Where Were You Today in 2001?

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941


    I also remember how eerie it was to not hear any planes flying at any given time, not even in the faint distance. Well except when you saw and heard the lone jet fighters patrolling far up in the sky.

    There were many F-18 fighters siting on the tarmac out here,at MSP.
    And they were armed to the teeth.
    Once commercial aircraft started flying again, there were armed jet fighters flying over the entire country.
    The military out here at MSP had one of the runways set up with those catapolte and braking cables they have on carriers, in case of an airport attack.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    flipped on the TV to se what was going on, sat back down, called in late to work and watched as the whole thing unraveled before my eyes.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Working on a highway reconstruction design project at Carver County Public Works in the Government Center in dntn Chaska listening to KTIS 98.5 FM (Christian Radio) with Chuck Knapp & Jon Engen morning show.

    They broke into Prayer right after the first report. I announced it to the rest of office right after the 2nd Jet hit.

    Heard lots of chatter on the County Radio system, Sheriff’s dept was abuzz with activity, checking with Public Works staff & Emergency Management.

    Couldn’t believe what I was hearing. At break we watched the news of what was happening in NYC and around the World.


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Reading these accounts gives me the shivers. We are truely blessed that something like this doesn’t happen on a monthly basis. I can’t believe how the folks in the mid-east can endure attack after attack.

    Say a prayer.

    Posts: 3681

    At home on the couch watching Fox news.Watched the 2nd plane hit.
    Was glad I was home with my wife and daughter.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    It was Senior Year of College, I had an early morning class. I was walking through the lounge and noticed everyone glued to the TV with one of the Towers on fire, people were in a panic and some were crying. I didn’t think anything of it, thought it was some movie someone put in the TV.

    After the 5 minute walk back to our house, all my roommates were watching CNN. That is when I got alarmed because the TV was usually an ESPN only television in the morning. that’s when the second plane hit. Shortly after that we got the call that all classes were cancelled for the day.

    All five of us and a few friends basically sat on the couch all day watching CNN. Which is pretty amazing since we never watched the news in our house let alone knew CNN was actually a channel.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    My wife and I had just dropped off our kids at daycare and were on way to work listening to KQ. Will confirm that Tom B originally called it a Cessna hitting the building.

    By the time we got to work, another plane had hit and many of us went to the lunchroom to watch the TV there with a cable feed. I remember about 100+ people standing there watching.

    Many decisions were made post 9/11, but most of them were an attempt to safeguard people and make information easier to come by if something like this happened again. Not at my company. No….too many people not at their desks working in the minutes and hours following the attacks. They pulled the cable from all company TV’s.

    I’ll never forgive them for that. Imagine the potential panic that could have occurred had we not had that TV feed. We knew what was happening, where, and had access to the most up to date info. I can’t imagine coming up with that memo.


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    I70 between Abilene and Salina KS…..

    Did not get to watch any video until that evening….

    Fuel prices tripled at some truckstops …

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    9th grade English class.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I don’t recall where I found this but I thought I’d repost it anyway.

    “As 9/11 is here….I would like to share this prayer.
    Now I lay me down to sleep…one less terrorist this world does keep…with all my heart I give my thanks…to those in uniform regardless of ranks…you serve our country and serve it well…with humble hearts your stories tell…so as I rest my weary eyes…while freedom rings our flag still flies…you give your all, do what you must…with God we live and in God we trust….Amen”

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    I was putting my college senior daughter on a plane from MSP to Newark.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Still gives me goose bumps with a blurry eye Denny.

    Posts: 3010


    I was putting my college senior daughter on a plane from MSP to Newark.

    Wow that must’ve put a knot in the stomach

    Posts: 47

    Coming home from Pakwash in Ontario that day. We found out when we stopped in Vermilion Bay for coffee. Gal behind the counter asked if I was American, then told me about the events of the day and that the White House was being evacuated. Sure got our attention asap, it was then a really long drive the rest of the way to the border, which we had heard on the radio could be closing soon. When we arrived at the border it was open but swarming with agents and they were all business, quite a change from 5 days previous. I always love my time in Canada but that day my buds and I really wanted to get home and across the border.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    2nd year of college. Tuesdays were my sleep in days that semester so I didn’t even get out of bed until about 930, I remember getting running late so I just got up showered and headed for class. As I went out through the lobby I saw it on TV, but thought it was some movie. Found out otherwise when I got to class. I can remember that day better than half of what I did last week.

    My grandfather died in his sleep that night too, too bad he had to live to know that day existed while he was on this earth as one of his last memories.

    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    When I first heard about what happened I was in gym class in 7th grade. I still remember like it was yesterday.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    I was living in the barracks at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and so I had shacked up with my girlfriend at a hotel in Laurel, MD the night before (it was my weekend, and no girls allowed overnight in the barracks!) By the time I woke up, I believe all the planes had crashed, but the towers had not collapsed. I called my NCO and he had me BDU-up and come straight in to the hospital, where I spent the next 36 hours while we tried to figure out what was going on and Pentagon victims began arriving. Reality can really kick you in the pants sometimes.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    For me, I was in Altoona, Iowa heading up the team as the superintendent for the general contractor that was building the new Venbury Trail Fire Station.

    I had purchased my last pick-up truck on Labor Day that I have just traded in and picked it up later the afternoon of 9-11-01, however that was another story.

    I was hearing the radio on the way back from the dealership as the morning was unfolding! Later for lunch a bunch of us took a rather long lunch with other site workman “glued to the tub” literly and getting details in bits and pieces as the rest of the day went along.

    On 9-12-2001, the next morning, my Masonry foreman came to work and spoke to the electrical foreman and me to hoist an American flag on to the highest location of the new building that he had brought. What a great thought!!! We made the erection and changed the location once on the exterior till it had to come down.

    Don’t fret! When the American Flag came down to seal up the roof we got together and planned a place to hang it. It was never moved during the balance of construction and I refused to remove it during inspections. There was not much of an argument after they knew the story. The American Flag still hung in the same place we left it the last time I was there a year ago.

    If you are ever at the Altoona, Venbury Trail Fire Station, look in the bays where the trucks are stored and look up to the middle of the bays inside. Hanging from the bar joist is where the United States Flag that flew over head in Altoona, IA in memory on the months after 9-11-2001!

    What Pride!, we the construction crew, had in building that fire station after 911 I have yet to see on any other project. A tribute!

    God Bless The United States of America!

    Big Stone Lake Sd
    Posts: 257

    I think it was a tuesday evening in Germany,pager went off 48 hours later we were wheels up and the rest is history.

    Posts: 1471

    Was working in the operating room at the Methodist Hospital. Doctor came in and told us what was going on. Anybody watch any of the 9/11 shows on TV last night? Still unbelievable even after 11 years. FW and I both said it was hard to relive what went on.

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