Gps Question Between Lowrance and Hbird Units

  • pogo2554
    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    I have a Lowrance 7200 stand alone gps, and a Bird 998 with gps incorporated in it. When I make a very slow trolling motor pass in and around structure with the Lowrance, my trail line will only show as a straight line. In other words if I make a slow turn it seems incapable of making a curved line to show the exact trail I laid down? Now if I speed up enough, it will then show the curves that I made on my pass, but only if I’m going 1 mph or faster, and unfortunately I’m usually moving slower than that. Now when I use the Bird 998 gps screen, I can position myself along going .3 mph, and it will show my exact trail, and every curve perfectly. Can anyone tell me why I can’t make this happen with my Lowrance unit?? This has drove me nuts for the last two years! Thx in advance for any explanations you can share on this.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    i have a old x15 that does the same thing. the newer lowrance color units show the trail just fine. i think that it has something to do with upgraded/faster recievers. tecnology has come a long way since the 7200 has come out.

    Posts: 3403

    If you upgrade the puck it would help. The old puck is slow and the 4000 much better.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I can`t remember if Lowrance lets you adjust how it puts down ways points. On the Hbird it can be adjusted for feet and time within the trails. Which could smooth out your trail on your Lowrance if adjustable.

    West Central MN
    Posts: 106

    Yes lowrance does let you adjust how it puts down trail pionts. There are 3 options…Auto, Time, or Distance. You
    should be using Time. Go into Menu > Trail Options and down
    to Trail Criteria. Check to see if there is a dot in the
    Time box, if not use arrow key to move it there & press ent or exit.
    By default it puts down a trail point every 3 seconds. This
    should give you a very smooth trail with your current antenna. You could even slow it down to 5 seconds if you’re
    only moving .3mph.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    Thanks guys, I will definitely give this a shot, and hopefully it will help.

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