Minn Kota problems

  • iacanoeguy
    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    Thought I would try you all first to see if anyone can lend me an idea. I just got a 2nd hand MinnKota from a friend. I don’t know the year, but it is a 4WD wireless 12 V with Auto Pilot. I wired it all up last Sat and took it out for a test last night. I am having some problems and looking for advice. First off, it will not turn when the power is going to the motor? Second, when I put it on Cont. so the power is on all the time, I have all kinds of problems in a higher speed. At 10 I can feel the power kicking on and off, and sooner or later, it just shuts down and I can not do anything with it. I have to turn everything off and then on again to get it to work. Auto pilot not working at all. Has anyone here had anything like this happen before? Looking for suggestions. Thanks in advance. I only get to check back on computer once or twice per day, so keep the ideas coming and I will let you know if anything works. PS – yes battery checks out good, tested it right away thinking that was the problem. Also new batteries in the wireless foot control

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12629

    Id pull off the prop and check to make sure there in not any line wrapped around the shaft. If so the unit will overheat and then trip a breaker and shut the unit down. In just a few seconds it will work fine again until it overheats again. Had this happen to me when I 1st got my boat. Fought with it for 2 days then figured it out. A bent prop shaft will also cause the same issue – had a friend have that happen to him. – Good luck

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    My guess is a bad board since the auto pilot is not working.

    Posts: 4033

    Seems like you are having all sorts of electrical problems, from various components of the system. Did he get the inside of the head wet somehow? I hate to say it, but it may be a motherboard problem.
    I’d have a minnkota warranty approved repair shop take a look at it. notice I said take a look at it, there is not much on it that you can not do yourself if you have a basic tool set and a soldering iron. So do the work yourself if you can. Even if it costs you $20 to have him look at it and tell you what is wrong, it beats sticking new parts in there until it works.

    I am a firm believer in having a trained professional tell me what is wrong, then doing the work myself to save a few bucks.

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    Thanks for your suggestions guys -I tried to get on Minn Kota web site yesterday, but I could not get it to load. I am going to go back and check all my connections to see if it is something that easy. Wish I knew someone around my area with the same motor and remote so I could try their remote to narrow down if it is motor or remote problem.

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