Penn State got nailed

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I think removing his statue was bogus. $60 millon in fines, 4 year bowl ban. 111 Paterno wins removed.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    This really hurts all the kids on the football team….who didn’t have anything to do with the crimes committed. And it also hurts all the other kids active in sports supported by the football team, and they didn’t do anything wrong either. I don’t see what the NCAA thinks they’re accomplishing by these actions.

    Posts: 928

    I would have removed that statue in a heart beat. He is no less guilty for knowing this was going on and doing nothing. It sucks for the kids but anyone with knowledge of what he was doing should be sitting next to him in prison. You can’t give a slap on the wrist for something this horrific. This will still not help those victimized by Sandusky.

    Maybe now other programs will not only worry about the program but also watch out for what those in the program are doing and take care of it.

    Posts: 630

    I agree with removing the statue. The stadium should be torn down as well. Anyone who protects a pedophile is no better than the pedophile. Paterno knew what was going on and did nothing. The school knew what was going on and did nothing. I think Penn State should be banned from football for 10 years minimum. The students (not kids) can attend a different a different school. A football team is not more important than the safety of children, and an institution that supported the harming of children should be punished severly and with extreme predjudice. I think Penn State got off light.


    The sanctions and fines were well warranted in my opinion. Every person who had a role in covering this up needs to face prison time as well.

    I do feel bad for the kids who are currently playing football for Penn State that had nothing to do with this.

    I would like to see the NCAA offer these kids an alternative option and allow them to transfer out to another school without losing a year of eligibility if they wish to do so.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    If you are upset, you can just look the other way and pretend nothing happened.

    Posts: 1899


    This really hurts all the kids on the football team….who didn’t have anything to do with the crimes committed. And it also hurts all the other kids active in sports supported by the football team, and they didn’t do anything wrong either. I don’t see what the NCAA thinks they’re accomplishing by these actions.

    The NCAA is just looking to line their pockets, as always. $60 million fine . . . paid to the good ol’ NCAA.

    The least they could do give some of the money to the victims as restitution and if there’s any left over, donate it to charities that support victims of sexual abuse or something.

    Posts: 928


    I would like to see the NCAA offer these kids an alternative option and allow them to transfer out to another school without losing a year of eligibility if they wish to do so.

    The NCAA is allowing the players to transfer to another school. They also have the option of leaving the football team and staying on as a student with their full scholarships. I feel bad for the players. They had nothing to do with this and went there because of the program. They are also victimized by this but a very small amount compared to those that were harmed.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    I was hoping for the death penalty on the football program.

    Not surprised that the NCAA just slapped them on the wrist though.

    As far as the statue goes I think the sign left at the statue said it best “TEAR IT DOWN or we’ll do it for you!”

    Posts: 4941


    I was hoping for the death penalty on the football program.

    Not surprised that the NCAA just slapped them on the wrist though.

    As far as the statue goes I think the sign left at the statue said it best “TEAR IT DOWN or we’ll do it for you!”

    100% agreement

    This program does not deserve to move on.

    Posts: 22

    The two people that really deserve to be punished are dead and in jail. I dont get the logic in punishing the players and uninvolved staff? So the NCAA ruins a once in a lifetime oppurtunity for the players to play for a division one football team. BS if you ask me.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I just think its unfair hes not here to defend himself. Not sure how they convicted him so quickly. I agree that money should go to those kids. At least a college fund.

    Posts: 4941

    The university assisted in covering up children getting rapped.
    If they would have stood up and done something about it the first time they knew about, it would have saved several others from being rapped.

    They should be banned from having a football program.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    I just think its unfair hes not here to defend himself. Not sure how they convicted him so quickly. I agree that money should go to those kids. At least a college fund.

    Paterno denied knowledge until the day he died, though evidence has now come to light that he was aware of the abuse and allowed Sandusky to continue in his role. Paterno continued to cover for himself and others, and had he been alive, probably would have until evidence proving otherwise came out.

