For You Coyote Hunters Out There?

  • LenH
    Posts: 2385

    2 weeks ago at about 6:45am I slowed down my vehicle and was preparing to stop to go fishing and rolled the windows down.

    EXACTLY here I heard what had to be a dozen coyotes almost screaming. It sounded like they were only 30 yards from the road.,-90.877497&hl=en&sll=43.282642,-90.872641&sspn=0.016152,0.038152&mra=mift&mrsp=0&sz=15&t=m&z=15

    I questioned my place to go fishing as being potentially dangerous.

    The guy I was with was flabbergasted.

    We stopped the vehicle and got out.

    The first door slamming silenced the yotes.

    Would you have fished here?

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574


    Would you have fished here?

    Hell yes. Wolves maybe not….

    Posts: 4033

    Coyotes will not attack you unless you get between them and their den. When you shut that car door they probably ran 500 yards in the opposite direction.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13888

    Len – Heck ya! I guide on property just south of there on Taylor Ridge Rd. There some great yote land in the river bottoms around there.

    BTW North of Richland Center I’ve called in a wolf twice while hunting coyotes last year. Not very far from the Pine river. off of 80

    Posts: 2385


    Len – Heck ya! I guide on property just south of there on Taylor Ridge Rd. There some great yote land in the river bottoms around there.

    BTW North of Richland Center I’ve called in a wolf twice while hunting coyotes last year. Not very far from the Pine river. off of 80

    I have run in to a wolf near bloom city this year.

    Posts: 1960

    Your in more danger of getting hooved by a doe protecting her fawn….

    Hike up your lederhosen and go fishing.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Oh Ya, for sure. But I’ll admit, seems kinda creepy. Get a CC permit and pack it along.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13888



    Len – Heck ya! I guide on property just south of there on Taylor Ridge Rd. There some great yote land in the river bottoms around there.

    BTW North of Richland Center I’ve called in a wolf twice while hunting coyotes last year. Not very far from the Pine river. off of 80

    I have run in to a wolf near bloom city this year.

    But the DNR says that they are not this far south???????

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Coyotes seem very timid. I pulled up on one with my car who was eating a deer carcass that must have been there for weeks. He scampered off with his tail between his legs.

    I wish you recorded it. Near that spot I was camping in my brother’s yard at his cabin. I was awaken very early in the morning to a pack of something making very eerie noises. I didn’t have the courage to peak out of the tent to see if they were yotes, wolves or something else.

    After hearing some audio on YouTube, I think that’s what I heard, but none of them barked or howled. That was the freaky part.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    Would you have fished here?

    Yes. And I wouldn’t even have thought twice about it.

    You must not have grown up out in farm country.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412



    Would you have fished here?

    Yes. And I wouldn’t even have thought twice about it.
    You must not have grown up out in farm country.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Not only would this city slicker fished, but he’d be using a coyote hair jig after I snapped a few of their neck. Hooohaaa.

    Then I would get home and hug my red maple in the front yard after getting out of my Prius.

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