Hey, that’s what i told him to do when he asked my advice…
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BreakIns Shot: Well?
November 27, 2012 at 3:18 pm #1115300
The bigger question I have is if those two kids knew he was at home and in the basement, why would they just go trucking right on down the stairs?
As reported, the guy was burglarized 3 times recently. These 2 criminals probably knew exactly what they were going to steal. And exactly where those items were located.
In an article I saw, the shooter’s brother claimed that his house had been broken into 8 times in the last few years, yet the police only had one on record.
If I had suspicious activity going on at my house and/or had illegal goods stolen from my house, I certainly wouldn’t report it.
I’m not making any accusations or anything, I’m just saying that could be one of many explanations for not reportin 7 different break-ins in a short period of time.
November 27, 2012 at 3:26 pm #1115301Quote:
the girl, who laid bleeding with a rifle hole in her leg,who supposedly “laughed” when his rifle jammed (this is probably the biggest lie has has told to date) he pulls out a pistol and puts few in her chest… and then as she is gasping for air, he mercy shoots her under the chin, to end her suffering…
This is the part I struggle with, the “execution”.
November 27, 2012 at 3:39 pm #1115303This may be a case of no good people involved.
I think it was Ghandi or Homer Simpson who put it best:
“Just kill’m all and let God sort’m out.”
November 27, 2012 at 3:39 pm #1115304Bottom line…I don’t give a poop. Doesn’t affect me either way.
November 27, 2012 at 3:42 pm #1115305Quote:
Bottom line…I don’t give a poop. Doesn’t affect me either way.
MEH?November 27, 2012 at 3:44 pm #1115306Quote:
I think it was Ghandi or Homer Simpson who put it best:
“Just kill’m all and let God sort’m out.”
I thought was the Dalai Lama.
November 27, 2012 at 4:00 pm #1115308Quote:
Bottom line…I don’t give a poop. Doesn’t affect me either way.
November 27, 2012 at 4:03 pm #1115310I’ll reserve my Judgment until all the facts are in and trial goes to jury. For now however I have a few observations and opinions:
1) These 2-teenaged cousins apparently broke into this home committing a FELONY (per Minnesota LAW) and they are now DEAD!
2) The homeowner apparently (as reported by a much Biased & generally very Liberal News Media in his words said he) shot the 2-(Apparent) intruders and is now being held in Jail on Murder Charges.
3) This homeowner delays calling authorities (apparently according to published reports) until the following day.
4) Apparently the 2nd person shot, still was drawn to and entered the basement even after her cousin was shot.
5) This homeowner says his home had been broken into (6) times in recent months, yet the Sheriff only had 1-filed report of a break-in.
In my opinion with the previously stated reports seems to be quite a bit of information and reason to reserve any and all judgment in this complex case.
• Why were not all break-in’s reported?
• What would draw the number of break-in’s to the same home? What was drawing all of this activity? Were there drugs or other illegal substances being sold or traded?
• Why would you as an accomplice to someone breaking into a home, enter after apparently hearing Gun Shots, What would draw someone into that situation?
• Why does the media not print photo’s of these 2-young people that make them appear as criminals as in many other cases? What or how were these people dressed and what was their physical appearance at the time? (Not that it makes any real difference, but 1st impressions in most cases sway much of our opinion and perception of what we think of somebody. Thus publishing [Happy, Go Lucky Glamour] photos of a person vs. a photo of a person in a Police Line-up or in grubby clothes like they just crawled out of bed will change public opinion).
• Why would you just go sit down after shooting someone and then placing them on a tarp and dragging them into another room?
• What is the Criminal and other (School) records of each of the individuals involved? (Have they been involved in any other illegal or non-ethical activities?
• These and many more questions to be answered.Now my opinion as far as shooting/killing these two (apparent) intruders:
As far as I know and have been told in the past, “If you shoot or otherwise Injure/wound a person in defending yourself & your home, you best make sure they’re dead and don’t make it out the door, otherwise you’ll most likely be SUED for Medical, Psychological & Physical injuries sustained by that person or persons”. Whereas being charged for the taking of a life vs. a life long injury to someone in defense of your person/property would normally result in a less severe charge or term or loss of your property and money through legal action.Yes, in my opinion I would shoot to kill any unidentified/uninvited intruder in my home. If time & the resource of a phone available, I would dial 911 and let them listen/record. If armed and confronting an intruder, they either follow my EXACT instructions “STOP, DROP and DON’T move a muscle or you’ll DIE!”