    If he was still alive, he’d almost certainly be facing criminal charges.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094



    This really hurts all the kids on the football team….who didn’t have anything to do with the crimes committed. And it also hurts all the other kids active in sports supported by the football team, and they didn’t do anything wrong either. I don’t see what the NCAA thinks they’re accomplishing by these actions.

    The NCAA is just looking to line their pockets, as always. $60 million fine . . . paid to the good ol’ NCAA.

    The least they could do give some of the money to the victims as restitution and if there’s any left over, donate it to charities that support victims of sexual abuse or something.

    If you read the NCAA announcement, the Fine Money is going to help Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, not staying with the NCAA.

    Funds from the $60 million fine will be used to establish an endowment to support programs around the nation that serve the victims of child sexual abuse and work to prevent such abuse.

    Read more: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    FOX9 link on Penn State/NCAA Sanctions

    I agree they got off light and did the right thing . Those in the program can stay and finish school there or tranfer to continue playing Football with a chance of post season play.

    Although it is too bad Paterno is not here to defend himself, I believe they had enough facts from the Sandusky trial to go ahead with the sanctions and removing the statue.

    However, all the sanctions and fines, etc. will never bring back the innocense and childhoods of the victims.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    They are punishing the University and its football program/athletic program that knowingly allowed Children to be continually RAPED and then covered up by its employee’s!

    Edit; someone beat to this point!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I would have liked to have seen the death penalty in this case. I think the fine is bogus and four years of no postseason, so what?

    I would have shut them down. Just MHO!

    This is one bad situation and allowing the team to continue, will only remind us each Saturday of this awful coverup!


    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039


    This really hurts all the kids on the football team….who didn’t have anything to do with the crimes committed. And it also hurts all the other kids active in sports supported by the football team, and they didn’t do anything wrong either. I don’t see what the NCAA thinks they’re accomplishing by these actions.

    The NCAA is allowing all football players at Penn State to transfer and will be eligible to play this year. (normally they have to sit one full year after transfer) To your point, I didn’t think about all the other sports at PSU being supported by the football program.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I agree with what the NCAA did here. In fact, I think they should have pulled all scholarships for a number of years. Yes I do understand that a LOT of people that had nothing to do with this will be affected in a super negative way but it’s the only way to let the other programs, people, coaches and communities that this stuff is not looked at lightly. No matter what the NCAA did here, it was going to get picked apart. Question is,, would you rather have the NCAA given them a tiny fine and a slap on the wrist? Not this cat.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    On the radio this a.m. the commentator said that while it’s not the death peanalty, it’s life without parole.

    The massive fine, the wiping out of wins, and the four year total bowl ban will make it almost impossible for Penn State to recruit blue chip players for the next decade or more. Who would want to go there knowing full well that every season will have an absolute end date?

    If I understand the sanctions correctly, current players will be able to transfer out of Penn State with no eligibility blackout. So basically the entire starting team will be looking for new schools as of today. I’d be totally unsurprised if half the team transferred out this year and certainly the entire roster of recruits will now be looking elsewhere.

    We talked about this at the office and somebody said that none of us can know what we’d do if put in Peterno’s position as far as following up and demanding that the U conduct a full public investigation.

    There is a moral imperative in situations like this that cannot be shrugged off by saying, “Hey, I told the people in charge and after that it’s not my problem.”

    Peterno is a moral failure as a person. Simple as that. When the U failed to take the complaints and open up a public and independent investigation, he had only one moral course of action: Go to the police and the FBI.

    No other course of action is morally defensible. Peterno = failure. I’m glad they removed the statue, but PSU will very rightly live for the rest of living memory with the stigma of being the university whose leaders turned a blind eye to child molestation occuring on their very doorstep.

    Peterno = Failure.
    Penn State = Failure.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Are we tearing down the statue that represents the Catholic church and fining them for the actions of some of it’s members??

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    I think removing his statue was bogus.

    I think the fact that JoPa knew that pedophile was molesting boys on campus and decided not to do anything was bogus.

    Try explaining to victim #1 that the statue should remain.

