Break that stormsuit out! Duluth is a MESS!!

  • poppy402
    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Roads washed out, Polar bear and seals escaped at the zoo (friend snapped a pic of the missing seal), railroad tracks upturned, i could go on and on. I have a 2 foot high pile of gravel at the end of the driveway too. Heres a few pics of what its like around here. For me, no fishing today haha even tho businesses all around are closed.

    The rain continues to pour down as i type. Im sure ill have some more pics as they appear as all these are just from this morning.

    Im sure some of you recognize these areas in the pics, Grandmas resturant up by the mall, the SA on woodland Ave, Lester river. Stay safe out there!!

    Posts: 2389

    …. yawn…. Where’s the close up photo of the polar bear????

    Just kidding…

    That doesn’t look good at all… Hoping that resolves quickly!!!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Unreal. How many people are bear hunting today?

    Posts: 445

    Holy cow! That picture of the seal is priceless. You could have a heck of a caption contest for what is going through his brain at the moment.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Those are some crazy photos grant… Hopefully this is the first and last time you’ll be able to take your kayak around town


    …. yawn…. Where’s the close up photo of the polar bear????

    I was thinking the same thing

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948


    Holy cow! That picture of the seal is priceless. You could have a heck of a caption contest for what is going through his brain at the moment.

    Yeah the poor little guy is scared to death lol. I love his eyes ha.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    If that seal gets into Superior I’m not putting an AIS sticker on my boat!

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Definitely wasnt me kayaking in the sewer infested water haha.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019


    If that seal gets into Superior I’m not putting an AIS sticker on my boat!

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    That whole Miller Hill area must be flooded over based on that pic of grandmas?? My wife grandparents live just up the road a few miles from the mall.

    That’s crazy, where was the first pic with that flooded car? Never saw anything like that in my 4 years at UMD.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Yeah all the roads around the mall are shut down. People who made it to work and such early this AM are trapped up there.

    Hospitals are running on back up generators, lots of places have no power. Im having to teather off my phone cuz internet is down. Luckly theres still power where im at!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I am assuming all that water is going to run downhill as well??? It will get worse before it gets better, right?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Great photos. Stay dry.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Who would have thought Minnesota would ever have a monsoon season.

    Any updates on the polar bear?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It appears Berlin is safe and sound today.

    Polar Bear

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    …….And more red on the radar coming right at us. Here we go again

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Just a few more…..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019


    It appears Berlin is safe and sound today.

    Polar Bear

    Seriously, what kind of show are they running at the zoo that they lose animals (refering to dead ones) because of flood water? They couldnt see this coming and escort the donkey and other farm critters to safety rather than letting them drown? Really?! I’ll never step foot in that place.

    Posts: 543

    Zoos are lame and should be boycotted anyways..

    Posts: 3010


    I am assuming all that water is going to run downhill as well??

    Don’t usually put much reliance in assumptions;
    but as assumptions go, I think this one is a fairly safe bet.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019


    Zoos are lame and should be boycotted anyways..

    Wait till you get older like me. You’ll still think zoo’s are lame (like me) but you’ll feel emphathy for the inhabitants.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I say lock you two up together. Zoos rock!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019


    I say lock you two up together. Zoos rock!

    Like we take you seriously. You’re on your way to friggin Alaska!!!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    <hj> Nothing more exciting that watching a caged polar bear neurotically doing the same thing over and over. Do they still do that at Como in that “roomy” new enclosure?

    Some Zoos do a decent job. Decent in the respect that “most” of their animals have decent enclosures. But even at those zoos I still find exhibits where I almost feel guilty looking at them. </hj>

    Wow those are crazy pictures. Should be interesting to see what happens when all of the areas up north that drain into the Mississippi drain. The silver carp will finally breach the CR dam and STA Falls.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 122

    That is just unbelievable the power that mother nature can bring down us!!! I hope evryone is safe!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Troll the mudline! I want footage!


    Posts: 543

    Didn’t mean to hijack this thread but I agree with Pug.. I used to take my kid to the MN Zoo every weekend and then kinda got sad and decided not to go anymore. Only took them killing 5 dolphins before they realized they needed to giveup.


    <hj> Nothing more exciting that watching a caged polar bear neurotically doing the same thing over and over. Do they still do that at Como in that “roomy” new enclosure?

    Some Zoos do a decent job. Decent in the respect that “most” of their animals have decent enclosures. But even at those zoos I still find exhibits where I almost feel guilty looking at them. </hj>

    Wow those are crazy pictures. Should be interesting to see what happens when all of the areas up north that drain into the Mississippi drain. The silver carp will finally breach the CR dam and STA Falls.

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