Muskrat Attack!

  • ccales
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 78

    I’m not making this up. I was fishing in the Buffalo/St. Micheal area on Sunday and catching plenty of bass. I actually caught my personal best a 6.59lb largemouth. I’ve seen tons of muskrats, they are always going here or there so when I saw one coming towards the boat I thought nothing of it. I figured he would just swim past. As it got closer it became apparent that he was coming to the boat. He was headed for the spot where the motor sits, that part low enough for him to climb in. I tried to distract him. He kept coming. I tried whacking him with my rod, he kept coming. I had to kick him off my transom. He still kept trying. I had my remote for my trolling motor about 8 feet away but I couldn’t keep the muskrat at bay long enough to get to it. Between kicking and whacking and using my rod to push him around we fought for about five minutes. Finally I was able to push him far enough to get to my remote. I set it to high and spun the boat. When I did the muskrat swam off like nothing ever happened. I have abosultely no idea what that was about. Has anyone else ever had a similar experience? Is this normal? I was about 100 yards from shore in either direction and I saw no signs of a hut anywhere around.

    BTW here is a pic of my new personal best bass.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Nice bass!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    My bro-in-law in Idaho was attacked by one when he was in a foat tube. Actually punctured it and he had to make a quick run for shore. So I believe your story.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My guess would be that the animal was stressed, probably from the heat. Yes I know he was swimming in water, but that doesn’t mean he was over heating.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Must be the heat.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Just guarding it’s territory and possible young. No huts this time of year.
    Mental picture has a 3lb specimen vs a 200lb specimen and reality shows………………………..I’m laughing with ya.

    Posts: 4941

    that would have been a great video

    Muskrat luv

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 78


    Just guarding it’s territory and possible young. No huts this time of year.
    Mental picture has a 3lb specimen vs a 200lb specimen and reality shows………………………..I’m laughing with ya.

    It was ridiculous!

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    Maybe the Muskrat was on Bath salts… no, but really I think it may have something to do with what Pug said, or he may be sick a parasite in the brain making it act funny… just my thought.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 44

    I’ve been reading a lot about zombies lately… why not zombie muskrats. Usually some environmental trigger, like extreme heat.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    man I would have freaked (btw nice bass)!!

    Posts: 109

    I’m pretty sure it is “global warming” and bath salts.

    Posts: 569

    You didn’t have any of BK’s favorite bath salt stink bait in the boat, did ya? I have had beavers do the same thing in a 17 1/2ft boat…only the beaver was a LOT bigger than that! Could be a parasite, but I have seen a lot of muskrats with little ones right now. That combined with the heat is probably what did it IMO

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Don’t worry – That bass will eat that Rat soon enough – Given the size of that fish it looks like its been eating more than a few of them.

    Posts: 3010

    big beaver, in the heat, wants to board your boat
    what’s a guy to do

    Posts: 1009

    Me and a buddy had one come up our ice fishing hole.. we were in a small two man and I can tell you he made a mess of things and we were scrambling to get out.. its a good thing for heavy clothing in the winter..

    maybe not the heat..

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I believe you, because you just make that stuff up.

    That IS a SUPER BASS, what did it hit on?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Conceal and carry would solve the problem. Just kidding. I had the same thing happen to me on ice. I was the only thing sticking up on the ice. One came out about 200 yards from shore, tried to kick my butt, and then for no reason continued to the otherside of the lake. He must just have felt like being a bully that day.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 78


    I believe you, because you just make that stuff up.

    That IS a SUPER BASS, what did it hit on?

    Thanks! It hit on a dark colored pig and jig.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 78


    Conceal and carry would solve the problem. Just kidding. I had the same thing happen to me on ice. I was the only thing sticking up on the ice. One came out about 200 yards from shore, tried to kick my butt, and then for no reason continued to the otherside of the lake. He must just have felt like being a bully that day.

    That’s how this was. It was like he was going from point A to point B and to heck with the boat that was in his way. Once I got the boat out of the way he continuned on his way.

    I suppose like the honeybadger, muskrats don’t care!

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