Here are my thoughts on X-Mas shopping…Why should I waste an entirely perfect weekend of hunting or fishing to spend in a mall/department store with hundreds of other people that; are more often than not don’t want to be there either. Other than shopping for kids I think that all adults should just give each other gift cards/money in the spirit of X-Mas. I hate having to walk (more like follow) with the better half around stores for hours looking for gifts for everyone. Why can’t the adults just take the money I give them and buy what they want after X-Mas. To be perfectly honest why do most adults even exchange gifts, they already know what they are getting for the most part becaused they told you what the wanted and you told them about a gift around the same price. So why don’t we just give each other a card with the same amount of money in it, again in the spirit of X-mas.
Now two years ago I did this where everyone got a VISA gift card and the same X-mas card; I even went as far as to sign the card. I thought it was brilliant I was done shopping in less than half an hour the day before Christmas Eve. Only downside was I was outcasted for the entire Christmas everyone was pissed off. I personally would love if everyone just gave me money so I could pool it all up and go buy what I really want.
Sorry for the rant, but was just informed we are Christmas shopping on Saturday and I planned on going to Red Lake fishing. I know I shouldn’t be pissed since I have got to do whatever I want on the weekends for the past month and a half but I HATE HATE HATE shopping; unless its for hunting and fishing stuff.