
  • lenny_jamison
    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I picked up a trojan horse virus on my computer. My anti virus (AVG) Cannot heal it and since it is in one of my essential files, I cannot delete the file it is on or put it into AVG’s virus vault. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?

    Gator Hunter

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Gator Hunter,
    We think we got the same virus from that ‘chicken’ link that was on here. And we had AVG anti virus software too. It also said it could not heal it or vault it. This is what you need to do: go to, they have a security link that you can download Norton Anti Virus for $3.95 a month. I did. It cleaned my computer, and got rid of the Trojan virus for good without damaging any vital files. Unfortunetly, you have to pay for the software, but now a days you can’t get good anti virus software for free. Hope this helps!

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