BreakIns Shot: Well?

  • stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254


    Murder charges: Rifle jammed, she laughed, so he killed her with a pistol

    Article by: CURT BROWN and PAUL WALSH , Star Tribune staff writers
    Updated: November 26, 2012 – 3:27 PM

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    LITTLE FALLS, MINN. — A 64-year-old man was charged Monday with murdering two teenagers who broke into his home on the outskirts of Little Falls, shooting each of them at close range in the head after having already wounded them.

    Byron David Smith was charged in Morrison County District Court with two counts of second-degree murder without premeditation in the killings of Nicholas Brady, 17, and his cousin Haile Kifer, 18.

    The criminal complaint says that Smith shot the two as they came down his basement stairs several minutes apart on Thanksgiving Day. The complaint adds that he shot them numerous times.

    He then waited a day before asking a neighbor to alert authorities about what he had done, the document added. Smith showed investigators the bodies, was arrested and has remained jailed since.

    Smith appeared for a 10-minute court hearing late Monday morning wearing an orange jumpsuit, his hands and feet in shackles. Bail was set at $2 million, with the prosecution noting the defendant’s extensive travels to Beijing, Bangkok, Moscow and elsewhere overseas while he was working for the U.S. State Department.

    In asking for the high bail figure, County Attorney Brian Middendorf said the incident was a case of cold-blooded murder. “The circumstances are appalling and far beyond any self-defense claim,” he said.

    Sheriff Michel Wetzel told reporters Monday afternoon that Smith explained to authorities that he didn’t call immediately after killing the two because “it was Thanksgiving. He didn’t want to trouble us on a holiday.”

    As for whether Smith could be justified in shooting intruders, Wetzel said that a citizen does have to right to protect person or property, but it has to be reasonable.

    What Smith did “went further than the law. It doesn’t permit you to execute once the threat is gone.”

    Defense attorney Gregory Larson declined to comment after the hearing, saying he wanted more time to study the case.

    About a dozen family members of the teens attended the hearing.

    At court in support of the defendant was friend John Lange, who said Smith had been targeted at least six times for break-ins and doesn’t deserve to be in jail for protecting his home. “They tortured him and targeted him, and it’s not good,” Lange said. “One time alone would be too much. It’s terrible.”

    The Sheriff’s Office said it has received only one previous report of a break-in at the home, in October, and there have been no arrests in that incident.

    According to the complaint, Smith told investigators:

    He heard glass breaking around noon Thursday while he was in the basement. It was the latest of several break-ins that he’s experienced. Brady started coming down the stairs, and Smith shot him with a rifle by the time he saw the intruder’s hips.

    Brady fell down the stairs and was looking up at Smith when the homeowner shot him in the face.

    “I want him dead,” Smith explained to the investigator for the additional shot.

    Smith put Brady’s body on a tarp and dragged him to an office workshop.

    A few minutes later, Smith heard footsteps above him. As in Brady’s case, Kifer too started down the stairs and was shot by Smith by the time he saw her hips, sending her tumbling down the stairs.

    Smith attempted to shoot her again, but his rifle jammed, prompting Kifer to laugh.

    Upset, Smith, pulled out a revolver he had on him and shot her “more times than I needed to” in the chest, he said.

    Smith dragged Kifer next to Brady as she gasped for her life. He pressed the revolver’s barrel under her chin and pulled the trigger in what he described as a “good, clean finishing shot” that was meant to end her suffering.

    Smith acknowledged leaving the bodies in his home overnight before calling a neighbor to ask about a lawyer and to request that authorities be notified.

    Tessa Ruth, an aunt of Brady, was at the hearing and said she wished Smith had fired a warning shot or called police instead of shooting. “It wasn’t right for them to be there and, yes, he had a right to defend himself. But to execute them like that . . .”

    Posts: 3681

    They entered his home uninvited.Thats the only crime I see.

    Posts: 1899


    They entered his home uninvited.Thats the only crime I see.

    He neutralized the threat with the first shot. That was legal for him to do. No other shots were warranted.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    My bet is that there’s a lot more to this story than what he told the authorities. Way, way to many questions remain unanswered.
    The investigation should be able to determine whether or not they were truly shot, (the first time) coming down the stairwell.
    Much more will be learned in the coming days as to what really happened.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Well this is far from over. More and more info will be coming out. He shot and killed those kids on Thursday and waited until Friday to call it in. Raises a flag for me. From what I understand so far he wasn’t threatened, in fact he shot one of the kids when they were still on the steps? Sketchy details so far. I’ll reserve judgement until the facts are out other then to say not calling it in until Friday is strange.

