Tuesday Morning Funny

  • Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I don’t have 4 minutes at the moment….


    Prairie DuChien WI.
    Posts: 51

    I listen to Jay Thomas every afternoon on XM STARS 2.He has a great show at 2PM.

    Mingo, IA
    Posts: 152

    Thanks, thats a nice start to the day

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    I have seen that a number of times. and yet each time, its enough to make me laugh to tears.. its an outstanding story..

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    OMG! I saw this live on Letterman….sitting my my brother-in-laws family room just before Christmas, and when JT says.”getting herbed-up”, I busted a gut and slid off the couch just laughing so hard before anyone else even realized what he had said. Then he elaborates a bit, and everybody is laughing……great story Jay Thomas…..

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Guys, it was new to me and rather funny!
    Jack, well maybe sometime you might see your time clear,
    To the rest of you, give it a shot. I thought it was a refreshing comedic story.

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