November 27, 2012 at 4:04 pm #1115312Quote:
You know what they say, “live for today”!…for tomorrow you get shot and die.
November 27, 2012 at 4:18 pm #1115314that’s my motto…
although i was thinking of “Sink Your Boat and Drown”.
(i wanted this post to be fishing related…)
November 27, 2012 at 4:32 pm #1115320Quote” As far as I know and have been told in the past, “If you shoot or otherwise Injure/wound a person in defending yourself & your home, you best make sure they’re dead and don’t make it out the door, otherwise you’ll most likely be SUED for Medical, Psychological & Physical injuries sustained by that person or persons”. “
This statement seems somewhat construed. I believe the saying is, if your going to “shoot” someone, do not shoot to maime, shoot to kill. In other words, aim for the heart with your first shot or at least center mass. If your first shot does not stop the attack, follow up quickly with more well placed shots. It does not mean, shoot them in the leg, let them fall down the stpes, then when standing over them, if your gun jams, grab another and then pump a few into the chest & finally one under the chin to finish.
Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559November 27, 2012 at 4:39 pm #1115324Carroll…
As is most often the case with young people, pictures come from yearbooks or from parents. Perhaps a picture of the dead bodies on a tarp would help this guy’s cause. Personally I think the idiot loks good in orange and as far as having that “just woke up look”, at least he can wake up. The media could have omitted any pictures and this piece of junk would still be a murderer in my eyes.
November 27, 2012 at 5:51 pm #1115349Certainly glad that as a teenager you didn’t make any mistakes.
As a teenager I made many mistakes.
I drove drunk.
I smoked refeer.
I snorted coke.
I sped all the time.
I lied to my folks.
I shot heroin.
I had sex.You lied to your parents– What a scumbag!!!
InactivePosts: 4941November 27, 2012 at 5:52 pm #1115350
that’s my motto…
Two kids are dead…
Thats nothing to beat on your chest over. And then tell us how brave you are?
November 27, 2012 at 6:09 pm #1115361Quote:
that’s my motto…
Stu, will it still be your motto if in a few years your teenage daughter does something stupid (it could happen no matter how good of a parent you are) and something similar happens to her? Kinda hard to truely visualize huh?
All I’m trying to say is this coulda been any one of our kids and personally, I would hope that IF one of my kid did something so stupid, that they wouldn’t run into a trigger happy,lets pump some extra lead into them for good measure,type person, but instead,someone with a level head that was a little more of a responsible adult who knew how to use a phone (911) as well as he did a .22 pistol to the chin up through the cranium.
November 27, 2012 at 6:17 pm #1115365It’s pretty apparent that we need FACTS before this discussion gets much further.
I’ll say a prayer for the 2 young kids who were killed, you guys can decide blame.
November 27, 2012 at 6:21 pm #1115368Quote:
Emotions run high on both sides of this argument but from my crotchety old guy point of view the guy lost all hope of being justified when he stood over them and pumped rounds into their head/chest. Would there be any doubt of guilt if there was video of a cop doing this to a wounded suspect no matter what the perp had done? That act crosses the line of justified behavior no matter what the circumstance—at least in my humble opinion.
I guess I am as crotchety as you Redneck. I absolutely agree with your point.
November 27, 2012 at 6:48 pm #1115381For those of you who can read, the motto referred to was:
“live for today”
…for tomorrow you get shot and die.Not sure how that seems to be unsympathetic to the youngsters who died…
November 27, 2012 at 6:51 pm #1115382PREDICTION:
By the time this trial is over it will be known…
1) All three people knew each other.
2) The window wasn’t broken by the “kids”.
3) There wasn’t a break in.
4) There was other illegal activity going on.
5) The shooter needed to keep those two quiet.
6) It was premeditated murder.Pure speculation, but it fits much better then the story that’s being told/reported.
November 27, 2012 at 6:59 pm #1115390Quote:
By the time this trial is over it will be known…
1) All three people knew each other.
2) The window wasn’t broken by the “kids”.
3) There wasn’t a break in.
4) There was other illegal activity going on.
5) The shooter needed to keep those two quiet.
6) It was premeditated murder.Pure speculation, but it fits much better then the story that’s being told/reported.
