Shady5…. while everyone’s entitled to formulate their own thoughts and opinions, you kinda light up the very thing that ticks me off most. Someone comes into a sight filled with PRO sportsmen and women and starts condemning them as hypocrites because a dead wolf is a dead wolf.
Frankly, western philosophy is out of hand and if anything is alien to this world, it’s western philosophy. We can spin doctor things all we want, so long as it makes us right, is destructive pride at it’s cleverest disguise.
I know nothing about you but I assume you fish? Is there any diffence between hunting fish or hunting wolves? Does there even have to be a reason? Food? Entertainment? Personal gratification?
My question for the entire tree hugging populus is to tell me, like a 4 year old child, so I’m sure to understand it, is what is so unnatural about being a human being on this planet? We’ve lived by the law of SURVIVAL for millenium after millenium and now that science has reached a level that we can feed the masses without chasing down our next meal, somehow it’s become WRONG or SOCIALLY DISCOURAGED to continue having any continued role in the same ecological balances that have fed and nurtured us throughout our entire history? We should just abandon our ROLE?
We can farm and steward and husband the lands and animals all we want but nature is still nature and while our necessities have long played the regulation needed, would it be responsible to turn our backs to it? Man and nature…… we need each other. Always have. Always will. We suffer without it and IT…… IT suffers without us!
If we look at a veganistic view, where all life is sacred, I will argue that this is also hypocritical. We alter insects and plants and soils so that we can produce crops that are plentiful enough to feed the world….. but at a price. Look at how many insects have disappeared and how many others are now out of control because we altered nature. We can dip into that realm of nature without giving anything a second thought but heaven forbid we hunt or trap! Hypocrites……
How is it ANY different, if all life is sacred, that we pick and choose qualifiers?
To a hunter, saving animals he hunts is no different than planting seeds to grow a crop, and harvest it later. We pump $1.6 BILLION dollars INTO conservation and it’s management. Our opposition seems to think that management isn’t necessary so they pump millions into legislators and institutions that fight us at every chance they get!
The world’s natural balance requires regulation. Both sides. Us and them. But it would be historically evident that total abandonment would prove to be completely irresponsible. Unless of course, there’s another planet we can flee to when this one takes us over……. again.