Mpls lakes “rant”

  • kroger3
    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    So I headed down to Harriet today to drag some suckers and when I pulled in they had a AIS inspector there. From what I was told by the city and what they posted to the public this was done and over for the year but what ever no big deal. So say to him “I thought you guys were done for the year?” and his response to me was “yeah we were but I think there just trying to burn up the grant money” then he walked down about 3/4 of one side of boat and says “your boat looks clean i am sure your good” and goes and sits in his truck. No walk around, no looking under, no looking at the trailer, no livewell checks, no care where my sucker water was from, no nothing! I am all for AIS inspections but this was total BS! Wish i would of had this on video!!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Is anyone watching this horrible Project H2O report on KARE 11? What a bunch of garbage.

    In theory what they suggest sounds good, but why are we considering the Coon Rapids dam as the fish barrier to the flying carp? Hellooooooooo…… we are as far north in the country as it gets. Why now?

    I was so disgusted watching this BS report I could only shake my head in shame. Couple this with the Mpls AIS project and we have a ton of people wasting government money on projects that have already passed us by.

    Zebra mussels are here. Its over. They are now part of the landscape. And there’s no solution to get rid of them or to truly stop their spread.

    What a bunch of crap that report is and its still running!


    Posts: 85

    Yeah, they’re in all 10k + water bodies of the state. Let’s just give up any time a difficult situation presents itself.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    My point is that MN is the northernmost state in the union and the Coon Rapids dam is without counting about 5-8 dams from the state line. Why are we pouring all this money into this effort now?

    The report said the DNR was going 24-7 to stop their spread. Yeah right! We’ve only known about this threat for the last 4-5 years and now they are going 24-7?

    Too late! Zebra mussels, too late. You might slow the spread to the non-infested lakes but IMHO, you won’t stop it.

    If they wanted to do a real report, they should have reported on the failures of the DNR to do anything to stop the spreads that we have experienced to date.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    We’ve only known about this threat for the last 4-5 years and now they are going 24-7

    ’bout 20 years give or take 5.

    It’s getting so bad that even uttering common sense make a person sound anti American.

    Posts: 4941


    My point is that MN is the northernmost state in the union and the Coon Rapids dam is without counting about 5-8 dams from the state line. Why are we pouring all this money into this effort now?

    FWIW… It is believed to be and touted as, the last barrier to further contanination of the lakes.

    Simple answer is barge traffic…commerce.. is more important to the Army corp of engineers.

    If you were to place recreation on a list of the top ten river uses, I tuly do not believe that there is a high level of concern for recreational uses. It is my belief that the army corp of engineers feel we can live with asian carp in the rivers.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Funny, I was out last Sunday I got to the access at 3:30 surprised to see someone still checking boats. I asked the girl how many boats she has inspected and she said i was the 1st of the day and she has been there since 8:30am. She asked a couple questions and checked my plug and went back into the truck.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    I am all for AIS inspections

    You’re barking up the wrong tree with this crowd!

    I thought the Kare segment was really good and informative.

    Meanwhile, I’ll be inconvenienced by having to pull my drain-plug….oh wait I’ve been doing that for 20 years… never mind!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    You’ve always been ahead of your time.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Meanwhile, I’ll be inconvenienced by having to pull my drain-plug….oh wait I’ve been doing that for 20 years… never mind!

    You’re so dang progressive!

    Posts: 98

    I don’t share your belief that the ZM’s are here, and there is nothing that can be done about it. On two fronts. They are not in ND, and if MN get’s their act together, unlike all the states east of MN, we might be able to keep them out of ND.

    If you don’t feel anything can be done about them, why don’t you google Zequanox and do some reading. But you had better open your mind a little bit – because there’s a naturally occuring bacteria that is working to kill zeebs and not kill the rest of the aquatic life present.

    Coon Rapids is not where the world ends. But it’s a big gateway into MN’s $7 billion fishing industry.

    Do you know what is happening with legislation regarding ship balast water? Have you contacted your US Senator yet?

    The only thing I wish the inspectors would do different, is provide pizza.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    I don’t share your belief that the ZM’s are here, and there is nothing that can be done about it. On two fronts. They are not in ND,

    Are they not in the Red?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    If you don’t feel anything can be done about them, why don’t you google Zequanox and do some reading.

    All we have to do is invite all the zeebs to a confined area and once they all show up, whamo!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    Do you know what is happening with legislation regarding ship balast water? Have you contacted your US Senator yet?

    Our Senator has been campaigning for President for the last 2 years……………..much to busy to worry about a couple of Zeebs.

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