Lawsuit filed to try & Stop the WOLF HUNT!

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802


    Yes it would be wanton waste. If you just wanted to shoot one I would bet that any taxidermist may be interested in it.

    theres a guy in perham that may use it to make his fur hats mittensa and such! stores called wildlife minnesota!

    Posts: 605

    People, get off my [censored] about it. They are my favorite animal and have had no personal problems with them. I dont hear that many bad things about them either. There arent that many in the state.. 3,000 isnt enough. There is no reason to kill them for little to no reason. Im not a treehugger, i just dont see too much of a problem with them.

    Posts: 3010


    “Fine let’s not hunt the wolves, but because of the already growing population of the species let’s capture a few from each pack and relocate them to other areas of the state.” … I believe the banks of the Mississippi in the Metro area would be a good place to drop off maybe 50 or so to start. This will one help stabilize the deer population and stray dogs and cats. Two will help satisfy the support groups that would like to see the Wolf close up

    Let’s do it
    The metro deer population definitely needs to be signifcantly reduced
    Will they kill (or at least chase off) a bunch of the ghetto geese too ?

    Posts: 4941


    i just dont see too much of a problem with them.

    Begs the question? where do you live?

    I don’t think you will see them running through Target Field.

    On the other hand if 50 or so were dumped around the cities, they might be able to control the gang population.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412



    i just dont see too much of a problem with them.

    Begs the question? where do you live?

    I don’t think you will see them running through Target Field.

    On the other hand if 50 or so were dumped around the cities, they might be able to control the gang population.

    Here again lies the problem with people who are in favor of letting the population grow they aren’t educated on the wolf itself. Here is an idea before people go spouting off about wolves and that there are only 3,000 in the State of Minnesota maybe they should do a little research about where the these “Study Areas” are what methods are used for there estimates or go talk with conservation officers from areas that have wolf problems.

    I have a few friends that work for the DNR and everyone of them agrees that the estimates are closer to 7K or 8K. Based on current breeding estimates of each pack and the death rate of a wolf population I would say cracking the 10K mark in a couple years isn’t far off. Given the fact that one wolf needs about 19 deer a year to live off and in my humble opinion I have notice a steep decline in deer population over the last few years and not because the hunter numbers are up which that is well documented through the DNR as well. I would say that the wolf population is already on its way down to the metro area because the food supply around here is getting pretty well depeleted hence why they are now targeting pets in yards.

    So the wolf supporters will eventually get what they want, but wait will there then be a support group within the support group to save the deer which means no deer season because with all the hunters taking deer there will be no food for the wolves …Things that make you go hmmm

    Hastings Mn
    Posts: 45

    Just curious what ever happened to mother nature doing her job. I know politics should be discussed somewhere else but it seems like the more government gets involved the worse things are. Seems like things were ok when we were all younger and there were less people sitting behind a desk telling us what was good and what was bad.

    Posts: 525

    Too many Disney-watching yahoos that’ve never left pavement or concrete. Folk who believe that “Tom” the cat will never catch “Jerry” the mouse, kill him for fun and maybe eat him, maybe not. Folks who believe that Lions and Warthogs can be friends.

    I daresay that there’s not a wolf in MN with the “character” of White Fang, but you can’t convince “them” of that. The best thing they could do to protect wolves for the future is to open them to hunting.

    Posts: 4941

    I hope you didn’t read into what I posted,as taking the position that I am in favor of stopping the wolf hunt.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321


    Just curious what ever happened to mother nature doing her job. I know politics should be discussed somewhere else but it seems like the more government gets involved the worse things are. Seems like things were ok when we were all younger and there were less people sitting behind a desk telling us what was good and what was bad.

    Thats because we only hear about the bad.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    I hope you didn’t read into what I posted,as taking the position that I am in favor of stopping the wolf hunt.

    Not at all just replying to your quote in regards to the “I am not aware that there is a problem”. That is like saying since I am not in Africa even though they say people are starving since I am not there it must not be happening.

