first of the season

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The first tomatoes of the season are on the table now, some are chopped and in a bowl with chopped garlic, chopped shallot, fresh chopped basil leaves, a smidge of suger, sal and pepper and oil oil to make tonight’s dinner. This mixture will get spread over the cut halves of a loaf of Italian bread that’s been lightly toasted with garlic butter. Some fresh grated parmessan cheese tops everything then it gets brioiled for five minutes. Seved with a tall glass of iced tea this is hard to beat.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    Plan on having BLTs with fresh tomatoes tonight. Corn on the cob too.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Both sound wonderful!!!

    Posts: 569

    Throw some brook trout on the grill and thats the best meal in the world!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Our cherry tomatoe has been putting out some fruit for a week. I sure like not having to even look at a tomatoe in the grocery store. Our potaos are sure good. My onion tops are starting to brown and nod now so they’ll be pulled soon and hung to dry/cure. The things are softball sized this year. Tons of green beaans. We pick a pail, clean them up and blanch 2/3 for the freezer and chow on the rest. The heat bit my snap peas but not until I got a dozen bags in the freezer.

    In our other garden away from the house the squash are going bonkers. Ma can’t keep up with the Zucchini and my hard squash have maybe a hundred squash on the vines. This rain will sure help the squash out. I think my carrots grew 6″ just since the rain stopped this morning.

    Posts: 27


    Grandma gave me a recipe for VBH lettuce and Tomato. Fry up shaved Virginia baked ham instead of bacon (she is watching grandpa)and I’ll tell you it is GREAT. Try it !

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    That tomato recipe can be served either broiled, like I plan to do tonight, or you can toast some small bread slices and butter with the garlic butter and spoon the tomato mixture on the cooled toast and just top with grated parmessan. I like it both ways.

    I just tasted my tomato mixture and the shallots really put some umph in it this time around. lol

    Posts: 439

    Mine aren’t ready yet, can I come get one???

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    You could have…before we ate dinner. Gone now. Nothing left but garlic breath. Gotta say, there is nothing in this world like food right out of the garden.

    Posts: 439

    Tomorrow after work I will be hitting up the produce stand at 7th and Broadway for some tomatoes.. I am craving fresh (not store bought) like crazy

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Nothing on earth like home or locally grown foods.

    Posts: 439


    Nothing on earth like home or locally grown foods.


    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 95

    I know what you mean. I had my first tomatoes last week now I have plenty of ripe tomatoes with LOTS of green ones yet also. I will have to start canning shortly or start making my salsa. Nothing like fresh salsa and chips on the water.

    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    Hey chad nice fish get him in the miss

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 95

    Yes I did, but I hate to admit it my wife caught one bigger than mine. Hers is on the wall.

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