STOLEN BOAT!! Eden Pairie

  • wes_bergemann
    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    Stolen today, 2010 Navigator 175 Sport. If seen or have any details please call the EP police department at 952 949 6200 or email officer John Andrews at [email protected]

    On the drivers side window support is a bead pet that my step son made me that way something of him was always with me when I went fishing. I will have somebodys head for taking that from me!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Man, sorry to hear this Wes!

    I think as anglers we would all like to see your boat heading down the road in front of us with those two motors screaming STOLEN!

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    How’d it happen???

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Post that on craigslist. Man that just sucks, sorry to hear about that.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Man, sorry to hear this Wes!

    X2 I hate thiefs!!!

    I will post this on my Facebook page to help get the word out to more people and would ask other here to do the same.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    That really sucks Wes, gives you a sick feeling in the stomach.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Do people really get away with stealing a boat? Hope you get it all back in one piece. Perhaps the police will find it in a parking lot with the perps asphyxiated in the front of their vehicle.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    sorry to read this Wes

    Posts: 445

    Really sorry to hear that Wes, i hope they get nailed right away. i will definitely be keeping my eyes open here in the west metro. Like someone else said, keep an eye on Craigslist for parts of your boat, electronics, etc for sale.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    Stu – It was in the parking lot of my apt…..I know….bad place to keep a boat. I went through a divorce this spring and am living in an apt until I get a house purchased.
    Swing tounge was broken down and locked, so the thiefs had to have a hitch pin and bolt cutters ready for this.

    because of where it was at, the only gear left inside the boat was life jackets, anchors, rod holders, wind socks. All the other goodies including batteries were in my apt.

    It sucks but I can deal with the insurance stuff, but what irks me is the bead pet from my step son that is now missing.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Very sorry to hear about this Wes. Hopefully these thugs will get caught. If there’s anything I can do to help – please don’t hesitate to ask. If nothing else, I’ll get you on the water again in my boat.

    Posts: 4033


    Do people really get away with stealing a boat? Hope you get it all back in one piece. Perhaps the police will find it in a parking lot with the perps asphyxiated in the front of their vehicle.

    Ever wonder where all those used boat parts on ebay come from?

    They take that boat out to a farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere and strip it into pieces. They cut the hulls/trailers up and scrap them for aluminum/steel scrap and everything else is pieced up and sold to another low life who sells the crap off on ebay, craigslist, and various boat supply websites.

    The really dumb ones sell the boat whole and hope they can be long gone before the new purchaser goes to change the paperwork at the DMV and finds out it is stolen.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Sorry to hear it Wes, I will be keeping my eyes open for that boat. I hope these jerks get caught. I think I’m going to invest in a trail cam tomorrow

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I’m not sure I would feel any better watching them steal my boat.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Hope they find the boat and you get your kids gift to you back.

    You need to get out, I usually have room too or looking for company.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I’m not sure I would feel any better watching them steal my boat.

    No but I would have a good description to give to the cops or keep a stearn eye out for

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Ever wonder where all those used boat parts on ebay come from?

    Der, here I was picturing guys taking it out on the lake.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    B BK – so what your saying, dont buy another aluminum boat?

    I never thought about the scrap metal value and was wondering how boat theif gets away with it.

    I am still hopefull. I did post a bunch of signs around the property and a lot of people that saw me putting them up recognized the boat right away. So hopefully someone saw something.

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    Wes, sorry to hear that hope it works out in your favor.

    These people need a good

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I am thinking about setting up a sting myself….ooops, I thought I grabbed my water gun!!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Sure hope ya get it back Wes,
    I’ll keep my eye’s open in the Chaska area.

    Posts: 728


    Do people really get away with stealing a boat? Hope you get it all back in one piece. Perhaps the police will find it in a parking lot with the perps asphyxiated in the front of their vehicle.

    One of my friends just had his Ranger 621 w/ Merc Verado stolen out in Green Bay while prefishing for a tournament. Had it into a dealer for servicing and they stole it from the dealer. Still haven’t heard if its been recovered or not.

    Amazingly, word spreads like wild fire across Facebook and web forums in short order. There’s a pretty large supportive network of folks out there. I just don’t know if its enough.

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763


    One of my friends just had his Ranger 621 w/ Merc Verado stolen out in Green Bay while prefishing for a tournament. Had it into a dealer for servicing and they stole it from the dealer. Still haven’t heard if its been recovered or not.

    They did recover it, whatever was left of it. Was found gutted and stripped in a field and it was torched. Thank god he had/has insurance. His new ride is very nice!

    Posts: 543


    I’m not sure I would feel any better watching them steal my boat.


    Posts: 728


    They did recover it, whatever was left of it. Was found gutted and stripped in a field and it was torched. Thank god he had/has insurance. His new ride is very nice!

    Must have been too busy over the last week with fishing and work to catch his Facebook post but you are correct. Just a sad situation. Ted Takasaki had owned that boat.

    The insurance aspect, I’ve heard a few presentations now from Bob Luellen at Worldwide Marine Insurance at NPAA Conferences and I don’t think I’d have anyone else insure my boat. Robert was insured with them.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    don’t know what to say wes. bad hand, you played it about as well as you could.

    since i had to have boats idling for the P4 PubTV doc we did in the spring, we used game cams to keep the station manager happy, and the LEOs on the job said even in their training they’d not seen footage as good as we had and those cameras were $60 and if you didn’t see us put them up, you’d not know they were there. If you add a $20 sending unit from RShack you can have your lap top wake you up (as long as I spend at nite in REM sleep, i’ll sleep thru mine liting up) That might be a sub $100 solution to your situation. I suspect your deduct exceeds $100 several fold. Plus, since it’s felony theft, you have the enjoyment of watching the thieves get tossed in the clinker (most times)

    Back in the 80s i lost $100k gear to a crow bar job while we were parked in front of the Loon downtown Mpls. My asst sat and shot pics while i ran uselessly down the street. The pix DID help the cops do a collar, but they were street pros so they didn’t do more than 72.

    But, NOW if they raised the crowbar at you, well i know what i’d be doing. screw the holes in the windshield. Suspect with a sympathetic coverage from the right cleavage, i mean reporter, you’d get a donation from a coverage hungry glass shop… What a world we live in…

    We also have been researching boots to send along with the guides around here, as their livelihood depends on actually accomplishing being in the field instead of whining about all the problems getting there. Don’t know what the ‘Director Of OffSite Services’ found out…

    Posts: 4941

    Sorry to here about that Wes,

    I would suspect someone in the apartment complex would have seen, or know something.

    Posts: 3681

    What a crock of shift.Hope you get it ALL back soon!

    carver Mn
    Posts: 217

    That sucks, i work in that area and have seen your boat in the lot many times. I will keep my eyes open for it.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12635

    Just like the old west – get Caught stealing a Horse – Get a rope. No different today with stealing a boat

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