    I don’t want people to think that I am this kill happy person either; I just know historically there was a wolf problem and the government did nothing about it so the people took matters in their own hands to protect their lively hood i.e. farmers for the most part. Now you have the same situation where there is starting to be a problem whether people are aware or care to admit it. If we as a society do nothing to help control it people will take matters into their own hands yet again to protect their lively whether that be farmers, pet owners, or deer hunters; like it or not there are still some people in this state that depend on venison to feed their families because they can’t afford to buy meat at the grocery store.

    Don’t get me wrong I have said it before I think the wolf is an intelligent majectic animal and do want to see them eradicated from the earth and I want them protected as much as possible as well. In this case I agree that having a season on the wolves is a way of protecting them from extinction again. Because like it or not humans aren’t much different from a wolf; where a wolf will prey on whatever to survive, a human will do whatever they have to protect their lively hood to survive. We as society just have many different laws put in place that control how we survive to protect us in the same regards. Like it or not, it is what it is.

    Again the solution is to make everyone aware of the problem before coming up with a solution. I can see why the wolf supporters are fighting the season they aren’t aware of the problems in the northern part of the state and many think it is to leave more deer for the hunters. Maybe if they sent out an informational that gives a brief history of the wolf population and why they became extinct fefore and a summary of why they have incorporated a season and the method behind it, maybe just maybe more people would understand why this season is a necessity to ensure they do not become extinct again.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Inform the people of the problem, before doing something about the problem. That is the real problem with government they don’t fully inform people or why or the method to solve the problem before implementing a law or rule.

    I made this mistake earlier in my career in managing and wow do people really get upset, and found that if you explain to them beforehand you get a lot less griping about the solution. Albeit someone will always gripe.

    Posts: 4941

    You are reading me wrong on this one.

    The actual Quote was from another post.

    I agree with holding a wolf hunt I even applied

    Posts: 1960


    Inform the people of the problem, before doing something about the problem. That is the real problem with government they don’t fully inform people or why or the method to solve the problem before implementing a law or rule.

    I made this mistake earlier in my career in managing and wow do people really get upset, and found that if you explain to them beforehand you get a lot less griping about the solution. Albeit someone will always gripe.

    I call BS.

    How much information do people need? When wolves are listed as endangered….then de-listed and labelled as threatened….then removed from that list, that is all public knowledge. There has been enough written about the whole ordeal to gag a horse. In fact, the info has been out in such abundance that NOBODY is uninformed unless they choose to be. Simply put – the vast majority of people that are strongly against this hunt now are not going to be swayed by ANY amount of info.

    I agree with your last sentence wholeheartedly.

    Let the hunt begin.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Too many Disney-watching yahoos that’ve never left pavement or concrete. Folk who believe that “Tom” the cat will never catch “Jerry” the mouse, kill him for fun and maybe eat him, maybe not. Folks who believe that Lions and Warthogs can be friends.

    I daresay that there’s not a wolf in MN with the “character” of White Fang, but you can’t convince “them” of that. The best thing they could do to protect wolves for the future is to open them to hunting.

    Belittling people is a great debate tool and is a great way to get people to see your side.

    I dare say that the wolf is not the character you see in Red Riding Hood either.

    As for people losing pets or livestock, I have a little more sympathy for the farmers. I might also sympathize with those who had pets and did not know that there were wolves in the area. But if you live in the country and let your animals run loose because you are in a rural area, how is it any different than losing your pet to a trap, being hit by a car, being attacked by a rabid raccoon, etc? Seems the blame is misplaced.

    That being said and despite not being a hunter, I have no problem with the hunt. 3,000 wolves living mostly in the north half of the state sounds like a number that needs to be managed.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m against the hunt.

    But that’s because I didn’t apply for a permit. Save one for me boys!

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    You are reading me wrong on this one.

    The actual Quote was from another post.

    I agree with holding a wolf hunt I even applied

    I know you are in favor you responded to someone that wasn’t I was agreeing with you.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412



    Inform the people of the problem, before doing something about the problem. That is the real problem with government they don’t fully inform people or why or the method to solve the problem before implementing a law or rule.

