Jerk of the Weekend

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Sunday on upper P4 near the Wi Channel, I was meeting a pleasure craft in the main channel. I was traveling upstream at aprox 20 mph and the pleasure craft was traveling down stream off plane. We passed each other fairly close but at a safe distance.

    As we passed each other, I heard a noise thinking my motor was sounding funny and turned to look as I throttled back…wasn’t my motor, it was this ding dong that flew between the two of us at over 30 mph.

    How do I know it was over 30? I tried to catch up to him and he was leaving me at 30. The only reason I could snap this picture is because he turned around and was heading down stream when I took it.

    Now, legally he didn’t do anything wrong. Scaring the crap out of me and not using any common sense is not against the law.

    If anyone knows who this fella is, shoot me a pm, I would like to chat with him.

    WI registration.

    Posts: 4941

    300 ponies will help you find your man, maybe on the 29th

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    In a pontoon, no less! Sheesh. To quote a friend of mine: “That’s 5 gallons of stupid in a 3 gallon bucket.”

    casey walters
    Mapleton, MN
    Posts: 107

    Ill one up you I think Saturday on the lake right in front of the pepin harbor a pontoon was comming at me full speed and turned at the last min. he ended up clipping my left planer board with one of his pontoons, the boat was full of guys I was not happy and he knew it then one of the guys on the pontoon had the nerver to tell me to settle the —- down not happy had my wife and two boys with.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Is it just me or are there more toons on the river this year?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti toon, just anti ding dong.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Seems like the “ole jerk o the weekend” is going around… Must have been the moon phase –

    I had a guy – come after me – after my wife parked too close to him at a gas station in Outing – I was pulling the boat and she was driving the minivan back from Pokegama week of vacation.

    My 3 year old son yells over to me “hi daddy” – next thing I know I have a 50+ guy in my face, chewing me out about my wife’s driving. Told him to tell her what he just said to me – and we will see you you can walk away from her. He was wound pretty tight after our interaction. Scary.

    The filth that comes out of people’s mouths, in front of women and children is apalling.

    Another Jerk o the day!!!!

    Posts: 85

    common sense just isnt that common anymore! there a jerk on every body of water.

    Posts: 115

    maybe there should be a jerk of the weekend sticker to hand out to them. I’m sure they have a good sense of humor.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12244

    Take pity on him, brothers, for he driveth a pontoon. The aquatic equivilent of having one’s wife trade in your pickup for a minivan. And then hand you the keys to the new grocery-getter.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    This is why they need to enact the “Rootski One Punch per Week” law.

    Here’s how it works: Once per calendar week you get to throw one and only one punch at some idiot that pissed you off. Just one. Now, if you’re really a jerk you might be the guy that a lot of people choose that week, and you’re going to get thumped pretty good. I’m willing to bet that you just might learn how to clean up your act.

    Daydream off, back to work….


    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Ouch getting smoked by a toon. Kinda like getting passed by a mini van on the highway…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I would have waved at you BK but I was too busy holding on with both hands.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043


    Take pity on him, brothers, for he driveth a pontoon. The aquatic equivilent of having one’s wife trade in your pickup for a minivan. And then hand you the keys to the new grocery-getter.

    Brutal – I have both – since getting married and 3 kids…

    Still have the Champion and a pick up – but I am guilty of driving the grocery getter and the toon….


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I would have waved at you BK but I was too busy holding on with both hands.

    No golf bags in the toon…wasn’t you this time.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    You want to experience a lot of jerks, spend some time on the wolf river above lake Poygan or anywhere from Winneconne down through Oshkosh to Winnebago. On a nice weekend, there will be 50 cigar boats running 80 mph in really tight quarters. Surprised more people don’t get killed up there.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    To bad we don’t all carry one of those paintball guns. Lay a line of paint down the side of that thing would get his attention I bet.

    Now……….in fairness you didn’t have your pink nose warmer on did you?????????????

    Posts: 79

    Maybe we need to do like George Carlin recommended a few years ago. Everyone gets one of those guns that shoots the suction cup darts that has a little flag that says “idiot” When the police/ conservation officiers sees someone with 3 of these stuck to his vehicle they pull them over and arrest them.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I miss that comedian.

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146


    You want to experience a lot of jerks, spend some time on the wolf river above lake Poygan or anywhere from Winneconne down through Oshkosh to Winnebago. On a nice weekend, there will be 50 cigar boats running 80 mph in really tight quarters. Surprised more people don’t get killed up there.

    +1 there. Vacationed there for a week a few years ago. I feared for my family’s life.

    Posts: 1493


    This is why they need to enact the “Rootski One Punch per Week” law.

    Here’s how it works: Once per calendar week you get to throw one and only one punch at some idiot that pissed you off. Just one. Now, if you’re really a jerk you might be the guy that a lot of people choose that week, and you’re going to get thumped pretty good. I’m willing to bet that you just might learn how to clean up your act.

    Daydream off, back to work….


    Is it possible, under this rule, to roll over accumulated weeks in order to serve up a proper azzwhupin??

    Posts: 1899


    This is why they need to enact the “Rootski One Punch per Week” law.

    Here’s how it works: Once per calendar week you get to throw one and only one punch at some idiot that pissed you off. Just one. Now, if you’re really a jerk you might be the guy that a lot of people choose that week, and you’re going to get thumped pretty good. I’m willing to bet that you just might learn how to clean up your act.

    Daydream off, back to work….


    I like this rule. When I am king, I’m going to institute it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12244



    Take pity on him, brothers, for he driveth a pontoon. The aquatic equivilent of having one’s wife trade in your pickup for a minivan. And then hand you the keys to the new grocery-getter.

    Brutal – I have both – since getting married and 3 kids…

    Still have the Champion and a pick up – but I am guilty of driving the grocery getter and the toon….


    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    I’m sure you look very–ummmm–very family oriented out there on the ‘toon.

    But in the future, try to give Brian K a little more space when you pass him, ok?


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Please? I don’t want to have to explain to my Favorite Wife that I’m dead because of someones SD syndrome.

    I don’t think that’s asking much.

    Posts: 730

    Is that a Verado on the back of that ‘toon ?
    No wonder he passed you, BK

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    It is no wonder that I consider the river off limits after 10 am on any weekend. Not just the toons and cigar boat…some dem fast fishing boats put me in danger too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    By gum curmudgeon you are right again!

    What the h…e…double hockey sticks am I doing out during daylight!

    I’m going back to the night shift.

    Posts: 125

    What time of day? If it was pass noon it was your fault. Just kidding… down here we call them rundums.

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