    Victim #1

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    $60 million a drop in the bucket. 4 years of no bowl games compared to several lives with a lifetime of complications. 20 scholarships taken away a year for 4 years yep all this really does give justice to those victims and a great deterrent to other schools that are involved in illegal activities, NOT! As for the students that are effected by sanctions cry me a river so I can add zebra’s to it.Its life and they get the privilege to learn life is not always fair earlier than some. And for those that lose out on future scholarships go some place else and apply there.

    The institution must pay in my opinion as the culprits involved were still employed and still covering it up when this came to light.

    This slap on the wrist will change nothing as for schools doing wrong. To much money involved here. The only good this does is to strengthen the resolve of the honest schools to stay honest, that is if there is a school out there that has not stepped over the line at one time or another.

    At least the $60 million is going to a child abuse fund.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Are we tearing down the statue that represents the Catholic church and fining them for the actions of some of it’s members??

    No, but that should probly happen

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Are class action lawsuits fines?

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    I agree with the penalties that the Football program received. Though its not the “death penalty”, I have heard it referred to as the “slow death penalty”. The only problem I see is with the players being able to transfer. That is all great, but how many will actually be able to take advantage of it? Division 1 teams will be starting practice in a week or so. How many still have open scholarships that can be offered to Penn State players? Its too bad the NCAA didn’t open up the ability to freely transfer much sooner. I’d bet that many players will want to transfer and play for another major team, but won’t have anywhere to go and will be stuck playing for Penn State if they want to play ball on scholarship.

    Posts: 3835

    I think this is hard on the players who did nothing but on the other hand if the alumni feel no pain nothing will change. Instead of a statue of the coach maybe they should auction it off to help compensate the victims.

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155


    On the radio this a.m. the commentator said that while it’s not the death peanalty, it’s life without parole.

    The massive fine, the wiping out of wins, and the four year total bowl ban will make it almost impossible for Penn State to recruit blue chip players for the next decade or more. Who would want to go there knowing full well that every season will have an absolute end date?

    If I understand the sanctions correctly, current players will be able to transfer out of Penn State with no eligibility blackout. So basically the entire starting team will be looking for new schools as of today. I’d be totally unsurprised if half the team transferred out this year and certainly the entire roster of recruits will now be looking elsewhere.

    We talked about this at the office and somebody said that none of us can know what we’d do if put in Peterno’s position as far as following up and demanding that the U conduct a full public investigation.

    There is a moral imperative in situations like this that cannot be shrugged off by saying, “Hey, I told the people in charge and after that it’s not my problem.”

    Peterno is a moral failure as a person. Simple as that. When the U failed to take the complaints and open up a public and independent investigation, he had only one moral course of action: Go to the police and the FBI.

    No other course of action is morally defensible. Peterno = failure. I’m glad they removed the statue, but PSU will very rightly live for the rest of living memory with the stigma of being the university whose leaders turned a blind eye to child molestation occuring on their very doorstep.

    Peterno = Failure.
    Penn State = Failure.


    Well stated!!!Nothing to add

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    A decade? I guess we’ll see but the way I see it, in four years they’ll be back to recruiting on par with everyone else.

    So Penn St. loses $60 million, equivalent to 1 year of gross football revenue, for covering up a heinous crime for 14 years of continued football operation. In simple math, they covered up and gained $840 million and now are slapped on the wrist with $60 million.

    Should have been the death penalty, no football, no revenue, tear it down, build it from scratch!


    Balsam Lake Wisc.
    Posts: 183

    These are not ‘kids’. they are 18 and over and legally adults. Why is college at Penn State all about football?
    What ever happened to education and degrees being what college is all about.
    What they got was a slap on the wrist. Every one that knew anything and did nothing should be punished. there is not a punishement that will ever right the wrong that was done to the innocent victums. Their life will NEVER be normal or even a semblance of normalcy. Penn State will go on and hopefully be under very close scrutiny.Child abuse and sexual molestation has laws in effect to protect the innocent. Anyone involved in the coverup is a creep and should be charged also.

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