Wow fastest way to kill a sport….

  • stevenoak
    Posts: 1719

    The livewell drain one of my dislikes of my new Alumacraft. Took a trip to RL this year driving the state one end to the other. I carry a sponge to dry out my livewells. Seldom do I transport fish. But the whole way was thinking did I miss one of the other 10,000 regs. Agree a lot of it is BS. But I love the look of dissapointment on some CPO’s face when you are totally legal. I also wonder how they are going to veiw ice.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    Better not accidently step in the water while loading your boat in MN. If they hear water sloshing around in your shoes that’ll be another violation.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Sportsman/Sportswoman have a big voice here in Mn so I thought though I continually here how important we are to this state.
    Things are not going to change if all that is done is bitching on a forum. They are just going to get more stringent.
    I have said it before and I will say it again call your House/Senate representatives and see their positions on the matter. Call their challengers for this upcoming election to see their positions. Make it a political subject to be discussed openly with all sides chiming in, not just the one sided views that are writing the laws now.

    Take these obscene citations to court and challenge them! Do not sit on your but and accept it then [censored] about it and wait for someone else to pick up the ball for you. Do something about it!

    Nanny state? It sure is looking like it more and more.
    Sorry fore being blunt but not standing up for for each other is frustrating and this attitude of me me me is long overdue for adjustment.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    If it’s recommended to sponge out boats/live wells when leaving the landing couldn’t various AIS survive in the moisture in the sponge?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    If it’s recommended to sponge out boats/live wells when leaving the landing couldn’t various AIS survive in the moisture in the sponge?

    YEP! Need to bleach the sponge to kill the contents, then dispose in a hazardous material appropriate manor. I’m not being funny with this, you can not discharge bleach into the water legally.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005



    If it’s recommended to sponge out boats/live wells when leaving the landing couldn’t various AIS survive in the moisture in the sponge?

    YEP! Need to bleach the sponge to kill the contents, then dispose in a hazardous material appropriate manor. I’m not being funny with this, you can not discharge bleach into the water legally.

    What about bathing suits? I can just see them saying “Ma’am, before you swim in the lake I need to inspect your bathing suit for invasive species.” It’s no less ridiculous than their other overzealous regulations.

    While this was partially just a sarcastic comment, asking the MN-DNR “Would swimming in two different lakes with the same wet clothes on be a violation?” Their answer of “yes” would make a great media release to put pressure on them to back off with this nonsense.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Man Randy, another example of too many rules in the wrong places and not enough in the right places.

    Too bad there wasen’t a place where people could sign thier signature and explain why thier not going to Minnesota to vacation and fish and spend some money, I’d add mine. If a thread was started right here and let people sign thier signature and give the reason(s) why for lets say 6 months, I wonder how many out of state and Minnesota in state signatures there would be.

    Then send it to the newspapers for everyone to see and keep the thread going for those readers so when they see the newspaper article then they can visit this site, then they too can put thier signatures on it. You get 3 or 4000 signatures, especially people from out of state and voters from Minnesota then they will see people are organizeing, which means power and votes.

    This sounds like it could build up so much steam that a canidate could run against the stupid laws on AIS and win a substancial amount of votes. Maybe thousands of signatures started right here on IDO. Imiagine if the word got out by fishermen talking to each other, even on the Wisc. side, on where to go to put your signature, and more visits to this site. If Brian or somebody at Ido wants to start the thread Id put my signature on it as soon as its posted, its a way to get the ball rolling.

    Maybe copy a few hundred notices and give them to a few people, they then can give a few to guys they know to give to others at bait shops and ramps etc. Telling those readers to go to IDO and sign thier names. Just a simple small 3″ by 5″ piece of paper simply stateing where to go to join up with everybody else and sign.

    Something like this;;;

    Go too depth Outdoors, and sign your signature and give a simple reason why, it will only take a couple minutes, to Stop the rediculous laws on


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    MD, there is a place, but I don’t think that MN can afford to operate it.

    I have an email sent to MN DNR and others to get a clarification specific to my experience and the what/how to address that situation in the future – provided that there will be another time.
    I tried to copy the MN Governor on the email…bet the website found an error – go figure

    MN Governor Contact Page – Broken????? I filled it out and when I click submit, it crashes. – So, next best thing is to copy all the legislative bodies. Eventually one of them will like to use it as a dagger to fling at another opposing politician

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Something is really wrong with this picture. There is no requirement to sponge out a livewell or bilge. The requirement is to drain all water/buckets and pull the plug. If you have a livewell or bilge that is impossible to drain (such as a high lip on the drain, then further measures may be needed). Water from home or bait shops is perfectly acceptable to use in bait buckets. If the plug is pulled and some water drains out as you pull away, this isn’t a violation. Before folks get all Les Nessman (WKRP), I think maybe there is more about this.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Taztyke above said that a DNR officer told him that technically bringing any bottled water back to shore, it had to be dumped, includeing the cooler, thats what everyone is talking about. Draining the bilge is one of the laws that maybe can be put up with, but those like the cooler, bottled water thats in the cooler on ice, also has to be dumped. Personally emptying the bilge isn’t going to do anything much. Anywhere wheres theres water, ducks, geese, beavers, muskrats etc. are also going to spread it, its unavoideable. But bottled water and water in a cooler?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    There is no requirement that unopened bottled water must be poured out. Water in coolers need to be drained.

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    Take it to court and plead your case to the judge.


