Going from PC to Apple tips…?

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    As 35 yr member of the plumbing industry, I have very little experience with computers, other than the ones I have at home.

    I have had PC and MAc, and I fumble around with both of them, however we don’t fumble aroud on our Mac as much we did with our PC.

    To me the cost of a product, relates to how much I will be able use that product.

    So while I sit here at my desk on my MAC reading all this, my decked out Skeeter sits out in the garage.

    Ironic isn’t it!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good info Koots!…and reminders that any OS can be hacked by people that can’t figure out what they want to do in life.

    The only thing I would like to add to this is for ever 1 mac that’s hacked there’s a hundred PC going down the same path.

    But again, everyone PC or Mac needs to practice safe computing.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Good info Koots!…and reminders that any OS can be hacked by people that can’t figure out what they want to do in life.

    A lot of them like to rationalize it by saying they point out security flaws so that they can be fixed. Thy are nuts.


    The only thing I would like to add to this is for ever 1 mac that’s hacked there’s a hundred PC going down the same path.

    One reason would be that there are about 10Xs more machines running windows than iOS.


    But again, everyone PC or Mac needs to practice safe computing.

    I need to make all of my passwords unique. This is probably something everyone should follow. If they get one, they’ll have them all.

    Posts: 543

    I was following this earlier and this is some good stuff. Amazon and Apple screwed up big letting people change their passwords on the phone and probably closed a huge security gap after having that exposed. Sucks for the Wired editor, good for everyone else probably.



    I thought this was an interesting read.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    One reason would be that there are about 10Xs more machines running windows than iOS.

    …and I really really hope it stays that way.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I post this, not because I’m a PC/Windows guy, this was to inform everyone. This single sign on BS the world is moving to isn’t a good thing. In the past, I used the same password for everything. Now I use different ones, but they are similar. Probably a bad idea.

    I need to get a good encrypted password keeper application so I can apply more unique passwords. Anyone suggest a good app for Droid based phone?

    Posts: 543

    Hey pug and everyone else needing password security help, if you haven’t checked it out already look into KeePass. It will generate random passwords for you, store them, and is available on your android phone as well I believe. Whether or not you want to store your encrypted password file on dropbox to make that happen is up to you.


    Posts: 543

    The best defense against having your password compromised is two-fold. You want to have a secure password that is long enough that it makes it more difficult to crack, they say that starts at 16 characters and beyond. What I use is a sentence for my password, complete with spaces, example: “idofishing is the best website evar in 2012!” or “my son same plays baseball really well” if you want to throw some special characters or numbers in there go for it. 2nd is to use two-factor authentication. That is the most important thing here and not a lot of providers offer that. 2Factor auth means there is a 2nd part to your password, usually 6 “random” numbers that change every 60 seconds that you append to the end of your password when you login. I have two-factor authentication enabled on my Google accounts and I use the android app “google authenticator” that gives me my 6 numbers. When you login to gmail you have an option to allow logins for 30 days without having to keep putting in your password+6 digits and you can also create permanent passwords for things like your android device or iPad as well. I also have an RSA secure-ID keyfob that was provided by my bank (eTrade) that sits on my keychain that does the same thing.

    Some links:




    I post this, not because I’m a PC/Windows guy, thiswas to inform everyone. This single sign on BS the world is moving to isn’t a good thing. In the past, I used the same password for everything. Now I use different ones, but they are similar. Probably a bad idea.

    I need to get a good encrypted password keeper application so I can apply more unique passwords. Anyone suggest a good app for Droid based phone?

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023


    I was following this earlier and this is some good stuff. Amazon and Apple screwed up big letting people change their passwords on the phone and probably closed a huge security gap after having that exposed. Sucks for the Wired editor, good for everyone else probably.



    I thought this was an interesting read.


    We were just sent this email here at work. I am not an Apple guy but if I were I might be reconsidering after reading that article!

    Posts: 543

    The moral of this story is to use two-factor authentication. Not rush to judge some company and all their products because of a bad security policy in their call centers.



    I was following this earlier and this is some good stuff. Amazon and Apple screwed up big letting people change their passwords on the phone and probably closed a huge security gap after having that exposed. Sucks for the Wired editor, good for everyone else probably.



    I thought this was an interesting read.


    We were just sent this email here at work. I am not an Apple guy but if I were I might be reconsidering after reading that article!

    white bear lake
    Posts: 134




    Brian K my hats off to ya, the only voice of reason.

    Am I the only one that read this?

    Nope…I did. But then decided, the comment holds no salt as the guy (foolmerpa) must not have read my 2 comments. They were concise, accurate and in no way contained any urine…. I hope he doesn’t hurt his head, when he falls off that high soapbox

    I wont hurt my head G but thanks anyway. I guess I didnt realize I was soap boxing. As I was reading all the tech stuff some where vomitting on this post. It just seemed to be getting out of hand. I really didnt think the original poster was asking for such precise detail plus it was alot like one upmenship, lets see who has done more with what.

    I will word my reponses better next time.

    good luck in all you do.

    paul follmer

    white bear lake
    Posts: 134




    Brian K my hats off to ya, the only voice of reason.

    Am I the only one that read this?

    Nope…I did. But then decided, the comment holds no salt as the guy (foolmerpa) must not have read my 2 comments. They were concise, accurate and in no way contained any urine…. I hope he doesn’t hurt his head, when he falls off that high soapbox

    Big G I just reread your post calling me a “foolmerpa”. cmon I didnt see it at first. Thats pretty chitty thing to do. I didnt use any durogatory names against anyone and I would ask that you dont against me.
    Thank You

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    I disagree

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    One reason would be that there are about 10Xs more machines running windows than iOS.

    I believe your powers of ten are off by a few.

    Go figure…There are a lot more Chevy’s in accidents than Jaguars. I’m never gonna buy a Chevy based on that!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    One reason would be that there are about 10Xs more machines running windows than iOS.

    I believe your powers of ten are off by a few.

    I found a chart somewhere and that was about the numbers.

    This Blog uses the same chart I saw.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846




    One reason would be that there are about 10Xs more machines running windows than iOS.

    I believe your powers of ten are off by a few.

    I found a chart somewhere and that was about the numbers.

    This Blog uses the same chart I saw.

    Twas a joke. As you know powers of ten increase exponentially. 92 to 5 was actually a lower ratio than I would have expected though. Nice to see some real estimates in the OS wars.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am so gullible.

    Northern MN
    Posts: 323

    We have a MacBook, MacBook Pro and a Toshiba laptop. I had to switch from PC to Mac at my current job about 10 years ago. It took about a day to get used to Mac and I’ve never looked back. IMHO, Mac’s are fantastic for multi-media and work well with spreadsheets, presentations, Word, etc. If all I was doing was running MS Office, I would stick with a PC. If I am also using my latptop for photos, music, etc, Mac is tough to beat. There’s a few good websites to watch for decent priced (and referbed) Macs.

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