Ok, I figured I’d never go to lead core, but I have a few bucks and figured what the heck.
I am wondering that considering about 50 foot seems to be a average leader and for walleyes that’s prob pleanty, but I am thinking of great lakes and trout/salmon where I like long lines out, 150 foot plus.
So…what I’m wondering is, can I run a 50 foot leader as a standard leader length and if I want, add a small swivel to that and add another 50-75 foot to that??
That should also give me the option to run enough line out to get away from the boat, and run maybe 2 to ? colors out, ending up with the lure away from the boat and at a less than full spool of color depth?
Hope that makes sense.
Figure I can try this on one of the Penn GTI320 reels I have and if it works, maybe go to a line counter if needed.