Gun Question for the IL Members

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Chicago/IL does not allow the carry of handguns.

    In my vast travels over cyberspace I’ve had the chance to talk with many folk about the gun control laws in the Great State of IL. I’m starting to see a trend of decent people that carry concealed and/or have a loaded gun in their vehicle.

    I know what happens if Mr. LE spots a weapon, but what happens if a person would use his (illegally carried) weapon to save his life? I’m talking a clear cut case where a life was taken to protect another.

    Are they still charged with a felony for carrying it?

    Surly this must happen frequently?

    Any insight is appreciated…and no, I’m not headed down that way.

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    Typically in Chicago, if you use a handgun to protect yourself, you won’t be charged, unless your a felon. Being from WI or MN might qualify too!

    Just don’t get caught beforehand.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Maybe a few are

    Political view on gun control by the district attorney
    Election year and views of gun control by the voters
    Outcry’s of anti gun zealots
    Outcry’s of pro choice voters
    What you were doing when the shooting took place
    Pro or anti news coverage
    Outcry from relatives of victim (yes he will become a victim)

    Hope that narrows it down for ya.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Typically in Chicago, if you use a handgun to protect yourself, you won’t be charged, unless your a felon.

    Just don’t get caught beforehand.

    Hmmm…Do I want to break the law with a chance of being caught or take the chance of dying?


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Now that you publicly asked on a message board it will be deemed premeditated.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You’ve been so helpful today Pug.

    Just remember, you’ll need a double wide in Canada. I get the larger bedroom.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    You’ve been so helpful today Pug.

    Just remember, you’ll need a double wide in Canada. I get the larger bedroom.

    Something you two want to come out and tell us????


    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    Just to sum up how screwed up IL is you can not leagally shoot an intruder in your home if you have an escape route out of the house. Personally I will take my chances with the jury, because if you break into my house I’m going to shoot you. The law on conceled weapons in IL is very clear , you can’t have one.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    A better question. Why does IA recognize MN right to carry law but MN does not reciprocate the recognition? Not that I am ever without one.. It just seems odd.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Idiot-syncrasies probably Jeremy, the product of no common sense, and no fault of most of the people from Minnesota. It sounds like the (lawmaker-lawyers) in Minnesota got thier hands in the pot on this one.

    Posts: 1899


    A better question. Why does IA recognize MN right to carry law but MN does not reciprocate the recognition? Not that I am ever without one.. It just seems odd.

    If I remember correctly from the class, MN only recognizes states whose permitting process/background checks and/or carry laws, etc are similar to ours.

    I could be wrong, though.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    A better question. Why does IA recognize MN right to carry law but MN does not reciprocate the recognition? Not that I am ever without one.. It just seems odd.

    IA is CC now? I did not know that. Nice.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Here in town all summer there were small signs propped up here and there at intersections advertiseing classes for permit to carry classes, seen them in most parts of town. Knowing law inforcemnet here Id bet that in order to get a permit, they without a doubt, check very throughly.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Idiot-syncrasies probably Jeremy, the product of no common sense, and no fault of most of the people from Minnesota. It sounds like the (lawmaker-lawyers) in Minnesota got thier hands in the pot on this one.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Here in town all summer there were small signs propped up here and there at intersections advertiseing classes for permit to carry classes, seen them in most parts of town. Knowing law inforcemnet here Id bet that in order to get a permit, they without a doubt, check very throughly.

    I hope so!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    ITs not like the old days where they would issue restrictions. Its been changed so that they ( Sheriffs office ) has to prove you are unfit to carry. IE, Felony, domestic assault, etc…. But, If you have a permit and are carrying and get popped for DUI.. Felony and no guns for you the rest of your life…

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The restrictions are similar. I am guessing that either they have not noticed our laws have changed and / or its just a matter of updating.. At least that’s what I am hoping. I saw the pics last year of the wolves out on the ice killing deer. I think it was LOW but I might be mistaken.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Sorry Brian.. They let me have one.. lol.. kinda…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    If I remember correctly from the class, MN only recognizes states whose permitting process/background checks and/or carry laws, etc are similar to ours.

    Spot on.

    MN does not recognize IA or WI because we can get a permit in those two states without firing a round.

    WI and IA will recognize a MN permit holder because the MN class covers everything required by those two states…and more.

    Back to IL. I know more people “carrying” from IL then I do from any other state. Any of you IL folk know what the lawmakers are afraid of?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Sorry Brian.. They let me have one.. lol.. kinda…

    I was posting while you where replying.

    Well then, don’t kinda get caught drinking with a weapon!

    Posts: 698

    Being a cynic I think the lawmakers know the drug money pipeline will dry up if concealed carry is allowed or if the citizenry can defend themselves.
    I can’t figure any reason other than graft and greed to stop CC.
    BK, just stay the heck out of Illinois I would if I wasn’t born here.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    What I meant Brian is theres no reason for Minnesota to reject anyone from Iowa. The classes here are registered and pass all the local requirements, why the worry in Minnesota, Does anyone think they are just handed a permit and are underqualified. I heard they are pretty strict on who gets one and who doesn’t. Maybe I need clarification and maybe brought up to date.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Our classes are a little messed up. To get a hunting license you need a safety course where you do plenty of shooting with Pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

    I am not sure if this class is required or not for CC but if not it should be.

    BTW, the only time I actually carry is when I am in the woods or out somewhere ( north end of mille lacs ) where I actually think I might need to have a weapon. Other than that, I like being able to have a weapon in close proximity just in case. As for IL..
    I can tell you all first hand that if you are not carrying you are kind of an idiot. I was maneuvered into a dead end alley off Wacker in downtown with my wife and son in the truck. When they blocked the road I swerved right into the trap.. ( as I am sure they have done prior ). When I tried to get turned around they blocked the truck. I did not have a weapon and was forced to put my family in jeopardy. I sweet talked my way out of things with all the cash I had in my pocket and the pack of smokes on my dash. After I had time to think about what had happened I realized 2 things. 1. That they saw my son in the back ( little kid at the time ) and were at least decent enough to ust take what they could, and 2. That when they approached the truck that the first dude looked in the window close to see if I had a weapon. As soon as he knew he was in the clear he pretty much dictated the end result.

    All in all, I am satisfied with the result. Next time, I will run those bastages over and not look back, If I am in a corner the only words I will udder are to my family to “get down”.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Heard from a semi driver once that He got highjacked in a Chicago suburb. A couple statements after that he said he now carries and he will be the one driving away eigther by his gun or running someone over, it didn’t matter to him.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    The Concealed Carry Institute, the Internet’s FIRST online handgun safety class, meets Iowa law to qualify you for obtaining a Concealed Weapons Permit, on your schedule and at your convenience. No more waiting for the next class… the next class is just one click away!

    The instruction consists of 65 minutes of our complete handgun safety class, followed by a 20 question test. Upon completion, simply print your certificate and take it to your county Sheriff’s office and apply there.

    NOTE: Our instructor’s credentials are on file with each county’s Sheriff’s Office. If you contact your local Sheriff to see if this class is accepted (our attorney in Iowa says it absolutely meets the law), be sure to let him know that Steve Dowdy is the certified instructor and that his credentials are on file under the Concealed Carry /Quote

    So for 65 minutes and 29 bucks you’re on your way to the sheriff’s office to carry, but you actually have to SHOOT to go hunting?

    Meh, I pooped.

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