I’ve never used leadcore…and was wondering if it’s worth the investment….Question…can I use three-ways to present cranks just as effectively?
The more I use leadcore, the more I like it! Especially on the river.
As mentioned, you can get the crank further away from the boat. In many situations that’s definitely a plus. Leadcore can be run a lot faster than 3-ways and leadcore does a better job of following contours, turns and breaklines.
I load all 10 colors of lead onto a level wind reel and match that up with an 8 foot fiberglass downrigger rod. Nothing fancy. You can get set up for a little over $100 with some decent equipment. The Shimano TR-200 shown here for $59.99: Shimano TR-200 A decent downrigger rod can be picked up just about anywhere in that $39.99 range. Spool that up with 18 pound leadcore line and away you go!
Leader lenght, mono or braid, light or heavy now that’s a whole new topic!