    Posts: 605

    you just never know these days. If someone broke into my house while my family and i were in there, i would have no problem shooting them before they hurt one my family members

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    He sounds like the guy out in Belgrade, that shot that school teacher… looney tunes. Sad deal all the way around (she laughed at him after being shot, cause his rifle jammed, says him… justification for a chestfull of rounds)

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    He crazy but dont break into peoples homes and you wont end up dead because of it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985


    He crazy but dont break into peoples homes and you wont end up dead because of it.

    can we shoot j walkers, drunk drivers, shoplifters ??? I mean, don’t do it or you get shot dead….should apply ?? Your right, but what happened there is way more wrong….

    Posts: 3681



    They entered his home uninvited.Thats the only crime I see.

    He neutralized the threat with the first shot. That was legal for him to do. No other shots were warranted.

    You believe as you wish and I will continue to be right.They were not bearing gifts and a side dish to share.They were in his HOME and their family should have to pay the clean up costs.
    Most people would never think of robbing another person.Good riddance.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    If this happened in Texas he wouldn’t even be in jail. This story sounds like I need to hear more of what actually happened. Kinda sounds like the guy wanted to kill them two or three times for whatever reason instead of making sure they were just dead. Maybe the final shots were to put them out of thier misery that he was seeing. Waiting until after thanksgiving to call the police is telling me something but I don’t know what yet.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    The article has several items of info missing to be able form an opinion of guilt or inocence of any crime. Maybe the prosecutor charged him so he would not be criticized for not charging him. Last but not least the two reporters wrote a news story to create and maybe hold your attention for future articles. If the article leads you to the conclusion he had the right to use deadly force then I can understand your world and agree with your your way of thinking. “No one here knows what happened we weren’t there “quote from a well known sage”

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843




    They entered his home uninvited.Thats the only crime I see.

    He neutralized the threat with the first shot. That was legal for him to do. No other shots were warranted.

    You believe as you wish and I will continue to be right.They were not bearing gifts and a side dish to share.They were in his HOME and their family should have to pay the clean up costs.
    Most people would never think of robbing another person.Good riddance.

    Cetainly glad that as a teenager you didn’t make any mistakes.

    Had those kids come down the steps waving and firing guns maybe this becomes justified. But from I have read to this point that wasn’t the case. Were they wrong in being there? Yes. Was he justified in shooting them more then once if his safety wasn’t threatened? Thats to be determined in court.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13444


    He crazy but dont break into peoples homes and you wont end up dead because of it.

    Ill second that. Makes sense to me.

    For the relative saying she wishes he would of fired a warning shot 1st. Maybe they should of spent a little more time raising the kids properly 1st. There would of been no need for a warning shot then.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404



    They entered his home uninvited.Thats the only crime I see.

    Please see my above post. Neutralize what threat? Sounds like police or military words. Are you a police officer?
    He neutralized the threat with the first shot. That was legal for him to do. No other shots were warranted.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13444

    “Waiting until after thanksgiving to call the police is telling me something but I don’t know what yet.”

    Kinda tells me he values the family time of local authorities than two criminals. Pretty sure if I had to shoot someone that broke into my house the 1st call would not be the police. It would be to a few attorneys well before the police.

    Will be interesting to see how this one plays out. Sounds like the guy made a number of statements to the police that may not go in his favor.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    The Coup de grace shots will bury him. People havent been able to get away with that for a long time.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I did think the same too Mike, It does sound like the guys got nerves of steel.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13444

    I think you could get away with it Mike but admitting to what you did and why will not help.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    There need to be consequences. People thinking of breaking the law should pause because they might get killed. People in their own homes should not be required to pause when someone breaks in. Its time to get gritty America. Wake up!!

    Posts: 236


    “Waiting until after thanksgiving to call the police is telling me something but I don’t know what yet.”

    Kinda tells me he values the family time of local authorities than two criminals. Pretty sure if I had to shoot someone that broke into my house the 1st call would not be the police. It would be to a few attorneys well before the police.

    Will be interesting to see how this one plays out. Sounds like the guy made a number of statements to the police that may not go in his favor.

