832 Advanced Leadcore and Size 47 reels

  • holstc
    Posts: 124

    I am switching over to the 18# Advanced leadcore line. Going to put ten colors on the 47 size reel. How much and what size backing will I need to fill the line counter properly?


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    If at all possible, wind the lead core on first, then wind the backing over the top until the reel is full. Next wind the entire reel full of backing and lead core on to another 47 reel. Write down the size of the backing line and how much you used for future reference. On your next 47 reel, you can just wind the amount of backing on first, followed by the lead core.

    If that’s not possible, then your probably going to have to guess a little as to how much backing you need to put on first.
    Not sure if anyone has put this new line on with backing on a 47 size reel yet.

    If you can wait another week, I plan on loading several 47 reels with the new 832 lead core next week.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    Download this REEL FILL CALCULATOR.
    The location is on the right side of the listed website just below the advertisements. Easy to use and very helpful.
    Web Page Here.

    Posts: 124

    I am hitting Mille Lacs next Friday, so if you can post up what you find on Thursday or before it would be much appreciated.


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Will do.
    If I forget, don’t be afraid to pm me a reminder.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Download this REEL FILL CALCULATOR.
    The location is on the right side of the listed website just below the advertisements. Easy to use and very helpful.
    Web Page Here.

    This calculator is awesome! Great find, thanks for sharing!

    Posts: 125


    Download this REEL FILL CALCULATOR.
    The location is on the right side of the listed website just below the advertisements. Easy to use and very helpful.
    Web Page Here.

    I haven’t found that calculator to be very accurate. Not saying the math is wrong, just that real life is different than a spreadsheet for whatever reason.

    Joel’s technique is the only way I’ve found to accurately fill a line counter. By using this technique all of mine are accurate to the foot with 100 ft. of line out. You don’t even need two reels, you can get creative with a couple of empty line filling spools and a cordless drill.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294



    Download this REEL FILL CALCULATOR.
    The location is on the right side of the listed website just below the advertisements. Easy to use and very helpful.
    Web Page Here.

    I haven’t found that calculator to be very accurate. Not saying the math is wrong, just that real life is different than a spreadsheet for whatever reason.

    Joel’s technique is the only way I’ve found to accurately fill a line counter. By using this technique all of mine are accurate to the foot with 100 ft. of line out. You don’t even need two reels, you can get creative with a couple of empty line filling spools and a cordless drill.

    I’ve done just what you describing above and it does work but it can also get a little messy. One thing I can tell you is it’s important to make sure you have a big enough spool for all your line before you start winding it off the reel.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    To anyone waiting to hear on how much backing it takes, I
    started thinking about how I’m going to back fill my 47lc reels. Since my reels get used for salmon fishing as well as trolling for walleyes, I tend to back fill at least a portion of them with superline. This allows me to put anywhere from 500 to 800′ of extra line behind the lead core. That may seem like a lot, and it is, but we’ve had several king salmon run 500 to 600′ of line on us while fishing on Lake Michigan.

    What that means is, what I back fill my reels with is probably going to be useless info to most people on this site.

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