I’ve had a little wart on the inside of my finger for years. I used Compound W 8-9 years ago to remove it. That was a slow process even though it was the size of a pin head.
The darn thing started growing (out) a couple weeks ago, so I was telling a friend about it. He suggested I use….are you ready???
Duct Tape!
Did a little research on line and on Dr. from a military base said it worked 80% of the time compared to 60% of the time when freezing them. Six days on, one day off for 28 days.
Well, I’ve been running about with duct tape on my finger for two days now and if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it!
I don’t know where the wart went, but the area it was is now below the skin! The wart is gone!
Now I would expect a larger wart to take longer, but even this small guy coming off with duct tape still amazes me.
Might want to give it a try if you have one that’s bothering you.