Do you want to fish Mille Lacs tomorrow (Sat)?

  • Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I/we have a 2-3 open seats for Mille Lacs tomorrow.

    We have 2 boats going: I’ll be in my Skeeter WX2100 and the other boat is a 621 Ranger. We will be trolling cranks in the open basin and fishing near each other.

    We have one open spot on Sat. in the Ranger from 9:30am to dark.

    I have two open spots in my Skeeter on Sat. from 4pm – dark.

    We will be putting in and picking up on the west side of the lake – Terry’s Boat Harbor.

    Only asking for everyone to chip in some $ to cover gas expenses. You only need to bring your fishing lic. and rain gear.

    PM, Email or call me if you’re interested.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Helluva an offer.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    The spot in the Ranger has been filled.

    2 spots left in the Skeeter

    Mississippi River Pool 4
    Posts: 112

    I’m sure we’ll see you out there Brad. Good luck tomorrow!

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    That offer sure makes me wish I lived closer to Mille Lacs!

    Go get em Brad.
    Looking forward to reading your report next week.

    Aitkin Mn
    Posts: 185

    Wish I knew if I work or not tomorrow!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    All spots are filled.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    don’t let Suzuki mark all your spots on his gps.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I’m not going!!

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    if I didn’t live a thousand miles away..

    Plymouth MN
    Posts: 93

    Brad let me know next time, hopefully you still have my contact info. I sold my skeeter in favor of an airplane.

    Good luck I am itching to get up and pull plugs!

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