Wolf in the front yard!

  • wildfan
    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Just had a wolf in the front yard! Let the dogs out to do there thing and my 84 lb female golden chased after it before I saw it.
    She ran within 20 yards of it and it did not run until I went running and yelling after the dog, even then it trotted off slowly into the corn.
    Made my golden look small!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    We had a pack serinating a couple of nights in the Boulder Junction, WI area. Very cool to listen to, but I know the consequences of large numbers. The biggest thing we noticed every morning was the lack of fawns. At sun rise during a 20 minute drive to a lake, we would see anywhere from 8 to 20 does….and only 2 or 3 fawns. One fawn was mauled by something. Hind quarter was ripped to shreds and it crossed the road dragging its hind end on the ground. By law, I couldn’t put it out of its misery, so had to watch it fumble its way through a guys yard right in the town of boulder junction. I’m sure its been eaten by now…..

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Never seen a wolf here before, but I’ve seen coyotes eating on fawns up here before, the rule up here is to always shoot the coyotes when we’re deer hunting.
    I was wondering why I hadn’t heard the yotes at night,
    Now I know why!

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Wow, a timber that far south in MN!!! That is cool, but I am still in doubt that the MN DNR estimate of 3,000 in the entire state of MN is even close if they have already moved that far south.

    Posts: 4941

    DNR believes they are as far south as Hinkley.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19003


    DNR believes they are as far south as Hinkley.

    Does the DNR believe there are cougars yet?

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Does the DNR believe there are cougars yet?

    I see cougars in a lot of places and MN is one of them

    Posts: 569

    Especially in Woodbury

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412



    DNR believes they are as far south as Hinkley.

    Does the DNR believe there are cougars yet?

    I was at a wedding with some DNR guys, and they basically said they know there are cougars in MN, but if they say there are then they have to come up with a plan to manage them; and they are to under staffed to have another team dedicated to monitoring and managing another species. These guys were also a little bitter with the way they are handling the timberwolves as well.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    These guys were also a little bitter with the way they are handling the timberwolves as well.

    What were they bitter about?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930



    Does the DNR believe there are cougars yet?

    I see cougars in a lot of places and MN is one of them

    i got booted from the politically correct website for a very similar comment!!!!!!

    Posts: 569

    Mike, I believe the same type of deal is happening with cougars in WI. I used to go to UW-Stevens Point, and I had a professor there in the Natural Resources Program that used to work with the WDNR and whitetails (not sure on the details), and he said that they DO know they exist around the state. See when insurance companies started to get overflowed with vehicle-deer collisions, they decided it was time to complain…so the state decided we needed a biological control to lower deer numbers. Wolves aren’t the only things eating the WI deer herd as we speak….according to my prof, they were placed here by the good old WDNR…take it or leave it. Not going to say I 100% believe that, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Notice how cougar sightings in WI have been going on pretty much only after that record harvest year (I believe 2001?)? Interesting

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I and two others saw a Wolf crossing a small frozen over pond just outsidfe Amery WI last winter.
    I didn’t have my binoculars, but one of the others pulled over said he could see a collar.
    Hope it doesn’t come into my yard. I will not tolerate jeoprodizing and of my pets or loved ones over a Damn Wolf!
    Just saying.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    A cool sighting! I think it’s important to remember, the DNR is managing the wolf population much like Mille Lacs. It’s based on political pressure not necessarily science. There is a very loud contingent who are against wolf hunting.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412



    These guys were also a little bitter with the way they are handling the timberwolves as well.

    What were they bitter about?

    Having a lottery of 6,000 applicants who have the oppurtunity to take a wolf, with a 400 wolf quota. The lottery of 6,000 applicants doesn’t guarantee that those applicants are hunting in areas with Timberwolves or if they are even hunters (ie tree huggers not wanting wolves to be hunted). That is what they were griping about.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    The MN DNR is starting to think a lot like the WI DNR. They will not care who purchases applications, at 4 bucks a pop it is all about the money. And if I read this correctly there will be 6000 licenses granted, so I imagine the number of applications will be higher. I see no mention of what the tag will cost if you are lucky enough to win a drawing.
    Ching ching……that is how the WI DNR wiped out the Northern deer heard!
    At least it sounds like the MN DNR has a reasonable wolf harvest number in mind.

    web page

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    6,000 licenses but I don’t think there is a fee for applying, and I am not sure what the cost of the license is, I had heard it was like $50. I would pay $500 to get a shot at taking the BIG black one at our cabin and having it put on the wall.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I hear ya, it would be cool to drop a wolf, and fifty bucks is reasonable IMO for a tag

    If you read the DNR info it does say 4 bucks per application.

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    This one dark grey, big and in no hurry to leave. I thought with the dog and myself running after it it would run away fast, but that was not the case. I got to within 40 yards of it before it left.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    are you sure you didnt see a gal from iowa just going back home???????????????

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Our cabin is by Baudette and the neighbors have them come up to the tractor while they are out working the fields within 10 yards all the time. In Grand Rapids one time we had one lay down on the road going up Hwy 38, the traffic actually stopped and started going around it from both directions. Pretty sure they don’t have any fear of humans anymore.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    hey mike, you live right in rapids???????? we have a cabin near spring lake.

    did you hear a few years ago where this couples real young son watched in broad daylight a wolf attack and kill the family dog out in the field in front of there house over by jessie lake????

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620



    Does the DNR believe there are cougars yet?

    I see cougars in a lot of places and MN is one of them

    Lots of cougars prowling at night around Lake Minnetonka… especially attracted to busy night-time handouts of their favorite fresh meat.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    hey mike, you live right in rapids???????? we have a cabin near spring lake.

    did you hear a few years ago where this couples real young son watched in broad daylight a wolf attack and kill the family dog out in the field in front of there house over by jessie lake????

    Not specifically that one but have heard similar reports from a lot of people that live out of town of Timbers coming right in their yard and taking pets or just lingering. I heard from a guy who was up on Red Lake a couple of years ago watched a timberwolf hide behind a pressure ridge and when a different fish house let their dog out the wolf went and snatched and drug it off the ice.

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155


    This one dark grey, big and in no hurry to leave. I thought with the dog and myself running after it it would run away fast, but that was not the case. I got to within 40 yards of it before it left.

    There is nothing even remotely cool about timber wolves running around in human populations in 2012. This is not 1865 anymore. A wolf in my front yard is his last time! Coyotes too. Alaska & Canada have plenty of room for them, we don’t……………..

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    This one dark grey, big and in no hurry to leave. I thought with the dog and myself running after it it would run away fast, but that was not the case. I got to within 40 yards of it before it left.

    There is nothing even remotely cool about timber wolves running around in human populations in 2012. This is not 1865 anymore. A wolf in my front yard is his last time! Coyotes too. Alaska & Canada have plenty of room for them, we don’t……………..

    I feel the same way about eagles, owls, rabbits, deer, walleye and ants.

    I don’t think wolves were ever afraid of humans. When you are the top of the food chain and live in packs, there is no reason to fear anything.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    “The wolf is an animal that you love or you hate,” Brezinka said.

    Ain’t that the truth.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593


    This article was/is in the Times today…. Camp Ripley wolves

    Thanks for posting, I enjoyed reading about how far they have documented wolf travels. Very interesting.

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