Boat Help

  • hoyt00
    Posts: 2

    I am looking at buying a used boat and I am wondering wondering if I am in the ballpark on the price.

    The boat is a 2004 Crestliner Sportfish 2050 with an Optimax 150 (2 Stroke), Eagle tandum bunk trailer,65lb Minkota autopilot trolling motor. Some other add ons, but seem to be more original boat stuff. condition looks to be a 8 or 9 out of 10. What kind of price should a guy go in at, they are asking $21,000 for it.

    Thank you

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Welcome to In-Depth!

    I’m not in the market for a boat but $21k seems like a lot for a boat that’s 9 model years old. But,like I said I’m not really up on pricing.

    Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a bunch of replies right away. It’s deer opener in Minnesota and a lot of guys are headed for the woods.

    Those of us not hunting are probably drinkin’.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    A 20′ boat with a 150 is underpowered. Also a 65# minnkota is underpowered for that boat as well. You did not mention any graphs of motor hours. I say its an $18000 rig at best. But thats just my opinion. You should consider the fall a buyers market and the spring a sellers market as well.

    Does a “sound system” and a paint job for a fishing boat really raise the price?

    I think you can find a better priced boat.

    This boat?

    For Sale $21,000Madison WI, United States – 1 week ago on

    Eagle tandum bunk trailer. Original owner – purchased new in 2005. 65lb. Minkota autopilot. On board charger, 2 trolling motor batteries, 2 cranking batts with toggle switch in rear. 4 blade water-sports stainless prop & stock 3 blade alum. spare. Used 50% family, 50% fishing. jl Audio speakers & amp. Eclipse cd Stereo (ams installed). Custom cover & bimini top. Professionally painted …

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 33

    In 2009 I bought a 2005 Sportfish 1950 SST with 200 Optimax, similar trolling motor, full enclosure, rear bench seat, Lowrance with GPS and tandem Shorelandr roller trailer for $27k from a private party. That seemed a little high at the time, but there were only 18 hours on the motor and the boat was immaculate.

    For comparison, the boat you are looking at is 4 years older at the time of purchase, motor is smaller, and had to be repainted suggesting it has seen a fair amount of use. I would agree with the other replies so far, and that $21k is too high. I’m curious to hear what others think, but I would guess it should sell for a few thousand less than they are asking.

    Plymouth WI
    Posts: 314

    Personally-I would throw the guy 14K and see where he wants to go from there. Buying used, you never know what needs to be fixed. IMO

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