I agree with most if not all of these predictions…
November 27, 2012 at 6:59 pm #1115391i’m going to go with:
1. all three knew each other
2. kids had broken in many times and gotten away with it.
3. Crochety laid a trap, i.e. moved his car so it’d not be seen.
4. When Crochety had them, he went for broke.
5. What had been legal, went very very wrong…November 27, 2012 at 7:18 pm #1115399Interesting… I just saw this story on Fox News.. and they had two lawyers… a defense and prosecutor. The defense brought up something I was not aware of.
In MN… It is LEGAL to kill someone who is committing a felony in your house. There is no verbiage regarding having to feel threatened or anything about once the threat is put down…
The title to the law says it all:609.065 JUSTIFIABLE TAKING OF LIFE.
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor’s place of abode.
So… according to the letter of the law is concerned… They entered his home to commit a felony.. so he had every right to kill them. Notice the “bodily harm” part is NOT included in the abode part.
It will be interesting how this plays out.
November 27, 2012 at 7:28 pm #1115401Quote:
Interesting… I just saw this story on Fox News.. and they had two lawyers… a defense and prosecutor. The defense brought up something I was not aware of.
In MN… It is LEGAL to kill someone who is committing a felony in your house. There is no verbiage regarding having to feel threatened or anything about once the threat is put down…
The title to the law says it all:609.065 JUSTIFIABLE TAKING OF LIFE.
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor’s place of abode.
So… according to the letter of the law is concerned… They entered his home to commit a felony.. so he had every right to kill them. Notice the “bodily harm” part is NOT included in the abode part.
It will be interesting how this plays out.
So……………I just need to make it LOOK like a break in, then I’m good to go…correct?
November 27, 2012 at 7:28 pm #1115402I wasn’t planning on joining this thread but I overheard some guys talking about this when I was out to lunch.
It was obvious they had read maybe 1 news story or heard about it on 1 channel because they had far fewer details than have been posted here.
They were both in agreement that “the kids shouldn’t have been there” and that “the guy went too far”.
After reading all these posts…..I would almost have to agree with BK….everything just seems really fishy about the whole thing.
One thing I noticed that he claimed is that he heard foot steps outside. If he heard them and had time to arm himself with 2 guns why didn’t he have time to dial 911 or at least have the phone ready in case someone broke in. I kinda struggle with the “heard footsteps outside”, he may have had windows open or something but if he was hanging out in his basement watching tv or working on something with windows open the kids likely would have heard him as well and probably not gone in if their intentions were just to steal stuff. They were both unarmed so I wouldn’t think they went with the intention of harming the home owner. So why did they go in…were they invited/expected?
Assume they did break in and weren’t welcome, he’s in the basement where he wasn’t visible so why not yell out that you are armed and if they come down the stairs you will shoot them and then take cover so you have a clear shot but are not an open target should be easy to do in your own basement.
The CC class I went to the instructor explicitly said be vocal….VERY vocal if you are on the phone with 911 it gives them a recorded account of what happened or if there are other people around that can hear you it lends credibility to you doing everything you can to avoid the use deadly force. He said that is good practice no matter where you are CC out and about or at home.
It will be interesting to see what else comes out about this.
November 27, 2012 at 7:31 pm #1115403All of the accounts I have read said “Heard footsteps upstairs”, not outside.
You can toss out all of the CC rules when in your own house. They simply don’t apply. Good avice – yes. Same rules – no.
Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559November 27, 2012 at 7:34 pm #1115406“So… They entered his home to commit a felony…”
Now….prove this statement.
November 27, 2012 at 7:37 pm #1115408Quote:
Interesting… I just saw this story on Fox News.. and they had two lawyers… a defense and prosecutor. The defense brought up something I was not aware of.
In MN… It is LEGAL to kill someone who is committing a felony in your house. There is no verbiage regarding having to feel threatened or anything about once the threat is put down…
The title to the law says it all:609.065 JUSTIFIABLE TAKING OF LIFE.
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor’s place of abode.
So… according to the letter of the law is concerned… They entered his home to commit a felony.. so he had every right to kill them. Notice the “bodily harm” part is NOT included in the abode part.
It will be interesting how this plays out.
So……………I just need to make it LOOK like a break in, then I’m good to go…correct?
I don’t think there is any question that it was a break-in. The family of the kids haven’t even questioned that… so I am guessing they KNEW that the kids were into bad stuff.
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