BreakIns Shot: Well?

  • t-ellis
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    So the situation is:

    I am in my home – I hear glass breaking and I hear voices, here they come into the house.

    I have a weapon (.45, 9MM and a Stoeger coach gun ) one in my hands, ther others strategically placed in my home, between me and my family – my kids and wife are safe….the intruders are definatley coming in….It is clearly more than one person coming into my home!!!!! Holy S !!!!!

    I live in S Minneapolis. I would not hesitate to put the perps down. It would not matter if they were black, white, man or woman, 18 or 80. They would not leave my house alive.

    I would call the lawyer first, I would put the bodies on a tarp (I would not want to deal the mess either) and I would then call the police wiht my lawyer.

    I can assure you – I would not lose a bit of sleep over my actions. The newspapers would report – I would not feel bad. I would be rattled – yes – but I would take great comfort in knowing that my daughter and wife do not need to go thru any therapy for being raped and I would not want to kill myself for failing my family.

    My wife and kids would still be safe. No reading about death, rape, kidnapping, burgers on the grill (yummy). Just a story about a crazy white guy that stood up for his family and property.

    Seems pretty clear – when they come in. A guy should get focused. Nothing clears the mind like downside risk. I would not apologize for my actions.


    Just curious Dog… would you feel different if your daughter, when she’s older, makes a teen mistake and was the girl involved in breaking into this guys house? I’m not condoning their behavior but kids make dumb decisions, well except some of these angels on IDO apparently.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Umm I didn’t mean it that way.

    Posts: 1899


    Finally! This thread is shot.

    Mission accomplished.

    Posts: 4941

    Wait just a minute… did somone say union

    I who you are…. AND
    I know who you Ar’nt(oops; that’s Pirate)

    I always get the secrect hand shakes mixed up

    Posts: 1899


    Wait just a minute… did somone say union

    I who you are…. AND
    I know who you Ar’nt(oops; that’s Pirate)

    I always get the secrect hand shakes mixed up

    My pappy always used to say to me, “Boy, never shake hands with a pirate. You’ll end up with a hook in yer hand.”

    Pa was a wise man.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    “Civil Union”???

    I think that’s one with a Pre-Nup…

    Posts: 1899


    “Civil Union”???

    I think that’s one with a Pre-Nup…

    And lube. Lots of lube.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Appears I may have misunderstood Mr. Hoffies remark on justified, sorry.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Do you think he may come back in 2-10 years and take revenge on you and your family….I would want to sleep easy and not have to monitor that situation for the rest of my life.

    Dead people don’t get a second chance.

    I’ve thought about this in some of my thoughts of what will I do in a confrontation. And my thoughts are always if I end up causing bodily harm, I will sleep better if I end it there.

    In my early 20s I beat up a guy substantially bigger than I (before running for my life) and he was not stable. He shot some people when he was on acid as a teenager. I ended up sleeping with one eye open for many weeks.

    I can tell you in all my thoughts I have never thought it would be a good idea to give a description of the event to cops without a lawyer. In fact, I have many “safe” words that I will say out loud for any witnesses, just so they think that I fear my life when finishing them off. I also plan on calling 911 right away and not sleeping on it.

    Of course, it is easy to go over the situation in my head, and who knows what I actually would do.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    Appears I may have misunderstood Mr. Hoffies remark on justified, sorry.

    You and I are fine.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    By the way, James, if I am ever arrested for defending myself, please delete this thread. Thanks.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    By the way, James, if I am ever arrested for defending myself, please delete this thread. Thanks.

    Holy Crankety.

    Man this thread has so many twist and turns it would be a great screen play. Real life [censored] with a 20/20 view of how normal people go wacky over something sensationalized.

    Crud happens every day what makes this so special?

    I just made the greatest pot of turkey soup of my life!!!!

    3 smoked turkey carcases along with veggies and herbs in 3 gallons of water simmered down to a gelatin mass when cooled to make a stock that will last many conjuring recipe.


    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    And life goes on. I made Rabbit/Venison Sausage yesterday = goood

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13392

    Police shot and killed a guy in north MPLS last night. From the news this morning it sounded like he was armed but fleeing them. Didnt sound like the police where locked up and charged with murder. All they got was paid leave.

    Bet after today that will be the last we hear of this on the news. Not sure why the story in little falls is such a big issue.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254


    Not sure why the story in little falls is such a big issue.

    Citizens taking control over definition of ultimate sanction.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151



    Not sure why the story in little falls is such a big issue.

    Citizens taking control over definition of ultimate sanction.

    Im sure if the cop rolled his body on a tarp and didnt say anything for 24 hours there would be alittle more stir.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    I know how this could have all been avoided…….. I like what someone said earlier in this post and it holds very true. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614


    Not sure why the story in little falls is such a big issue.

    Maybe because the shooter incapacitated both of the criminals, and then rather than calling 911, walked over to the girl held a gun under her chin, pointing it upwards into her skull and fired…

    I’ve read on here that he had to shoot until they were no longer a threat. Clearly he did not view her as a threat if rather than firing from range, he walked up and pressed the gun against her find fired.

    In my mind that is simply wrong!

    They should not have been in his house. With his initial action e was within the law and acting reasonably to protect himself. But then he crossed a very clear line.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    A real man would have challenged them to an Indian Leg Wrestling match.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    well, after they were DIS-ARMED, it’s might not have been as challenging…

    (OKOKOKOK, i know that was badbadbad)

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    sorry but no opinions till all the facts. And we get double bucks after 200 post?

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    Does anyone here wonder why he spilled everything to authorities so quickly? He was trained by the State Dept. for foreign security in hostile areas so he’s been trained on being briefed, debriefed, questioned, interrogated, and tortured. The guy who called the authorities said he had called asking questions about getting an attorney. SO does a guy who has been trained, and was asking about attorneys just tell every thing to the first officer he sees?

    Wondering what the local Barney Fife did to make him talk or was it a little something Barney forgot to read?

    Pretty hard to convict when the lone witness’s statements are inadmissible because of a technicality.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think it was the butler in the library.

    Posts: 9309

    I quess it is easier to claim that the cops screwed up than look into how things really work and make a post that way.

    1. The BCA handles out state murder investigations.
    2. If the information is volunteered with being prompted by questioning, Miranda would not apply.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    3. First new article said he was chirping “after being read the Miranda Warning”.

    4. DT wasn’t working that day.

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