Looking for old friend

  • okie
    Posts: 3

    :Hi You wonderful ol stinky fisherman,
    This lil ol okie needs your help,
    I had a genealogy chat friend that lived in Woodville, Wi
    Her name was Mary Wirth– she went by Shejag,
    Last time I heard from her she was moveing to ? a lake
    Lots of things happened at that time —
    We were hit by a tarnado then I had triple bypass
    Dont know if something happened to her computer or what,
    If any of you run into a Mary that likes to fish ask her if her nickname is shejag,
    [email protected]

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Nan…I checked the user list and there is a Mary…her username is shewhofishes. She resides in Iowa though. Look that name up in the user list at the top of the page and send her a PM. It just might be your Mary?

    Posts: 3

    Thanks Tom,
    I checked that name–If thats her she fudged on her age, lolol
    She also worked as a nurses aide at a rest home,
    Old friends are like gold to me i hate to lose one,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I believe there was or is a person going by that name [shewhofished] who has a place on Lake Tetonka over by Waterville Mn. [southern Mn.] Check out the southern Mn. lakes forum and make a post and see if she responds to it. Also there is a lady named Mary who goes by ”fishingmachine” on the board who said she was almost 70 years old and loves to fish. She has made a few comments about a fishing report on handlining I believe that Ecnock posted about. Her pic is shown on her post. Welcome to the site nan.

    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Click on the link below and it will take you to the post with pic that I was talking about. By the sounds of it from some of her other post this Mary is moving and is buying a modular home and having it put on some land that she bought.

    fishing machine

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Nan, check your PM. I sent you three phone numbers for Mary Wirth in WI.
    Good Luck!

    Ps In case you aren’t sure what a PM is. Right next to the word “Entrance” in the header at top, there’s a little envelope flashing. That means you have a Personal Message. Click on it and it will take you to “MY (your) Home. You will see it there.
    Welcome to the board!

    Posts: 3

    Hi guys,
    thanks for your help,
    My friend is about 50 yrs old
    still has 2 daughters liveing at home one has a couple of kids i think, also there is a son,
    The addy on south main st is the one I had for her
    Thanks for your help.
    Sportsman are the bestest there is,

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