Looking at getting an iPad

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    Looking at getting an iPad or I see they have an new iPad mini any thoughts or comments on them?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You would look better with the Maxi Pad I’m thinking.

    Not much help huh?

    Posts: 4062

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    I have a reg size IPad. I can not see an advantage to something smaller. There may be more toys on it.

    Posts: 4530

    Over priced and hyped up to much. Look at the google tablet or Samsung.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    We were given I pads at school…
    IMO they are a joke. You have to get an app for this, an app for that because they come with very few useful programs and the “keyboard” couldn’t be any more cumbersome. I could not imagine anything even smaller than an i pad even being useful, why not get an i phone at that point.
    I gave mine to our janitor as he didn’t even have a comp at school to check his e-mail.

    Thats my rant…

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Looking at getting an iPad or I see they have an new iPad mini any thoughts or comments on them?

    My laptop died about 11 months ago. I got an I-Pad2 to replace it. It worked very well but it IS NOT a laptop. About 2 months ago I bought a small IBM notebook for the few functions that I just couldn’t do on the I-Pad.

    I would say an I-Pad is a really nice add-on accessory but it is hard pressed to replace a PC or Mac.

    When I saw the I-Pad Mini commercial the first thing I said to Nicole is “I thought the I-Phone was a mini I-Pad.”

    Bruzek is correct. I felt I-Pads were for the techy lovers VS. someone who just wants a functional tool.

    Posts: 974

    check out the ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity Tablet TF700T from Micro Center


    Micro Center
    St. Louis Park
    3710 Highway 100 South
    St. Louis Park, MN 55416

    Phone: (952) 285-4040

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Bigger is better! I bought an Android TV. It might be a little hard to carry around, but it is worth it!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I would like to say some new technology is awesome. A friend could not make it to a wedding we had to attend 2 weeks ago (she was supposed to be a bride’s maid). I was able to fire up Facetime and she got to “attend” the wedding while watching it on her Mac TV.

    The Facetime function has made being away from my family during the week much more bearable.

    E Ashwell
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 423

    Just buy a galaxy s3 and call it a day. Better then a pad in every way possible. Plus you man take it hunting and fishing and out to dinner. Awesome.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Mrs. Grouse, who must have all the new TechnoToys has one. She lets me use it sometimes.

    Overpriced and under-functional. As others have said, neat but not as functional as a laptop. It’s no coincidence that you see everyone now using their iPad with the cases with the integrated keyboard. The iPad touch keyboard is as usless as mamary glands on a boar.

    I have the Kindle fire and it’s everything I need and not as clumsy as the iPad. I just saw a demo version of the new Google tablet at a trade show. Awesome and a much better value, plus you don’t have to put up with Big Brother Apple restricting what you can do or install.


    Posts: 4062

    Thanks everyone!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Glad I could be of help.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    Ipad is a phenomenal web surfing machine, excellent battery life. Not a tool for doing work.

    Posts: 138

    I agree, Ipad is just a large Ipod. Great for playing music and surfing the web, adequate for email.

    But by no means is it set up for business. It actually is quite cumbersome to use for work.


    St. Louis Park
    Posts: 280

    Basically a giant Angry Birds game for the kids

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    I have an ipad 2 and I love it. Great on batteries and the picture is awesome. However, looking back I would have considered another cheaper tablet. My daughter has some apps that she likes but mostly we use it surfing the web. I would almost rather have 2 of the cheaper ones then 1 ipad. Less fighting for the computer.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    to answer your 2nd part about the mini, its all personal choice. I dont believe they do anything different. Its just size and price. if you travel alot i can see the mini being nice. But if you are going to use it at home id go with the bigger ipad.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I like mine but not to replace the laptop. I tried to use it as such and even have a case with keyboard. Still doesn’t do the trick.

    I like mine for Netflix, watching TV shows, fantasy football on the go, and linked in on the go. You can check emails yes but you can do that on all smart phones now.

    I also use mine occasionally for basketball coaching. I can take a video of a game or practice and show it to the player and use it as a teaching tool. Very effective to have real time feedback they can see.


    United States
    Posts: 1434

    I am personally waiting for the Google Nexus 10″ tablet. If something competitively priced and as good or better comes along before that I might go with that. I am sure Apple makes fine products, I just do not care to join the i-monopoly.

    Posts: 4062


    Glad I could be of help.

    You always are

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