Trailer Wiring Question

  • illiniwalli
    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    so i hook up the boat, check trailer lights and nothing.
    after making sure i had juice from the truck, started tracking down wiring.
    gently pulled out wiring harness where the tongue hinges to check for connections and out comes a white ground wire with a rusted off small bolt and 2 other unconnected grounds.
    do all 3 of these wires need to be grounded to the trailer?

    Garrison, IA
    Posts: 146

    Are the other two grounds for marker lights on the side of the trailer? My trailer has those marker lights and each one has it’s own ground. On mine they are all connected.

    Posts: 4564

    If they all are white they yes

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Do not forget a good ground from yje the trailer going to the vehicle.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Hook em all up Larry.
    If you’re wrong, what the heck, at least your mechanic will chuckle.

    Fountain City
    Posts: 12

    On my stratos trailer the other two were white with a black stripe (really hard to see) and were for back-up lights. I thought they were ground wires and hooked them all up together and started blowing the fuse right away . Before I found out they were back-up lights I rewired the plug to a seven wire round plug and made them ground wires. I know its the Polish way but I got it done and I have plenty of ground points.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    First thing to do is to see which wires are hot by touching them on your tongue, while grounded of course.

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878


    Hook em all up Larry.
    If you’re wrong, what the heck, at least your mechanic will chuckle.

    that was something having every bulb on the trailer explode at once.

    on further review … one ground came from the pigtail, the other two went down each side of the trailer. just hadn’t seen it wired with 3 separate grounds on my other trailers.
    drilled and attached all 3 grounds to a larger bolt, which should last longer than the wimpy screw that rusted off in 2 years, and am good to go.

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