    I agree. Sounds like a good old boy addressing issues himself. It may sound strange from face value but who knows what kind of work he did all his life. He might be telling the truth about not wanting to bother anyone on Thanksgiving. If this is a concern than why are people breaking into homes on Thanksgiving. Sounds like and eye for an eye kinda guy.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    Ron Rosenbaum was on with Barreiro today. To paraphrase:

    “You have a right to defend yourself in your home with a gun if you feel you are being threatened OR to prevent a felony.”

    Breaking and entering is a felony. So he thought the guy was ok with the first shots at both. He thought the guy was in murky legal water when he had incapacitated them and the threat was resolved and the guy went ahead with further shots.

    FWIW. This story will not go away, nor should it, for quite a while.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I can also see him shooting them more then once, too make sure they were going to be of no harm. How did he know they weren’t carrying with a pistol in thier pants or somewhere else that maybe he looked for and couldn’t see. He was justified filling them with lead.

    One guy alone in a house with no way out except up the stairs they were coming down. He didn’t have to ask questions, and how was he supposed to know the first shot was leathal. I would have shot twice too make sure myself.

    How was he supposed to know there wasen’t anyone else upstairs that came into his house the same time the first one did. It sounds like the first one came in the house and came down the stairs. The second one was outside and didn’t hear the shots. The second one thought it was probably safe and came in to check out what the first one was doing. I think the guy was justified, maybe working for the state dept. will help him. It sounds gruesome but I hope the guy had the right to empty his gun on each one of them to make sure they didn’t go anywhere, he had the right in my opinion…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    When I read that story, it reminds me of the older couple back in the late 60’s that had a number of breaking either in their area or their home. I don’t recall which.

    They heard someone in the middle of the night trying to open the door to their home. The husband concerned with the break ins, shot through the door killing the perpetrator.

    Turned out their son came home from Viet Nam unannounced.

    I wasn’t there and certainly don’t know the full story, but jez, a person should know his target before shooting.

    Two wrongs make for a funeral.

    In MN it’s the law that we need to render aid, yes even if we shoot someone. If rendering aid is shooting someone in the head that can’t walk, this guy will be home soon.

    If not…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    I gotta say it… the couple of John Waynes in this post… boy you talk with the kahunas, but if you ever get in the spot, I pray you think a little before wasting a couple lives, including your own. I have my conceal carry permit and most of the class was ways to “avoid” using a weapon… he had about 10 options he skipped right through to head shoot a couple people laying on his floor. And then was so thoughtful, he drug them out of the way on tarps and ruined some sheriffs black friday shopping

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’m strongly on the side of being able to defend your own home, but i think i’d have not gut shot them, but made my first shot count. The second kill shot thing is just sad. ‘Clouds’ all the motives.

    Posts: 4941

    It’s a sad deal for all involved

    I hope the man can live peacefully with what he did. If he can, then so be it.

    If he can’t, then all we will hear, are contradictory statements from him.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    At a news conference Monday, the attorney for Morrison County, Brian Middendorf, urged people not to rush to judgment in the case.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I think it was a little over 11 months ago that there was a mass of break-ins throughout the world. He was identified as an older caucasian male wearing a red suit. Apparently he only took some food from each home. As far as I know nobody shot him.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I know what your saying G but if I were in his shoes, downstairs and not knowing if they had a gun or not and was going to use it on me.

    I had to ask myself the question if I wanted them to know I was in the basement, I wouldn’t because I don’t know who just came through the door, maybe with a sawed off double barrel, I mean who would really know.

    If someone came into my house by breaking the glass in my door, I would know by then they were uninvited because they didn’t call out my name or even try to let me know it was friends or family that just came through my door,,,man Id have my gun pointed too.

    No doubt Id have it pointed and ready to fire and if I didn’t recognise any body language at the last moment Id fire too. How would I know if there wasen’t a second person that came through the door with the first and they also had a weapon. How would I know the first didn’t have a pistol packed in his jeans or was carrying a sawed off above his head, and If I didn’t get the first shots off it might be me laying on the floor.

    I have to ask myself If its smart to yell out to someone who just broke into my house, just to let them know I was in the basement. To me this gives them enough time to pull thier weapon and get ready to come down the stairs if thier there to seriously shoot me.

    Man I don’t know G, I’d probably have shot too because I don’t want to give anyone who comes into my house illegally a chance to get ready if this persons there to shoot me first and rob me second.

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