Run the water til it backs up into the sink. Close off one sink whole with a rag or the drain plug then use a plunger on the other sink hole. Plunge like crazy, it normally always works for me. If the clog comes free, fill the sink with warm water then pull the drain plug,it should flush down the clog.
A plunger is great advice, UNLESS you have PVC pipes – the pressure can blow the glued seams appart.
Can you run water into one of the drains while you operate the snake in the other one? That would help flush the line as you snake. When I snake a drain I go in a few inches at a time and work it back and forth, go a few more inches…… It seems like it clears the line better doing it that way than just running it straight in.
A couple of other things. I really like the snake I got that attaches to a drill rather than a manual one. Much faster, easier to use, and cleans the drain line better. I also learned from the snake before that, when you’re done hang the snake out to dry or it will RUST, and breaking a snake off in somewhere in your drain line would be REALLY BAD. 
Good luck. Our kitchen drain has been running slow and I hope that it makes it until it can be a “winter project.” 