    I made this mistake earlier in my career in managing and wow do people really get upset, and found that if you explain to them beforehand you get a lot less griping about the solution. Albeit someone will always gripe.

    I call BS.

    How much information do people need? When wolves are listed as endangered….then de-listed and labelled as threatened….then removed from that list, that is all public knowledge. There has been enough written about the whole ordeal to gag a horse. In fact, the info has been out in such abundance that NOBODY is uninformed unless they choose to be. Simply put – the vast majority of people that are strongly against this hunt now are not going to be swayed by ANY amount of info.

    I agree with your last sentence wholeheartedly.

    Let the hunt begin.

    Oh, I know the information is scattered around everywhere. All I am saying is put a summary of all the facts and methods for the solution in one document and make it available rather than scattered about. To be honest reading through all the articles and deciphering everything from fact to fact is like trying to crack the Da Vinci code. But be honest how many people really take the time to gather all the facts before they fuss… I would say about 1%…and in most cases I would be the other 99% that just complains, but on this matter I have done my homework because like I said I like the wolf and don’t want them eradicated from earth and really wanted an understanding of why and how to best control the species so they don’t go extinct.

    So Hunt on boys and get your taxidermists lined up…oh and see if one of the wolf supporters would like a nice fur lined hat.

    Posts: 4941

    Patitence is needed here,

    I would be willing to bet all of BK’s money that the hunt will go on.

    The reason the goverment is so slow in all matters, is because both sides are due equal process.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jeff, you are a wolf in bears clothing.

    I’m willing to bet my last quarter as well.

    The public input argument is a thin leg to stand on when the legislature points the DNR’s nose in a certain direction.

    However we’ll have to waste more taxpayer money in court.

    It’s the Minnesota way!

    Posts: 1899


    The reason the goverment is so slow in all matters, is because both sides are due equal process.

    And that’s the reason these wackos are seeking an injunction from a judge (if I remember correctly). That doesn’t require due process because a sympathetic judge can just say “E’erybody hold cher britches on. Nobody does nuthin’ tils we gits this figgurd out.”

    And Whammo! The hunt is delayed at least a year until they can get it all ironed out.*

    *This post does not constitute legal advice. I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv or in the bedroom. Heck, I don’t even watch Law and Order or anything. I’m really just a nincompoop who heard the word ‘injunction’ somewhere and wanted to sound smart.

    Posts: 4941



    The reason the goverment is so slow in all matters, is because both sides are due equal process.

    And that’s the reason these wackos are seeking an injunction from a judge (if I remember correctly). That doesn’t require due process because the animal rights loving judge can just say “E’erybody hold cher britches on. Nobody does nuthin’ tils we gits this figgurd out.”

    And Whammo! The hunt is delayed at least a year until they can get it all ironed out.

    Absolutely correct

    Despite the frustration; it all just depends on which side of the fence you stand on reguarding the issue,those that stand on the other side of the fence, are due equal process.

    If the hunt gets shot down, are you just willing to say OK and walk away from it.
    Or would you decide to stand and fight for your due process rights.

    It goes both ways

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I like the billboards that read, “Stop the DNR from Torturing Wolves” or something like that. How exactly are the DNR torturing them?

    I also like it when they say, “Save the wolves”.
    A.) Its not like none will be left
    B.) Managing them IS saving them.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    I like the billboards that read, “Stop the DNR from Torturing Wolves” or something like that. How exactly are the DNR torturing them?

    I also like it when they say, “Save the wolves”.
    A.) Its not like none will be left
    B.) Managing them IS saving them.

    I agree, again the in me says fine let them have their way and when their pets start to get attacked and the deer population starts to get depleted where they live then we can see the Billboards of “Save the Deer, Control the Wolves”.
    I don’t remember who said we should put a billboard up of a wolf standing over a slain pet, but I like the idea it would put another perspective on the situation.

    Again if it isn’t happening to them or they can’t see it, it must not be happening.

    So let’s waste some more tax dollars, or we could use that money to I don’t know fix some state roads or increase the pay of our senators and representatives we all know they deserve more money for representing the citizens…????

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