this is an interesting read.

Posts: 251
October 30, 2012 at 5:53 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Milwaukee Journal hunting land story
this is an interesting read.
“While Plansky and the state’s roughly 600,000 deer hunters are often desperate for additional hunting land, Plansky said the trespassing and safety risks with land in the program are too great. Without access to accurate and detailed maps, hunters could easily end up trespassing”
“I don’t know anybody that uses it for hunting, ever . . . and I belong to a lot of organizations,” said Plansky, of Two Rivers in Manitowoc County.
However there is hope:
I would love to know when the app is availble.
The Journal Sentinel is planning to create a mobile app that includes maps and other information valuable to hunters, hikers and others interested in using the managed forest land.”
We have 80 acres between Minong and Hayward that is enrolled in the Managed Forest Program. We pay the higher tax rate that allows us to still post the property. Our taxes are 125.00 per year. You can only post up to 80 acres. It is amazing how much land is in this program and is open to public hunting. It does require doing quite a bit of home work to find it though.
Is there anything like this in MN??
I believe if someone in MN receives a LANDOWNER free deer license, they have to give access to the public to their land also… here is the list of FREE license in MN… Landowner Free License
I find that really hard to believe but I dont know the answer either.
The archery, firearm, and muzzleloader landowner licenses have been consolidated into just one license. That license is valid during any open season; however, the landowner must use the appropriate weapon type for that season and adhere to the blaze orange restrictions. This license allows the taking of one antlerless deer per farm (in managed, hunter’s choice and intensive deer areas). A resident owner or tenant or a non-resident owner who is actively farming on at least 80 acres of agricultural or grazing land in deer areas 101, 105, 111, 114, 117, 126, 127, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 201, 203, 208, 209, 210, 213, 214, 215, 218 ,219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 229, 230, 232, 233, 236, 239, 240, 241, 242, 246, 247, 248, 249, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 267, 268, 287, 293, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 (applies to both A and B seasons) may obtain a free license to take an antlerless deer by firearms, muzzleloader, or archery. These licenses can be obtained from any ELS license agent. A person may receive only one landowner deer license per year. For land with co-owners or co-tenants, only one co-owner or co-tenant may receive a landowner deer license per year. The license is valid only on the land owned or leased for agricultural purposes by the license holder within the deer area where the qualifying land is located. The license holder may give the license to the license-holder’s spouse or dependent. A license issued under this provision does not affect the license-holder’s eligibility to purchase additional deer licenses or permits. A landowner deer license can now be used to purchase bonus permits in managed or intensive deer areas. A person who obtains a license under this provision must allow public deer hunting on their land during the deer hunting season for that license, except for the first Saturday and Sunday of the season selected. Hunters must still obtain permission from the landowner, and it is up to the landowner to determine how much public hunting is appropriate on the property.
hmmm. So you cannot hunt the land on opening weekend and then only if/where you get permission. I have a feeling you may not get permission at all very often but I’m just guessing. Sounds like some work but a possibility. Thanks for clearing that up.
yeah, I would imagine, leaving it up to the guy who owns the land to “determine how much public hunting is appropriate” is about a 30 foot high loophole…. but I wonder what the DNR would say if they allow no one on ??
yeah, I would imagine, leaving it up to the guy who owns the land to “determine how much public hunting is appropriate” is about a 30 foot high loophole…. but I wonder what the DNR would say if they allow no one on ??
Just have to let your brother in law hunt it once, then you have opened it to the “public” and can say no to anyone else.
yeah, I would imagine, leaving it up to the guy who owns the land to “determine how much public hunting is appropriate” is about a 30 foot high loophole…. but I wonder what the DNR would say if they allow no one on ??
Just have to let your brother in law hunt it once, then you have opened it to the “public” and can say no to anyone else.
I believe if someone asks and you don’t physically have someone scheduled and in place for that day you must allow them to hunt. This goes for each day for the entire season.
follow up story..
Is there anything like this in MN??
Yes. It’s called WIA, or Walk-In Access. It is like the CRP program where landowners are paid/given tax breaks to open fallow land to public hunting.
I was scouting public hunting areas in St. Croix and Polk counties in WI last weekend and found a tract of land that was marked and indicated the land was Privately Owned but leased for public use (which included hunting).
I have not gotten around to see if there is a guide to where other tracts of land in WI that might have this same designation.
The DNR just released a map of said lands. Doesn’t give you the “exact” location though, so there is still a risk of ending up hunting somebody else’s land. There is a link to the map in the story linked below.
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