Fleet Farm Orange Friday

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Hats off to Fleet Farm for their Orange Friday promotion. Today at the Hudson store, first 300 people through the door got a very nice “Deer Camp 2012” orange camo hat and a scratch off ticket. Mine had a $25 gift card winner!!!

    I had a coupon as part of the promotion for a free bag of licorice, I signed up for the giveaway of a 4 wheeler and a gun and I was off.

    Good job by FF to build customer loyalty!! Lord knows I spend enough $$ in there, nice to walk out with a bunch of freebies today!!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    That licorice can be used to help get your tractor unstuck too… just throw it under the tire

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Would have been nice to see this post yesterday Eric so I could have gotten in line this morning…

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Sweet! Good way to start a Friday!

    Posts: 4033

    That is awesome for them to do! I see some free lures in your future.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    Would have been nice to see this post yesterday Eric so I could have gotten in line this morning…

    It was advertised a cople weeks ago. I saw it,but paid no attension cuz I didn’t go on the opener.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Would have been nice to see this post yesterday Eric so I could have gotten in line this morning…

    After all the P2 hubbub, I didn’t want to give anything away………….

    Posts: 9325


    Would have been nice to see this post yesterday Eric so I could have gotten in line this morning…

    I believe todays was only in Wisconsin. MN had ours the friday before our deer opener.

    Nathan Nishizuka
    Posts: 1

    Hey long shot my sons friend or son lost my 2012 deer camp hat and I am looking to buy one or trade also has anyone seen advertisements for this years yet?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    guessing it will be Nov 4th in Mn….and they will be handing out orange hats again whistling (get there early)

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