BreakIns Shot: Well?

  • out_fishing
    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Im calling it right now…Drug deal gone bad with an attempted cover up.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    120 responses to this thread and not 1 credible source for the information. What we know is what they want us to know. The police certainly haven’t released all the details. Defense hasn’t. Prosecutor hasn’t. Only outlets that have are TV, Radio & print. Think they have a vested interest in keeping us talking about this?

    Anybody that KNOWS FOR A FACT what happened need to run down and buy a Powerball, cuz you also would know those numbers.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Almost positive one of the stories I read said he heard footsteps outside then heard a window break. Of course now I can’t find it because there are hundreds of stories out there.

    It caught my attention when reading because I thought how in the world would you hear people outside with the windows closed.

    I suppose the news story could have been wrong….that never happens though.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    “So… They entered his home to commit a felony…”

    Now….prove this statement.


    Involves entering a building without consent AND with intent to commit a crime, or entering a building without consent and actually committing a crime under the following circumstances: (a) the building is a dwelling and another person is present in it; b) the burglar possesses, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive; or (c) the burglar assaults a person within the building or on the building’s appurtenant property. It is a felony with a max penalty of 20 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $35,000, or both

    According to the law site I lifted this from… The fact that they Broke the window and entered… and a person was in the house… they were already committing a felony.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Hey Brian….it beats working which is my other option today.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Im calling it right now…Drug deal gone bad with an attempted cover up.

    My gut is telling me the same thing. However, if they did break into the house, my sympathy only goes so far.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I am just happy that when I was I kid and did some less than desirable things, some of the gunslinging Angel’s on here weren’t around… (and I can hardly blame my parents for my actions either)

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Some of these guys just carry big internet sticks.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It was a much different world back then G. At least when I grew up, I never heard of a meth head breaking into a house and holding a family captive, forcing them to take drugs and emptying their bank accounts then murdering them. Not saying this was the case here, but let’s face it, the world is much scarier place today than it was in the 70’s and 80’s in my humble opinion.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    It was a much different world back then G. At least when I grew up, I never heard of a meth head breaking into a house and holding a family captive, forcing them to take drugs and emptying their bank accounts then murdering them. Not saying this was the case here, but let’s face it, the world is much scarier place today than it was in the 70’s and 80’s in my humble opinion.

    Ted Bundy – thought to have killed as many as 36 young women. Executed by Florida in 1989

    Jeffery Dahmer – killed as many as 17 young men. Slept with several before killing them. Ate some of them as well. Sentenced to 957 years in 1992

    John Wayne Gacy – raped & killed as many as 33 young men & boys. He died by lethal injection in May 1994, aged 52.

    Killers have been with us since the beginning of mankind. Most of them never needed drugs. They were nut cases already.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Mankind? The wrestler? Is he still around?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I doubt it would have been acceptable to most back then, to shoot someone in the leg, then stand over them, plug them in the chest with a couple more with another weapon & then give em one up through the chin to end their suffering…. the world shouldn’t have changed that much and if it did, God help us all

    Posts: 4941


    i’m going to go with:

    1. all three knew each other

    2. kids had broken in many times and gotten away with it.

    3. Crochety laid a trap, i.e. moved his car so it’d not be seen.

    4. When Crochety had them, he went for broke.

    5. What had been legal, went very very wrong…

    Nothing legal in that senario… pure entrapment…two sure fire charges of Premeditated First Degree Murder.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Jeffery Dahmer – killed as many as 17 young men. Slept with several before killing them. Ate some of them as well. Sentenced to 957 years in 1992

    Joel, did you have to bring WI into this??

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559



    “So… They entered his home to commit a felony…”

    Now….prove this statement.


    Involves entering a building without consent AND with intent to commit a crime, or entering a building without consent and actually committing a crime under the following circumstances: (a) the building is a dwelling and another person is present in it; b) the burglar possesses, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive; or (c) the burglar assaults a person within the building or on the building’s appurtenant property. It is a felony with a max penalty of 20 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $35,000, or both

    According to the law site I lifted this from… The fact that they Broke the window and entered… and a person was in the house… they were already committing a felony.

    So now prove they broke a window. This dickbird killer was in the house a whole day before reporting it. I wonder if he might have thought to wander outside and toss a rock or whatever. The only one who can shed any light on this is an accused merderer….if I was on a jury do you suppose I’d take his word for anything, especially while he sat upstairs watching TV while his victims laid under him bloating? Unlikely.

