Illegal to pick

  • palolo
    Posts: 284

    The sweetest smelling flowers..almost like a passion fruit but they’re illegal to pick..I didn’t know til’ a local pointed out that the flower I had in my hair is illegal to pick.

    Posts: 698

    If that is a lotus they practically invasive why illegal to pick? Maybe not transport?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Its a lily from a lily pad, no?

    Illegal because if everyone picked them on a lake you could harm the habitat? Kind of the same reasoning with drift wood?

    Posts: 4033

    The person who told you that is an idiot. That is a Nymphaea odorata, a native species in the USA and perfectly legal to transport or possess. The only place you could not pick one would be in a designated wildlife sanctuary (refuge). Just another uninformed or misinformed know-it-all trying to feel good by showing his knowledge (or lack of).

    Ignore him and do what you want with the flowers.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I was told as a youngster that picking water lilies was illegal in MN. And it wasn’t a know it all idiot, it was my father. I did a google search and all the rules I see pertain to harvesting the entire plant and lakeshore owners clearing vegetation in front of their property. I wish someone could clarify this. Not that I am going to go picking any and putting them in my hair…that you know of.

    Posts: 4033

    No CO in minnesota is going to write you a citation for picking the flower off a water lily for your hair. Now if you had a couple hundred in your boat, that might be a different story.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    So you are saying that local idiot was right, they are illegal to pick.

    Posts: 4033


    So you are saying that local idiot was right, they are illegal to pick.

    I was referring to picking them for profit. Some people pick them then pack them in some sort of oil and sell as decorations. The DNR looks down on that, and you would probably get a ticket for “disruption of native aquatic life”.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    Ignore him and do what you want with the flowers.

    Does this include packing them into a bowl & smoking them ???

    (just being an idiot)

    Posts: 4033



    Ignore him and do what you want with the flowers.

    Does this include packing them into a bowl & smoking them ???

    (just being an idiot)

    Sounds like fun. We will have to get together next month when I’m up there and smoke some pads.

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