Stolen Boat – Found

  • wes_bergemann
    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    Got a call from the police dept last night (Aug 31) around 11:30PM. They found my navigator that was stolen Aug 8th on Vincent Ave, in Mpls.

    Went to the impound lot to look at it and it has been completely stripped. I guess I can have closure and now move on.

    Want to thank the Minneapolis PD for there awesome work on writing tickets on an abandoned boat and trailer since Aug 15th and never running the numbers to see who owned the boat or if could have been stolen. 1st clue should have been the missing motors and the strong smell of gas.

    I now have to get a stack of citations cleared. The towing company was the first to run the numbers and realized that the boat they were impounding was a stolen boat!! It wouldn’t have changed the outcome, but it’s nice to know the PD is on top of their game! 1st ticket written indicated plates were missing – guess they don’t know about trailer licensing since the tabs were on the hitch like they are supposed to be, boat license still on the hull and VIN still attached to boat. And the subsequent citations did finally have the VIN number on them, so they knew the numbers at that point and could have ran them.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Wouldn’t it be fun to know who did this and then bump into him way back is a remote swamp on the deer opener?

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Glad you can have closure.

    Just shows the Minneapolis PD is always at the top of the game, just never have an accident there. Most they’ll do unless someone is really hurt is come and drop off accident report forms. At least that used to be the case and cannot see how that would have changed.

    Hope your Insurance company treats you right and you get back on the water soon.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I’m sorry to hear that

    I hope I never have to deal with something like that, cause it Sounds like a complete F*** Show.

    I can’t believe that the police were that dumb, for not going the extra mile to figure out where the boat came from

    Were there any good pastry shops in the Vicinity of the stolen boat

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Took the cops 45 mins to get to the neighbors house when we called about someone breaking in, you actually think they’d actually spend the time to check for something as measly as a stolen boat???

    Naw…they’re to busy generating income with speed traps, you know, those harden criminals running 10-15mph over..

    Least ya have some sort of closure, hope the insurance does right by ya.


    Posts: 4033

    Why would they check to see if it is stolen when they can write a stack full of tickets and get some revenue.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    We had our house in NE MPLS burglarized three years ago. It was everything to do to get the cop out of his car and into the house. He said the investigator would be out to look and possibly dust…he never showed up.

    Whatever you do….don’t drive 32 mph down Central though…you’d be SO BUSTED!

    Rant completed …. resuming wknd chores.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yup they certainly earn their crap reputation, and deserve it, I’m embarrassed constantly by them. The list is endless of their faults and failures.

    Posts: 125

    Sorry for the outcome Wes. Glad you got some closure.

    Last year my wife lost her credit card and whoever found it used it at a gas station to steal $100 in gas. I called the PD, told them where and the exact time the prior night. I said maybe you guys should call and see if they have videos on the pumps and you could get a plate #. Their response – maybe you could do that for us

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    Sounds like a bunch of dipshi77s. I bet they are too stupid to look for greasy fingerprints too.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Sorry for your loss, but I can’t resist. “Was the plug in or out when they found it”?

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Sorry to hear.. glad they found it though.. sounds like the minneapolis pd and the inver grove heights pd are on the same page.. i have a trail camera and security camera with live feed on my property now.. sad when your own neighbor steals from ya

    Posts: 236

    There is an artery to Chicago for people in Mpls. Lots of stolen goods going back and forth. I bet your motors and other items show up down there somewhere. The problem with that is the police are worse down there.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Sorry for your loss, but I can’t resist. “Was the plug in or out when they found it”?

    The only thing that could be more screwed up is if the DNR washed the boat for ais.

    Glad to hear it’s <almost> over with Wes.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Bittersweet… glad they found it, sorry to hear that a law abiding, tax-paying citizen is as much a victim of the system as they were of the original criminals who started this mess for you.

    He’s to oping you get back on the water ASAP.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I am almost not sure who is worse. That bad guys for stealing the boat or the cops for showing they clearly have their head up their azz.

    Eagle Point Wi. USA
    Posts: 54

    I know it sorta makes you feel better carping about the cops on this web page, but if you really want to make a point, go public with the local newspaper opinion page. Or better yet, offer your story to one of the reporters. If printed, that kinda of exposure will do better for the rest of the public that may need help some day. Then, I’d consider taking the citations to the next council/police meeting and ask for an explanation. It might not be appreciated, but you’ll have made your point “BIG TIME!”

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I know it sorta makes you feel better carping about the cops on this web page, but if you really want to make a point, go public with the local newspaper opinion page. Or better yet, offer your story to one of the reporters. If printed, that kinda of exposure will do better for the rest of the public that may need help some day. Then, I’d consider taking the citations to the next council/police meeting and ask for an explanation. It might not be appreciated, but you’ll have made your point “BIG TIME!”

    Excellent idea.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    …..but if you really want to make a point, go public with the local newspaper opinion page….I’d consider taking the citations to the next council/police meeting and ask for an explanation. It might not be appreciated, but you’ll have made your point “BIG TIME!”

    Then maybe get a target dot tattoo on your backside.

    If I had a bone to pick with the cops I’d start with a visit to the chief of police or the sheriff. If I didn’t get any satisfaction there, the next stop would be public media. If there’s a problem, they’d rather work it out quietly rather than be body slammed in the public’s eye. If they ignore you or write you off, at least you can verify that you did attempt to get things straightened out with them, but that there was no help there.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12244

    Disgraceful conduct on the part of the Minneapolis Police. It borders on dereliction of duty to issue a citation whereby the officer HAD to see who the boat was registered to and then fail to do the one or two clicks more that would have shown the boat was stolen.

    With the fact that ANY boat parked on a street in Minneapolis is an EXTREME rarity, the officers involved, if they had any more than a week of experience, should have known that the boat was out of place and something was very wrong.

    Both the Pioneer Press and the Red Star have columns where you can report things like this that should be investigated. The Pioneer Press’s column is called The Watchdog.

    I would also contact the police omsbudsman and complain. It’s not that anything could have been done, it’s the possibility of gross misconduct on the part of the police that should be investigated. Are you telling me that if they pulled you over for speeding in that neighborhood, they wouldn’t run your plates and see if the vehicle is stolen? What if the vehicle had no plates? What does it take to get these officers brains engaged?


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    I highly doubt the veteran detectives were out tagging this boat… parking police I can see this happening easily.

    Posts: 9301

    I usually stay out of the cop bashing threads, but Big G is right. Odds are it was a parking unit writing the tickets. Not sure how it works in Minneapolis but they may not be able to run registrations. Sorry you didn’t get a happier ending.

    Posts: 4941


    Wouldn’t it be fun to know who did this and then bump into him way back is a remote swamp on the deer opener?

    I would rather beat the [censored] out of them right on the street in front of the boat and all pukes who knew it was stolen.

    Posts: 1899

    I find it hard to believe that none of the neighbors thought it was suspicious and called the cops when a stripped-out boat that didn’t belong to anyone in their neighborhood sat on their street for a few weeks.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    We have more important things to worry about in MPLS than some dumb cluck who left his boat on Vincent ave in MPLS.

    And more importantly Screw all of you Law enforcement bashers… Go cry some place else ….

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    We have more important things to worry about in MPLS than some dumb cluck who left his boat on Vincent ave in MPLS.

    And more importantly Screw all of you Law enforcement bashers… Go cry some place else ….

    Did they touch a nerve?

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