Anyone remember the days of a real sandwich from a real locally owned sub shop. You know… where the owner and his wife both worked with maybe a single helper. They had names like “Jerry’s Subs”. One where you could get italian or french bread…. fresh toppings piled high, and it was a real sandwich…. something to look forward to, and not as I like to put it, just to fill a hole. In town here the three shops have closed – and the treat that was a sub sandwich is not the same from a chain place. Almost like getting a packaged one at a grocery story. They may taste good, but are a far cry from the special made by the small, prideful business owner.
Subway, JJ, or whatever… I really miss the local deli that made a real sandwich… the ones that you just knew were going to leave ya going through four or more napkins, and you were darn careful to keep it away from your work shirt so as not to look like a fool the rest of the day.
The mini was perfect, but on a daring day you would do the regular, and feel the need for a nap shortly after. Either was something you may have done to help celebrate a Friday to end the week.
I’ll eat the others to fill a hole, but I’ll never “not” miss the good local made real sandwich from the corner shop.