    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    According to the uniformed DNR office at the ask an officer both at the Game Fair it is in the law. All containers regardless of the condition of them they must be drained. According to his interpretation of that law it includes open or unopened water bottles. He is the one who is supposed to know the law and enforce it. I guess if he is wrong in his interpretation then we are all in big trouble.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    TazTyke, Sounds like whomever answered your question may have given you a wrong answer. If you want to pursue the question I’d suggest you email Major Phil Meier and see what he has to say. Phil runs the DNR Enforcement for AIS. My information is coming directly from the DNR AIS Stakeholder meetings that Phil and I participate in. If he is telling me one thing and you another, I’d be interested in knowing this.

    [email protected]

    Posts: 308

    Sport may end up being for the privileged. I’m in trouble if that’s the case.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    So basically what he is saying is that all factory sealed containers are OK? All other containers if the seal has been broken you are in violation including coolers that have come off the water?

    Even still, this is madness and it needs to stop. If you are in Discussion with the director then it might be a good idea to tell him to visit this and many other social networking sites to become more informed about what is happening.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    It is my understanding if you bring a cooler with ice in it or bait out on the water even if never comes in contact with lake water, you would still need to drain it; if it was in the boat. The reasoning is that it impossible to determine where the water in it came from.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396


    It is my understanding if you bring a cooler with ice in it or bait out on the water even if never comes in contact with lake water, you would still need to drain it; if it was in the boat. The reasoning is that it impossible to determine where the water in it came from.

    Impossible to determine where it came from? Maybe they could just ask. Then again where is the money in that?

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    And then there were the guys at the landing when I put in mid-July. They were both… how to say it? Demoralized, maybe?

    They stood around while I trailered the pontoon and we talked about AIS and rules and THEY TOLD ME HOW STUPID THEY THOUGHT SOME OF THE RULES WERE!

    And then these few things were said…

    • Don’t worry about your cooler… what are you going to do, dump river water in it?
    • Your bait? Is it river water? Hrm… take it home, dump it right away and refill it with rainwater. That stuffs expensive and I’m not going to make you throw it away.
    • If you get caught by a CO or a cop, I can’t help you… just don’t let them see that bait bucket once you tell them where you’re coming from.

    It was really interesting and kind of sad to see these two guys, sportsmen themselves, obviously feeling violated by these laws AND feeling ashamed to do their jobs. It’s like there was a moral inversion for them, having to choose between forcing people to follow rules that violate their rights and reason or having to look the other way and then possibly lie about it afterwards.

    We’re not the only ones in craptastic spot.

    I started a Facebook page for this cause… let’s start gathering names and see if we can’t get a few thousand supporters. Maybe we can use social media to bring some sense back to this state’s AIS management plans.

    PS – I wrote a blurb for the page… if anyone has any tips, PM me here or on Facebook and I’ll give them very serious consideration.

    Posts: 4941


    It is my understanding if you bring a cooler with ice in it or bait out on the water even if never comes in contact with lake water, you would still need to drain it; if it was in the boat. The reasoning is that it impossible to determine where the water in it came from.

    Chlorine Strips…simple solution to a difficult problem.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    so I fill a cooler full of ice to keep fish that I catch in, when I get to shore or before I have to dump all that ice out and go buy another couple of bags to get the fish home before they spoil????

    I also refill water bottles (to help my mother the earth) and if I don’t drink all them I have to dump them out as they are not sealed???

    It truely has gotten out of hand.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    It looks like someone needs to grab the higher ups by the ear and twist a little bit to get thier attention. Dumping just the water out of a cooler when theres ice and fish in it, coming off the water is insane. Isn’t insanity when theres dumb ideas involved and they keep chaseing them with no common sense. Imagine all CO’s haveing to carry chloriene strips to test cooler water, thats what myself and everybody else is talking about, what other laws have I missed. It sounds like everyone is going to be putting river water in with thier ice to make sure the fish stay wet. Another law where they try to kill an ant with a 20 lb. brick.

    Posts: 813

    I wonder what a few billboards around the Twins Cities and else where would do for tourism ? Maybe make the state rethink this whole thing .

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013

    This is complete BS. There’s no way a boat fully drains at the ramp. They all purge some water when you hit the road for many many miles. This sounds like a bum wrap and another reason for me not to use MN lakes. How sickening.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    This is complete BS. There’s no way a boat fully drains at the ramp. They all purge some water when you hit the road for many many miles. This sounds like a bum wrap and another reason for me not to use MN lakes. How sickening.

    Boat hasn’t been in the water since wendsday and I bet there’s still a gallon under the floor, better yet, while replacing the guide bunks on the trailer this spring I found mussels under the carpet.

    Spend the money on cures.
    But that don’t generate votes so it won’t happen.


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Am I the only person who can look at water and tell if it came from a faucet or from a lake or river?

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Glad we always tip our Duck boat up and make sure the water is drained out completely because we ran into a CO in the most unlikely place last weekend. We do this because it sucks when it freeze’s in the boat. The CO did give us a intense overall check from top to bottom.
    Oh and there are plenty of Ducks left in Minnesota so don’t give up guys ..

    Posts: 3010

    Maybe you could strike it rich by contracting with the DNR as a “Water Source Identification” consultant

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    No water in a duck boat. No mud in a duck boat. No weeds in a duck boat. Yeah right. DUMB DUMB DUMB.

    Here’s a photo of 2 MINNESOTA CO’s trucks at a WISCONSIN boat landing this Saturday. I wonder how long they spent on their hands and knees getting every last pinch of weed stuck between the bunks and rollers off……

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    When you have the time take a few minutes and voice your concerns. You can do it here why not at a place specially created for this subject.

    Stop the AIS insanity in Minnesota.

    Time to put up or or lay over and accept it and let the system roll right over you

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