Best all around line to use on spinning reels ??

  • iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I was checking for fishing line and boy the selection is mind boggling. Priced from $20 for 100 yards to $5 for 1000 yards.
    The mono that I am using seems to have a lot of memory in it. What kind is a good one to use without making me feel like I am buying half interest in the store.
    My wife and I both seem to get these curley tangles and it is time consuming and irratating to say the least.
    Currently we use 10 lb. mono, not the cheapest but not the top grade either.
    We do a lot of casting for bass for the most part, not a big user of the spinners, seems that just casting gives the line this curley thing.
    Thanks for any advise. Roger

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    If you are concerned about line memory, I would suggest Power Pro or another super line, which have literally zero memory.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    IF you’re casting for bass have you given a braid any consideration? Sufix 832 is good stuff, no coils and will last a couple seasons at the minimum.

    As for mono lines, I’ve had good luck with Sensation. Coiling is limited and it handles well coming off the reel. I do think it important to point out that mono lines just don’t last all that long. I replace mono on my spinning reels several times a year. Mono line on baitcasters will make it a full year but never two. For me it seems that over time even the best mono lines start to take a coil, particularly over the winter when the reels sit for months at a time.

    Posts: 3696

    I spent the 2011 fishing season experimenting with all types of lines – mono, fluorocarbon, braid…literally 15 different kinds. Best all around I have found for my spinning reels is 832 Sufix. Strong, no memory, smoother, less screech on the guides, etc.

    If the water is murky and I’m casting/reeling then I go just braid. Otherwise, I always tie a 4-5 foot leader on with a uni-uni knot. The leader line that I absolutely think is great (after trying most every other brand) is Yozuri Hybrid (combo of mono and fluorocarbon). Very strong, highly abrasion resistant, low stretch, low viz – and to James point above – it lasts longer than most mono lines because its UV resistant.

    In fact, if I were to use a non-braid on my spinning reel it would be Yozuri Hybrid because of the low stretch. I can’t stand setting the hook on a long cast with regular mono and it just stretches and you miss hook ups. For this reason, I use Yozuri Hybrid on my baitcasters too.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Try a better mono James…

    I give up on the lighter test braids, tend to bind them selfs on the reel and the smaller diameter seems to get snagged in places mono never did.

    While I don’t fish as much a James does, I get a couple years out of either Stren clear blue or Suffix hi vis yellow Elite when I’m jigging or need to see the line better.

    I’ve found keeping mono out of the sun greatly lengthens lifespan also.

    Try a few different lines and see which one fits your fishing style the best maybe?

    Al…who thinks ATV trails are for boaters too…

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    I pretty much use fireline crystal for all my spinning. It’s not cheap, but you can use more mono backing to lessen the cost. The cost to me is worth it. Zero memory, zero stretch, and is more abrasion resistant than any mono. Just my preference though.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Best all around line to use

    Let’s go for a spin.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894


    I pretty much use fireline crystal for all my spinning. It’s not cheap, but you can use more mono backing to lessen the cost. The cost to me is worth it. Zero memory, zero stretch, and is more abrasion resistant than any mono. Just my preference though.

    I will second this. I love Fireline. I use 3/8 exclusively for my spinning needs. I do like 2/6 as well. But, yeah, it’s the line I like. I use PowerPro quite a bit, too, but the conditions need to be right, ie. above 32 degrees outside.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Sufix 832 braid all the way. Used to be a fan of Gamma and other copolys before a good option went away. Now I’m using Sufix elite whenever I need mono and am happy thus far!

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    I’ve been using Suffix 832 and love it. If you chose to go with Suffix 832 Cabela’s has it on sale right now on their website in the bargain cave for 25% off.

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    I am wondering if he spooled it up right, go against the line spool when spooling up on a spinning reel will give you problems…

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    I’m guessing he is using a more abraison resistant mono like Trilene XT or Suffix Seige causing the coiling problems. Try 10lb clear Trilene XL or Suffix Elite and your problems should go away. Also to save money make sure to put backing on your spool so you only need to put about 50 yards of new line when it needs to be changed to fill the spool. Good Luck.

    Posts: 52

    brand name “viscious”

    Posts: 21

    yo-zuri hybrid lo-vis green 8lb. make sure it goes on the reel same direction it came off the spool

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 20

    I used to be a PowerPro only guy—tried Suffix braid this year, and love it! I’d say you cant go wrong with either!

    Posts: 3696

    Problem is with lines like Trilene XL or Sufix Elite is lots of S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Go with Yozuri Hybrid for low stretch, very strong, abrasion resistant, low viz, etc. Best non-braid line out there IMHO. However, do NOT get the Yozuri Ultra Soft, be sure its the Hybrid.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Problem is with lines like Trilene XL or Sufix Elite is lots of S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Go with Yozuri Hybrid for low stretch, very strong, abrasion resistant, low viz, etc. Best non-braid line out there IMHO. However, do NOT get the Yozuri Ultra Soft, be sure its the Hybrid.

    Stretch is all relative to lure weight, amount of line out and pound test of line, imho

    With either stren clear blue or suffix elite I find that under 1/2th oz jigs and if not to deep work fine with 4-8# test, usually jigging is done with 6-8 though and the stretch helps to soften the pressure on the fish.

    Above 1/2oz jigs and deeper water (30+’) 10-12# test is what I use, also for casting hard baits.

    Mono is cheap enough I don’t use a backing and I fill my spools full, as I retie jigs/lures I peel off about 3-6 foot of line as the last few feet seem to take the most abuse and I have fresh line there.

    In heavier lines like my Musky rigs, they’re all Braid and I run a slightly softer rod to supply the cushioning.

    I tried the keep up with the latest equipment and found that I was spending (wasting) a lot of money and spending way to much time dealing with new stuff and the techniques required to use them, I tend to try new items a bit more cautiously now.

    Still spending to much money though…


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