Well…Now it gets a little more interesting as I didn’t think there were Zebra Mussels in the Mississippi above Pool 2? What I found on the waterworks page:
St. Paul Source Water Setting
The City of St. Paul obtains the majority of its public water supply from the Mississippi River.
Water is pumped from a pumping station on the Mississippi River in Fridley to a chain of four
reservoir lakes. The Mississippi River pumping station has a total capacity of 84 million gallons
per day. From the river, water is pumped to Charlie Lake in North Oaks; water then flows by
canal to Pleasant Lake, then on to Sucker Lake by conduit, and finally to Vadnais Lake by canal.
Lambert Creek, in the Vadnais Lake watershed area, also contributes a significant amount of
water supply to Vadnais Lake. Water is withdrawn from the final reservoir lake, Vadnais Lake,
which supplies raw water to the treatment plant. The lakes have a water surface area of 1600
acres and an available supply of 3.6 billion gallons. The entire Mississippi River watershed
upstream of the St. Paul intake is the primary source of surface water for the St. Paul public
water supply. The Mississippi River drainage basin upstream of St. Paul has a watershed area
of approximately 19,000 square miles. Average draw from the river by the water utility is X
million gallons per day; typical Mississippi River flow is approximately 3.9 billion gallons per day.