
  • chippee
    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    anyone else have the pleasure of experiencing this horrible pain, if so any remedies you care to share, have tried a couple of prescriptions but they just tear my guts up, there are several all natural remedies online but I hate to shell out the cash if they turn out to be a hoax. no for me for a while I guess

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    indomethicin 75mg 3 times a day for extended release or 50 mg 3 times a day if not extended release. If can’t tolerate this a steriod shot or pill form will do the trick. Had it off and on for 27 years. Finally started 200mg of allopurinal per day and no more problems.


    Posts: 4033

    My father gets it. He just cuts out all alcohol and acidic drinks, then drinks a ton of natural (unsweetened) cherry juice and unsweetened ice tea. It seems to help and he is rid of it in a week or so. He takes ibuprofen if the pain is bad.

    Posts: 4033

    Oh and no red meat but once a week. Lots of chicken breast in your future.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    indomethicin 75mg 3 times a day for extended release or 50 mg 3 times a day if not extended release. If can’t tolerate this a steriod shot or pill form will do the trick. Had it off and on for 27 years. Finally started 200mg of allopurinal per day and no more problems.


    That’s what I have prescribed for me.
    Seems to bother me if I don’t drink enough water.


    Posts: 1009

    stay well hydrated at all times!! drink plenty of water if your having an attack…

    I just got over a bad case of it.. so I feel for ya!!

    good luck

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    cherry juice will straighten you out in a hurry.. buy a couple of those big 32 oz jugs.. I drink the cheap stuff, and you need to slam it into you.. because its unsweetened, its not the best drink in the world.. but if you can drink a bottle in one day.. and start on the second one the next day.. you should feel relief.. I don’t ever recall needing a third bottle.. you might not lose the puffiness but the pain will subside in a hurry with cherry juice. and trust me I start drinking the stuff as soon as I get to the car from the grocery store.. don’t wait, open it up and slam ..

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    and then take three alieve at breakfest and at night.. its the same thing as gout medicine.. if you need to , take four.. but try that cherry juice .

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Absolutely on the cherry juice! That stuff works & the taste grows on you. Lots of water and try to figure out what in your diet is causing the imbalance of uric acid. Good luck, gout sucks.

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    yup. cherry juice ok. avoid any pain killers. sounds stupid, but can make it worse. drink alot of water. I have no prescription plan so my gout is handled out of pocket. no ice no heat. bad!! avoid canned soup and packaged food when possible. cream sauce gravy etc. citrus too… ugly deal… make sure you got comfortable shoes too…

    Posts: 698

    allopurinal is not aleive. come from a long line of gout people.
    less beer more water, but I’d get on allopurinal as soon as possible.
    long ago when I had serious issues it was dirt cheap not sure about now.

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    I get gout under two situations.. stress.. and too much lemonaide/ orange juice.. my first attack, I thought that I broke my big toe. and I was in a situation where I just dealt with it for two weeks.. finally went to the doctor.. Gout… wow.. so now I am walking a lot and drinking a ton of water .. as I am trying to lose some weight.. and even though I have some stress in my life, no gout.. so far..

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277


    indomethicin 75mg 3 times a day for extended release or 50 mg 3 times a day if not extended release. If can’t tolerate this a steriod shot or pill form will do the trick. Had it off and on for 27 years. Finally started 200mg of allopurinal per day and no more problems.


    Same here. Just started the Allopurinol about 6 weeks ago after an attack in the knee. Holy was that painful. After that, I decided needed to get into prevention!!

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    where the heck are you guys buying cherry juice?? i’ve looked everywhere… seen cherry pills at drug store…

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    My wife gets it for me at the local grocery store, County Market. She says it may be hard to find, so ask a clerk. It needs to be 100% pure, unsweetened. She also said to try an organic store or market. She takes good care of me!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Don’t they call it tart cherry juice? Tart cherry juice is not only good for gout, but it has a ton of other benefits too. Everyone should be drinking it, gout or no gout.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 122


    Tart cherry juice is not only good for gout, but it has a ton of other benefits too. Everyone should be drinking it, gout or no gout.

    About a year and a half ago I had heard how it was really good for you, so I bought some. Drank a few glasses of it over the course of several days and all I can say is be sure you have a good supply of toilet paper and plenty of time to spend sitting down!!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106



    Tart cherry juice is not only good for gout, but it has a ton of other benefits too. Everyone should be drinking it, gout or no gout.

    About a year and a half ago I had heard how it was really good for you, so I bought some. Drank a few glasses of it over the course of several days and all I can say is be sure you have a good supply of toilet paper and plenty of time to spend sitting down!!

    so is this the secret ingredient in Mexican food then? as i get the same results.

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    thanks for all the input. I also found out that cherry juice needs to be consumed in moderation makes a wonderful cleansing agent It’s not a miracle worker but it has brought the pain down to a tolerable level and does keep improving every day . Oh what I wouldnt give for a steak on the grill and couple of beers though.

    Posts: 1899


    Don’t they call it tart cherry juice? Tart cherry juice is not only good for gout, but it has a ton of other benefits too. Everyone should be drinking it, gout or no gout.

    It goes great with vodka, too. 1/3 tart cherry juice, 1/3 vodka, 1/3 water or 7-Up if you want a little carbonation. Mmmmm.

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    its in the juice isle.. if your store doesn’t have it.. ask for it.. gees.. its an easy buy for the store management..

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    With one kidney, I have had frequent bouts with that crap! Cherry juice did not work for me. Indomethicin tore me up bad, so they gave me Sulindac. MUCH BETTER! If I felt the arthritic bugger coming on, I would pop one immediately to prevent the inflammation. Since I cut red meat out my diet (most of it anyway) my attacks have quit. I am loving life again!

    BTW, twice I had really bad bouts and had to get injections of a drug called Toradol. Magic stuff that drug!

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