Security systems, monitored/not??

  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    House about a mile from us got burglarized and the wife has said as we have no dogs anymore she wants a security system.

    Any thoughts on monitored versus not monitored and particular company???

    Small house so it shouldn’t take much of a system or need a fancy one either.



    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Monitor = yes. Money spent = peace of mind!


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I’m not a fan. I have large outdoor lights that run on sensors. They come on at dusk, off at daybreak. Alarm company signs on a stick in the shrubs. I also have timers that we set to turn lights on at different times around the house. Makes it seem as tho people are moving from point to point in the house.

    For what the alarm companies charge I’m sure we are money ahead.

    Keep in mind thieves love opportunity. Leave valuables out where they can be seen and they will draw thieves. Much like ants to sugar.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    If you don’t want another monthly fee (forever), you might consider having them install a couple very large sound speakers in your soffits (usually hidden up in the garage soffits facing the street). If/when the alarm goes off, it will blast so loud everyone withn a country mile will hear it and hopefully respond in a positive way for you. A smaller wall mounted speaker in the house also helps to blast noise inside. This serves two purposes; 1, if you are all sleeping, it will wake you/everyone; and 2, if someone (criminal) is inside when it goes off, it scarres the sh!% out of them and will usually drive them out ASAP.
    Home alarms can be installed in many ways too. You can get the very cheap system that will go off if/when it senses an intruder inside the premise, or you can have perimeter seurity that goes off the second they try and enter anywhere around the perimeter – before they get in. You can also have other bells and whistles added like water main break/flow alarms, low temp alarms, interior motion that allows for pets to move around (but picks-up people), gun/other safe monitoring devices, conections to already installed smoke and/or CO monitors, etc.
    Monitoring is just part of it, but it’s the part they always want to hook you on so they get the forever monthlly fee. Remember, not all companies are the same either. Like everything, you get what you pay for.

    Posts: 48

    A buddy of mine has a setup he got for a couple hundred bucks that lets him put cameras around the house wherever he wants that are motion activated. It’s all hooked up to a computer and once activated it records to a hard drive, and instantly takes still frames and sends them to his E-mail account AND his smart phone. So no matter where he is when someone walks up to his door he gets a picture message of the person. Not sure who it’s made by but if you want more info I can find out.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689

    Al- We use a local mpls company for business monitoring, and if you go that route, make sure to read the fine print, we are now entering the 4th year of a 5 year contract My own fault for not reading the contract, but I guarantee the owner never mentioned it as we negotiated the deal. We will not be renewing at the end because of it. Also, recommend a wireless caller that doesn’t rely on a landline if triggered if you are going to have it monitored.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    If you don’t want another monthly fee (forever), you might consider having them install a couple very large sound speakers in your soffits (usually hidden up in the garage soffits facing the street). If/when the alarm goes off, it will blast so loud everyone withn a country mile will hear it and hopefully respond in a positive way for you. A smaller wall mounted speaker in the house also helps to blast noise inside. This serves two purposes; 1, if you are all sleeping, it will wake you/everyone; and 2, if someone (criminal) is inside when it goes off, it scarres the sh!% out of them and will usually drive them out ASAP.
    Home alarms can be installed in many ways too. You can get the very cheap system that will go off if/when it senses an intruder inside the premise, or you can have perimeter seurity that goes off the second they try and enter anywhere around the perimeter – before they get in. You can also have other bells and whistles added like water main break/flow alarms, low temp alarms, interior motion that allows for pets to move around (but picks-up people), gun/other safe monitoring devices, conections to already installed smoke and/or CO monitors, etc.
    Monitoring is just part of it, but it’s the part they always want to hook you on so they get the forever monthlly fee. Remember, not all companies are the same either. Like everything, you get what you pay for.

    Thanks all, the system with the loud speakers is I think what we want, the lengthily contracts I’m a bit leary of.

    The big question is which system works well?


    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’d like to hear more about this. We’ve got some thieves on a neighbors farm and this could be just the ticket.

    AND it separates the deer from the thieves…

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Also remember,… Most metro area cities now charge you big $$$ for false alarms after the 2nd or 3rd. If you are not monitored, this does not apply.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Also remember,… Most metro area cities now charge you big $$$ for false alarms after the 2nd or 3rd. If you are not monitored, this does not apply.

    Thanks, now just to find a system.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I’d think that an 8ft fence with razor wire and a gun tower would do the trick. Guns = peace of mind

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I’d think that an 8ft fence with razor wire and a gun tower would do the trick. Guns = peace of mind

    Got my vote, add a couple of rabid pit bulls and canisters of mustard gas that disperse at the appropriate time and I think we have it.

    Well, other than the entire city is full of bleeding hearts and I’m sure they’d find some ordnance or law against it.

    I like your thinking though..


    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4389

    A dog is still the best system for when you are home or gone for short periods of time. Of course you still have the fees, monthly (food) and yearly (vet). The other plus is someone is always glad to see you come home. Most residential areas also have 6 foot fence ordinance because of easments, etc.

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