Problems with Speedometer??

  • smithkeith
    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    While driving my wifes 2005 Trail Blazer back from Chicago yesterday, I looked down and the speedometer read 90mph and continued to climb. GPS showed 65mph. Got home and shut it off and it now rest at 65mph. All the other gauges work fine. Any ideas??

    In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Steeper motor for the speedo needs to be replaced. If you take it to the dealership expect sticker shock. There’s numerous 3rd party services that fix them for cheap. For example >>>

    I’ve not used this repair option… just throwing it out there as an example to get you started. Check Craigslist as well. I’ve spotted a couple repair outfits doing business there as well and you might have someone local.

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    I had a car with those symptoms. Ended up being my alternator.

    Posts: 1902

    I had the same thing happen on my 03 gmc sierra 1500 . I luckily had got a letter a few days before saying that it was covered tell 70,000. The invoice i got when i picked it up was just under 800 that was 5 years ago

    Posts: 197

    Samething happened on my 04 silverado, pulled it out sent the cluster to gmgaugerepair and had it back 2 days later, that was 3 yrs ago, gauges still works today. Way cheaper than factory. I got the letter from Chevy but my gauge was not showing any of the signs, when it started acted up I was over the 70,000 mark that they limited it too. I still drove my truck while the gauge was out, just plugged in my h20 so I knew my speed.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Went through three cluster on my 05 Suburban. Luckily it was all covered under warranty.


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