Need some help for a fall fishing trip for pike

  • bnbblake
    Posts: 15

    OK all you fishing fanatics – looking for a place to fish this fall in either MN or Canada for pike (but also smallmouth if possible). I normally fish LOW near Nestor Falls but wanting to trying a different lake. Two primary objectives – #1 Great fishing & #2 Economical. Traveling from the Kansas City area so distance is a consideration.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    you go right by caliper lake on your way to Nestor falls. Caught some big pike up to 42″ and some nice smallmouth. Lake can kick out some big crappies at times too. It is on my list of lakes to get back to and get after the pike again.

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    try lake geneva in wi you can fish northerns and smalleys all at the same time in deep water weget them up to 40+ and nice smalleys and its close for you or you can go sturgeon bAY and fish northerns, smalls and then trophy walleyes all in one day got to love our waters here

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