    Ya’ll can argue away at merits in his favor but facts…two dead from multiple gunshots and the nut’s own admissions to the crimes will speak louder than anything he can come up with now. This whole scenario went past legal with the “killing shot” admission and an un-armed girl being euthanized by someone like this dink should haunt his [censored] for the rest of his natural life and it should also get our lawmakers back to get some real fine definition to the laws regarding shooting inside one’s home.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    I am just happy that when I was I kid and did some less than desirable things, some of the gunslinging Angel’s on here weren’t around… (and I can hardly blame my parents for my actions either)

    I couldn’t agree with you more Big G. Sad deal for everyone involved. Some people forget when they point their finger at someone else there are three more fingers pointing back at them.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Long story short he will be convicted of Murder if he goes to trial… I would the think the insanity plea is the only option for him at this point!

    Either way he’s gone for a long long time!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    WOW. Some of your responses to this whole mess are certainly disturbing to me.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    So now prove they broke a window. This dickbird killer was in the house a whole day before reporting it. I wonder if he might have thought to wander outside and toss a rock or whatever. The only one who can shed any light on this is an accused merderer

    Well now this brings up another point…Why would he sit in his house overnight with a broken window with the heat on? I think he broke it Friday. Just speculating and wondering…

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Good point Chris

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Joel, did you have to bring WI into this??

    And left out the most famous Wisconsonite of all, Ed Gein.

    I also wonder why there seemed to be such a gap between the first shooting and the second. He had time to plunk the kid a second time, put it on tarp and drag it to the corner. Then the girl comes wondering down after? Whose going to just walk down steps after hearing shots, presuming she did.

    I have a sick feeling that something really disgusting is going to come out in the end, and if it does, this guy should be put down.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I doubt it would have been acceptable to most back then, to shoot someone in the leg, then stand over them, plug them in the chest with a couple more with another weapon & then give em one up through the chin to end their suffering…. the world shouldn’t have changed that much and if it did, God help us all

    Apparently you missed the point of my post. I never said what happened was acceptable, as a matter of fact if this guy executed these kids in the manner I suspect he did, he deserves to rot in jail forever since our lousy state doesn’t have the death penalty.

    The point I’m trying to make and I doubt many can agrue differently, the world isn’t the place it once was. Remember when the street lights came on it was time to go home for dinner? That doesn’t even happen in my little town in central SD. How many of you have CC permits now? Why do you have them? Growing up, I never new a single person who carried a weapon, not even the local sheriff. If you are dumb enough to break into someone’s home now days, don’t be surprised to meet a bright flash followed by a loud bang.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928



    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    This to me, means the crime fit the punishment…

    In my opinion, that view is way off, whether it is 1970, 1980 or 2012.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    In our local paper tonight I see they charged him with 2nd degree murder.

    Lots of opinions and veiwpoints have been offered up on this issue. The real tragedy is that that the truth will never be known.

    So ya’ll know, I am not anti CC and I am all for protecting the home, even if deadly force is called for. This incident is way over the top and I can’t begin to imagine what all is going to come from it.

    Posts: 1960




    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    This to me, means the crime fit the punishment…

    In my opinion, that view is way off, whether it is 1970, 1980 or 2012.

    Not my intent at all. My comments were not meant to imply this situation was either right or wrong. I just observed that if you break into homes, you increase your chances of getting shot, that is plain logic, IMO.

    Playing a stupid game increases your chances of winning a stupid prize…….

    Right or wrong, doing dumb thjngs can get you in a jam.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    They entered his home uninvited. That’s the only crime I see.

    I would have to mostly agree. Hard to feel bad for someone that is shot committing a crime. I have to believe they would be alive had they not chosen to break into someone’s home.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    ” I have to believe they would be alive had they not chosen to break into someone’s home.”

    AHHHH, some common sense here…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    I am just happy that when I was I kid and did some less than desirable things, some of the gunslinging Angel’s on here weren’t around… (and I can hardly blame my parents for my actions either)

    I see more angels have flown in…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    ” I have to believe they would be alive had they not chosen to break into someone’s home.”

    AHHHH, some common sense here…

    Birds of a feather…..

    I also believe if they were on a beach in Puerto Vallarta, instead of his basement, they would be alive today…. brilliant.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Let me simplify. To me it means if you break into someone’s home be prepared NOT to walk out. I think this is more relevant now days than it ever has been in my lifetime. I think America is becoming more prepared and much less tolerant to criminals and the lengths they will go to get what they want.

    I never once said executing the kids was justified. NOT ONCE. I actually feel very strongly against it. However, IF they did break into this guy’s house, then they only have themselves to blame. I’ll go back to my statement earlier, the world is full crazies. Mess with crazy and see how you end up. Never once did I say they DESERVED what they got.

    My gut says we’ll probably never know the full truth unless this guy folds or he can remember what happened after he sobers up. He looks strung out to me?

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