast. There may be some serious bun guntrol in the near future.

    Naked hotdogs. No way, I am on board now.

    Seriously though, you think that getting Costas fired would actually make politicians fear for their job by the gun crowd?

    As a non gun owner who believes that people have the right to conceal and carry, I find reactions and stories like this to be similar to say PETA’s Fishing Hurts campaign.

    Knee jerk and overreactions do not help a cause.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    You liberal Pugg you … I kid~~~~

    Costa’s will be fired right after Sean Hannity is …in other words ZERO percent chance!

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